Her eyes snapped open for the first time in what felt like years. She strained to look and observe her surroundings but realized there was nothing to see; it was pitch black. She moved her arms around and felt wood all around her. Where she was lying, where her feet touched, Only a few inches above her, and the same distance to either side. She was boxed in.


The woman’s eyes opened for the first time in ages to find herself lying in utter darkness. Straining, she glanced about to try and assess his situation to no avail. She couldn’t see a thing. She tried to move her arms outward, only to meet a wooden roof barely inches from her face. She traced her hands along the confines of her prison to find two walls pinning her in, not inches from her sides. Her feet felt a similar wall at her feet, and she was able to reason that she’d find another above her head. She was boxed in.

"Where the hell...?" She muttered to herself. How had she ended up in this predicament? "I've got to get out of this god forsaken prison..." She uttered as she kicked her foot up. To her surprise the wood broke away easily; to her dismay, dirt started to crumble away above the hole she had made and fall into her own prison. "What the fuck is going on!? Where am I? Why is there dirt on top of this...this..." she cut herself off. The word she was looking for was coffin. "Oh my god i've been buried alive!" she shrieked. She felt a chill run down her spine and her breath started to draw very short. Her body began to shudder uncontrollably and she felt the urge to cry. "N-No get it together. You have to get out of this". She took a deep breath and felt the urge to cough on the stale air that filled her cold lungs. She managed to compose herself and her body relaxed.

"Okay think! Speak aloud to yourself so you can keep your mind clear. Let's list the facts..." She closed her eyes and visualized her own hand in front of her, counting each finger as she listed what she knew. "One, you have been buried alive," the thought made her feel uneasy, but she quickly moved on so she wouldn't slip back into shock. "Two, you only have so much oxygen left and you're going to run out fast". She pondered for a moment. What did she know? What could possibly get her out of this situation? "Three, there's already a hole you've made. You can't have been buried more than six feet below the surface…” She paused. “With your arms stretched out you could break through the top". She nodded to herself and decided she had to try something; something crazy cause if she didn't she'd be dead anyways.