The walls in the Temple of Draconus' main hall were hung with freshly pressed tapestries in honor of the induction ceremony. More banners dangled from the vaulted rafters, and the room hummed with quiet conversation passed between hundreds of people. The smell of blended herbs circulated from swinging incense pots carried by red-robed officials who stood on the main dais either side of the Abbott, Samuel Faustus, who wore golden robes for the occasion. The pews that dominated the middle of the hall bristled with worshipers in attendance to witness the inauguration of new disciples.

Josh and Shinsou stood near the back of a long line of uninitiated devotees that wound around the outside of the room like a white speckled snake. They had been given white ceremonial robes for the occasion, properly fitted this time. Breaker stood like a mountain amidst foothills, a wan smile fixed on his face as he made eye contact with those around him and muttered words of worship to Draconus whenever confronted with conversation. He had remained awake the entire previous night, not needing sleep in the same manner as most mortals. A few minutes of meditation while seated at his corner table in the Crow and Cockerel had sufficed. Earlier that morning he and Shinsou had made the trek across the Floating City to the temple, beneath a dreary sky that threatened rain but refused to yield it.

On the dais, Samuel rapped his silver cane and made a short gesture to the two red-robed devotees. They snuffed out their canisters of incense and stood at attention as the Abbott raised his free hand and the assembled masses fell quiet.

"Thank you all for coming," Samuel spoke in a booming baritone, straight from the bowels of his bellows-like chest. "It makes my heart glad to see so many devoted members of our faith in attendance, to witness the induction of those who would join our ranks." His golden robes glittered in the flames of oil lanterns that supported the dim natural light pouring through stained glass windows. He made a wide sweeping gesture to indicate the crowd of perhaps fifty fresh-faced devotees, all ready to pledge their lives to Draconus.

All save two. Josh glanced at Shinsou. The Telgradian seemed somewhat perturbed that day, but had simply said "I'm fine" when Breaker asked after his health. Something is on his mind, Josh figured, but whatever it is, it can wait an hour or so. We've business to attend to.

"Now," Samuel said, gesturing with both arms, his silver cane flashing in the lantern light, "I ask those of you sitting to rise and join me in a prayer to our beloved God, Draconus." The ranks of white-robed worshipers rose from the pews and spoke with Samuel in one voice.

"Oh Draconus, mighty deity of the sea and stars,
He who commands the weather and the tides,
He who can see through our struggles to the goodness in our hearts,
Bless us this day and for all days,
That we may continue our worship in peace and harmony."

Haide-blasted pretender, Josh thought, battening down the anger that threatened to rise within him, Am'aleh is the patron of the sea, the true Goddess of the tides and weather. She would never stand for such an abuse of power and wealth.

"Come now," Samuel called as the worshipers seated themselves once more, "you there," he said to the first man in the long line of uninitiated, "join us on the dais to become a fully fledged acolyte to the Temple of Draconus!"

The clean-shaven man nearly tripped over his robes climbing the steps to the dais, but he arrived safely and knelt before Samuel. The short-bearded Abbott gestured to one of his aides, who lifted a long box from the corner of the dais and opened it with head bowed. Samuel dipped both hands into the box and came out with a crystal pendant on a thin chain which he held aloft, allowing it to sparkle in the well lit hall.

"Do you swear to devote your life to the service of Draconus, and all that He stands for?" Samuel asked, dark eyes weighing the man who knelt before him.

"I do so swear," the man echoed. With an exaggerated motion Samuel hung the pendant around the new worshiper's neck. The man rose as if in a trance and bowed before descending the dais with sure-footed grace. He took a seat amidst the other assembled acolytes.

That pendant... Josh thought, the way it caught the light seemed familiar. If only I could get closer... The line moved slightly as the next worshiper strode up onto the stage. Josh settled in to wait, flashing his fixed smile at anyone whose gaze lingered on him. His hazel eyes scanned the crowd, examining the worshipers in the pews. He could not be certain... but it seemed as if every single one of them wore a matching crystal pendant.