Name: Ciato Orlouge

Hiar: White and slicked back

Eyes: Blue, like that of (most) his brothers

Weapon: A steel rapier with a wooden hilt of oak from the Red Forest.

Armor: A purple vest that showcases his abdomen in a very V shaped pattern.

History: The brother of Sei and Steppenwolf Orlouge. Ciato always grew up jealous of his younger brother, Steppenwolf. When Steppenwolf passed the Light Magic trials of the Mystics, Ciato was infuriated, and vowed revenge on his brother.

During his quest for vengeance, he met Asterodeia, a demon, cat-like creature with just as much of a sadistic streak as him. The two were quick to marry, and had several kids together (Asterodeia being part cat, the two refer to their children as 'The Litter') He has now come back to Althanas, intent on making the world know and fear his name.


Mystic Protection: Like his brothers, a single attack will cause a shield of glass to shatter around his body. Unlike his brothers, however, Ciato's MP has precision and finesse to its attack. The glass shards will target the one body part that is the weakest on his opponent, sending a very painful message to his foes. Upgraded to 2 uses a thread/day.

Shadow Weapons: This is the basic abilitiy of any Mystic who passed the Shadow trials. Ciato is able to conjur up any melee weapon simply out of shadow magic. This includes swords, pole arms, daggers, axes, whips, chains, Akashima based weapons like scythes and kusari-gamas, etc etc. The limitations is that Ciato can not create shields or long-range weapons yet. The weapon lasts for as long as Ciato is conscious, or the weapon 'breaks', as they are the same tier as steel. He may only summon one weapon at a time, however.

Impromptu Chaos: Ciato uses his shadow magic to coat his entire body, and cause large, three foot spikes to pop out of his form at will, akin to a sea urchin or a puffer fish. This can be used twice before Ciato uses up all his magical prowess.

Ligature of Destruction: Ciato Makes several curved slashes with his sword or shadow weapon, which form invisible, spider-like webs around where he made the slashes. The web traps an opponent for five seconds but remains until the web is destroyed or catches a prey. He can create two webs like this.

Items of Interest

The Chick: Ciato keeps in his vest a small chick he earned as a reward for second place in the LCC. This chick has the ability to keep any part of Ciato going even after death. Note that it only applies to what is left of Ciato in relation to what the chick is on. If the chick is on Ciatos head and he is decapitated, the body becomes useless but the head remains active, albeit zombified. Link

Ciato also has a treasure map earned for participating in the Adventurer's Crown Tournament. If used at the end of any thread, Ciato will gain a 100% exp bonus. If Ciato actually writes a thread hunting for the treasure, he gains a 500% exp bonus. Proof and Proof of Participation