Black Shadow done from the caravan, the crystallizing goo barely missing his legs. A quick roll helped break his fall, and keep him from injury. Dragon... Why is it always a dragon? black Shadow thought, standing again. He looked back, noticing the caravan was invaded in the crystals, yet the inside appeared to be untouched, His fellow mercenary pounding from inside trying desperately to escape. poor soul.

The attention turned back to the beast as a monstrous roar came from its throat. To his right, shadow could see a man tackle another, saving him from the fate that should have come. Black Shadow scanned for cover, noticing another caravan tipped in it's side. Using a burst of speed, Black Shadow dove into the back, pulled out an arrow, and shot at the dragon. His head ducked into what he hoped to be safety as the dragon released another volley of crystallizing goo.

Black Shadow covered his head, hoping if he was to be hit, it would at least leave him alive. A wave of relief came over him as he could hear a crackling noise. He looked up, seeing the good turn into solid crystal. it worke... Now what? he thought, trying to stand. There was a thick piece of fabric he stood on, and something big was underneath. Ripping the cloth away, shadow revealed one of the unused ballista. this could work.

A loud crack could be heard through the battlefield as the ballista shot a hole through the crystal. Black Shadow stepped out, and the dragon had his eye on something else. He used this time to look back at the boy and man he "saved earlier", but they were out of his current view. His attention then turned back to the monster, studying its every move. what is that thing around his neck?