My breathing hitched as my chest soared with delight as his compliment caressed my ear so sweetly. I couldn't think of anything to say, "mmmm." My only response that came from me was a cross between a groan and a moan. His hot breath fanned from one side of me ear to the other and down my neck. Shivers racked up my spin causing my body to some what shimmy against the wall of muscle behind me. This sent a pleasant sensation to my core almost making my knees collapse as I whimpered slightly. I don't know if it's the booze or how stunningly hot this man is that is sending my senses into over drive.. This night may just be the death of me. Licking my lips to wet them was only a habit that seemed to side track my mind. I wasn't certain if he was doing all of this on purpose or what but two could play this game; not to sound overly cocky but I could play it better. I groaned inwardly as he pulled me tightly against his broad chest, my body went into over drive. Easily forgotten about the male known as Thurin I was over joyed that Shin had come to my rescue. Finally I was able to think straight I spoke though the words coming out as a seductive purr.

"Well you my love aren't to bad yourself."

Intertwining our fingers was sort of personal to me, I didn't want to read into it but that is something you do with a special person in your heart not a potential lover. I loved the way his hand wrapped easily around my small hand. His was warm yet rough showing that he worked for a living while mine was soft and slightly cooler. Giving his hand a gentle squeeze absent mindedly like your significant other to comfort or just show you are there for them. It was like the band knew that I was having a mushy/ sexual moment with Shinsou because the music became sensual. My hips responded as I rolled my bum into his groin, I knew I was teasing him and his man bits. It was simply the fact that I was getting lost in the moment, I didn't really care any more.

My forest green eyes that swirled with gold as if the Sun itself was peaking through the tree tops glistened. Sighing softly I wanted to be more intimate so skillfully I spun myself to face forward. Placing a leg in between his I rolled my hips forward as our lower nether regions brushed against each other. Holding his hands still I gazed into his eyes, so lovely as the golden color like the most fine jewelry. His face seemed peaceful but at the same time held a puzzling emotion that I couldn't seem to read. The melody molded into a slow rhythm as I laid my head on his chest, listening to his calm heart beat.

"Penny for your thoughts?"

The question was simple yet held a loaded answer. Pressing my body against him I looked small, I felt small yet safe. My breast up against his strong mid section, my torso against his own. My hips matched the swaying motion of his own as our bodies were back in sync once again. Waiting for his answer I smiled in contentment in just this moment I so badly wanted time to stand still. I knew it simply wouldn't but it was such a lovely notion to think it could. Lost in the moment I was dancing more to the sound of his heart beat rather than the music. That lovely sound was music, the most grand melody of it's own.