Without even pretending to look in the woman's direction, Watcher heard the pause, and then the change in her tone. Something had happened. Nothing that was any of his business, but it was something. Perhaps when he had time to go poring over books again, he'd search for something about settlements to the east. People from around there came through often enough, but he'd never really questioned them about it. Apparently, he wasn't going to question this one, either. But the conversation went back to the Eye, and he couldn't not talk about his city. He was proud of it.

"I certainly hope it's a good place, miss. Otherwise me and my friends are tossing money down the drain while we play around with merchants."

He tossed a slightly cynical smile over his shoulder at her, but it turned into a more good-natured one as he gestured towards the huge lake that the mountain ranged around.

"I assume it's beautiful to look at. It's certainly a lovely place for a walk."