Shinsou Vaan Osiris
Level 4 Update

Faustus Gauntlet
Temporary damage shield. Reduces damage above medium attack strength (damage below is muted). Shield breaks after 1 attack, regardless strength. Covers all form of attack (magic, projectile and physical).
PL 6

Spirit Sense
Innate knowledge of relative power strength of opponents. Because relative power strength means diddly in the grand scheme of things, it feels pretty light on the overall power side.
PL 3

Dark Matter
Added ability to mold the object to another shape while held. Nothing additional from prior level.
PL 5

Enpera Hitsugi
No change
PL 4

Senkai Shinjitsu: Enpera Kurohitsugi
No change
PL 8

Senkai Shinjitsu: Blood Rain
By calling upon his Jal Shey powers, Shinsou is able to call a localised storm of crimson blood. Any contact that either he or Enpera, his sword, makes with the Blood Rain will heal and cauterize any physical or magical wounds he has sustained, as well as negate the effects of any poisons inflicted upon him, up to a medium severity. This includes gashes, small fractures and aches and pains, both internal and external.

The rain lasts two posts and can be called upon once per battle. The healing process takes ten seconds to complete from first contact and is gradual rather than instant

Summary: Blood Rain allows Shin to heal medium wounds and damage. Heal over time style. Asking to have him include an interrupt counter option in there.
PL 8

Enpera Butorenjin
Shinsou activates can activate this spell once per battle to imbue Enpera with the power to cause temporary paralysis to an opponent if they are cut by its blade. If the sword cuts an arm or a leg, that limb is rendered immobile for three posts. If the sword strikes the body, the paralysis will instead attack the electrons firing to and from the brain and cause the opponent to suffer confusion and slower reactions for two posts.

The spell, once cast, remains in effect for Enpera for four posts. Enpera Butorenjin does not work on the undead or the inanimate.

Summary: Butorenjin provides a means to temporarily disable an opponent. Severity based on where his weapon hits. One-hit, one-cast spell that is object dependent as well. The spell functions akin to a weapon enchantment, essentially. Takes a post to cast, and has a somatic component.
PL 7

Total abilities = 7

41/9 = 4.6

Allowed at lvl 4 = 5.5

4.6 < 5.5
