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Thread: Sailing for Rebirth (solo)

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  1. #1
    EXP: 31,824, Level: 7
    Level completed: 61%, EXP required for next level: 3,176
    Level completed: 61%,
    EXP required for next level: 3,176
    matthewkuch's Avatar

    Gavner Nahs
    38 (20 human equivalent)
    Full blooded vampire
    Hair Color
    Eye Color
    6 feet tall, weight unknown
    Vampire general

    Sailing for Rebirth (solo)

    A blinding flash followed by a deafening explosion illuminated the decimation of ground, large boulders that were near, and several unlucky trees that had been caught in the crossfire. Everything seemed to slow down as Gavner soared backwards through the air, thrown from the sudden discharge of energy. Specks of dirt, splinters of wood, and grey particles of stone were all suspended in midair momentarily before the hard ground bashed the vampire on the back of the head. Tumbling backwards into a reverse somersault, Gavner closed his eyes as it seemed like he would never come to a stop. Finally, he began to slow down and came to rest face-down on the forest floor with a ringing in his ears that sounded as loud as foghorns. Odors of dead leaves and mulchy mineral rich earth filled Gavner's nostrils before he struggled to get to his feet. The child of the night almost toppled to the forest floor, not knowing where his feet were or which way gravity was pulling him, so he fell down to a more stable position on his knees. The vampire tried to look around but his attempts were in vain as, even with his supernatural eyesight, everything was pitch black. Closing his eyes, the vampire tried to think but his mind was foggy and he had momentarily forgotten where he was. Gavner suddenly doubled down on all fours and began to retch as his stomach turned to acid and pain erupted in it.

    Gavner opened his eyes and started to make out silhouettes of large tree trunks around him after his vomiting, but his mind was still foggy. A figure suddenly jumped in front of the creature of the night. The silhouette began frantically waving and motioning at the disoriented vampire before pointing to Gavner’s left. Gavner could not make out the figure’s face, but if it wanted to hurt the vampire, it would have already done so. The person then turned to Gavner’s right and bolted out of vision. The creature of the night once more attempted to get to his feet, and found victory. He wobbled and swayed, but remained standing by tightening his core muscles and stabilizing himself. Turning left, he noticed how his vision had now partly returned and the ringing in his ears had gotten a lot softer. A shout came from behind him and Gavner suddenly realized that he was under attack by enemies, obviously the blast could not have been under any other motives.

    Left foot, right foot, left foot, right foot- the creature of the night began to flee down the route recommended by the figure who had tried to guide him, but he found it difficult to even move. Gavner grabbed a hold of a nearby tree and crouched down by it, trying to take control of all of his senses once more. The vampire could now make thoughts and remember basic things about his life, but he still could not remember where he was or what he had been doing before the explosion. He was still nauseated, blind to the extreme detail he normally enjoyed in the darkness, and a very bad headache was manifesting; however, the ringing in his ears was now much softer. Gavner stood up and it was much easier to keep his balance now; he still had to concentrate to do so, but the vampire now felt comfortable with running. Gavner turned and took a step, hearing the a crunch of dead leaves beneath his feet. He could vaguely hear the sound beneath the ringing in his ears, but it was still present.

    The vampire began lightly jogging through the woods, hearing the repeated sound of the leaves beneath his boots. Cool musty air of the night began feeding Gavner’s lungs as he passed through the ever continuous forest. As he continued, Gavner’s stomach began to threateningly turn to acid, but just as he was about to stop he saw moonlight allude to a clearing ahead. The creature of the night pushed himself to continue until he was roughly twenty feet from the opening; subsequently, he slowed to a walk. The pale moonlight lit up the brown and yellow leaves on the forest floor and the trunks of the trees ahead. Gavner began to think once more as he slowly approached the clearing. His stomach settled down as he was no longer running, and he could more easily see due to the moonlight’s illuminating the surroundings up ahead. Where am I?

    Gavner was bathed in white as he approached the clearing, but he could not see grass or anything beyond the point where the treeline was. The vampire simply assumed that he was at the zenith of an acclivity. He began racking his brain, trying to figure out what was going on, and who that strange figure was who appeared to him.

    Okay, what was I doing before I got here?

    He thought for about ten seconds and nothing came. Who am I?
    Last edited by matthewkuch; 12-27-15 at 07:16 PM.
    "Even in death may you be triumphant"
    -Larten Crepsley

    "The world hurts us all in one way or another, but we can hurt ourselves to. If you follow your destiny, you stand a chance of knowing true happiness. If you hide from it, you will never be content."
    -Brother Lawrence

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