Out of Character:
No OOC comments are going to be provided on this. If you wish to glean more information you must do so IC. Posts should be left open so I can respond with clues. Some rewards will be given for posts. PMs may be involved if additional private information is given (and will be posted at the end). No need to write large posts. Short and sharp is good.

Bunny the unnamed NPCs as you wish.

The streets of Radasanth were always busy. It was the capital of Corone and carried with the continual to and fro of people, and despite the hour causing the sun to slowly dip below the buildings, it remained so. The first wisps of the coming cold night flicked across the necks of those passing in front of the Citadel. Like the city, the giant building that housed the mysterious monks and their nefarious battles would not stop with the coming night.

There was one difference however. Tonight there was a single note stuck to one of the two massive doors that marked the entrance to the Citadel. A few monks had been gathered, their scholarly foreheads creased with frowns as they tried in vain to remove the simple paper note. The paper some words written in long cursive script.

Remove me and I win.
Destroy me and I lose.

Swallow the Earth,
Eat the fire,
Inhale the wind,
Drink the water,

The circle carries endless points,
Four will fail, the rest will not.

The monks has been joined by passers by and combatants entering and leaving. It was an unusual sight to see the monks unable to control something within or upon the citadel. Even a lay person would recognise that this was an unusual situation.