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Thread: I'll always have you in my sights.

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  1. #11
    EXP: 12,177, Level: 4
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    Level completed: 64%,
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    Alyssa Snow's Avatar

    Alyssa Dianne Snow
    Hair Color
    Platinum Blonde
    Eye Color
    Pale Blue-Green
    Empress of the Tarot Hierarchy

    View Profile
    "Thanks, Logan..." She smiled at him, but followed it with another swig.

    Mr. Blue emitted a muffled warble and began fiddling with the fabric of Logan's leg. He adverted his attention to the bird, but didn't interrupt it.

    "You having fun there?" he asked to which Mr. Blue warbled again.

    "He likes you," Alyssa stated. "He's a great judge of character."

    "That so?" Logan brought his hand to the young phoenix and the bird hopped onto his finger.

    "I'm going to Dehlos." The words escaped Alyssa's lips like a fit of Terrets, but her resolve was firm in its tone.

    "What?!" Logan's body jerked to look up at her, and Mr. Blue startled. He cawed and flapped his wings while scuttling up Logan's arm and perching on his shoulder. The psion turned his head toward the bird half in surprise and half in confusion.

    "I can't reach Tobias, the letter had the crest of Dehlos, and whatever is happening, the answers have to be there."

    "Uh... the answers are in Daire's head. If you just wait, I can get them for you." As Logan spoke, Mr. Blue began to pick at his hair as if he were preening Logan's feathers.

    "I didn't want to tell Vincent, but in that short moment I connected with Tobias, I saw he was one a boat. There were a banners flying above him, and they all had the same symbol on them as the letter."

    "Dehlos?" Logan tried to stop Alyssa's pet from picking at his hair. Instead, the bird squawked and fluttered to the top of his head. There, it settled down as if it were nesting.

    "Exactly." Alyssa managed through a giggle at how ridiculous he looked with a phoenix nestled in his hair. Yet, somehow, the pairing of the two seemed fitting to her.

    "I don't know if that's a good idea, Lyssa," he managed while trying to keep his head as still as possible.

    Alyssa snapped her fingers and the young phoenix leapt from Logan's head to perch on top of its cage.

    "Thanks." Logan tended to his flyaway hairs courtesy of his new friend.

    "I know it's not a good idea, but what is he doing on a Dehlosian boat? Why won't he talk to us? I have to know."

    "Well, assuming he is responsible for attacking Daire, that's probably why he doesn't want to talk to us. Otherwise, I have no idea why he's gone dark."

    Logan raised a brow and cocked his head as he stared at the distraught girl across from him.

    After a short pause, he asked, "Why do you care so much? I have a feeling this is more than getting answers about what happened to Daire..."

    Logan's words cut through the air like an arrow and knocked the words out of Alyssa's lungs. Her lips searched for the answer and her eyes locked on the flickering flames. She struggled to provide an answer to a seemingly simple question. Her mind raced on the time she spent with him in Fallien. She recalled the moonlight of Beinost's piers as they talked into the late hours. Then, she remembered that foul impostor wearing Tobias' face as his hands constricted around her neck.

    Alyssa brought her fingers to her throat by pure reflex, and her lips began to formulate a reply by taking a gulp of her rose wine.

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