The sun peaked through the clouds shining down in my face almost if to say get up lazy bones! Rubbing the sleep out of my eyes I stifled a yawn pushing myself to a sitting positon. Looking around I noticed that Floki was still snoring loudly and that Vince was no where to be found. First initial thought was that he fled after having put up with us for too long. A small frown claimed my soft pink lips, feelings of loneliness started to set in. Attempting to brush it off I stood up still having the blanket draped over me as I nudged Floki with my boot. Feral sounds came from the hunk of man as I kicked him this time to get him up. Shaking my head at him I looked around seeing if I could spot Vincent but he was no where in sight. Chewing on my lower lip I looked towards the sky letting the sun's rays kiss my face with it's warmth. "Floki wake up, Vincent is gone. I don't know where he went but looks of it he has been gone for a while now."

Floki sat up still mumbling incoherently about sleep and what not, a rustling in the bushes brought my attention back to where it needed to be. Grabbing my dagger from its place on the inside of my right thigh I took it out flinging it towards the direction of the noise. It hit the trunk of the tree as the figure came into view. "Oh Gods Vincent! I could have imbedded that in your head!" The built man held up a few fishes he must have caught in the fresh stream this morning. "I went to get some food before our long haul to the healer.." Shaking my head at him I walked over yanking the dagger out of the tree. Struggling to get it out of the tree it was buried deep in the thick wood. The foreign beauty came up behind me, his form towering over my own as he gave one strong pull before it dislodged from the tree. Turning around we were face to face, mere inches away from one another, I could feel his cool breath fan across my waiting lips. Quickly he handed me my dagger and stepped back, a small breath left my lips as I had just realized I had been holding it.


I placed the dagger back where it belonged, stroking the dying fire to bring it back to life so that we could cook the fish. I took twine from my boot and wrapped it around some sticks to make a roaster of some sort. After the fish were gutted and cleaned I cooked them, we ate quietly before breaking down camp and heading out. It took a bit to get going and to set a steady pace but after a while we were moving along. I was still sore and weak from the poison and loss of blood

Every now and than Floki would check on me calling back asking how I was holding up. I would always reply with some smart comment but as we trucked on the terrain grew rougher. My pace started to slow and the pain in my shoulder started to grow, not wanting to seem weak I pushed myself harder and harder. "I need a hot bath and a soft bed and maybe a warm body laying naked next to me to top it off." Glancing over at Vincent I chuckled softly at my own day dreaming but the giggling soon turned into a coughing fit.