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Thread: A Letter from Home

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  1. #1

    Seth Keen
    Half Elf
    Hair Color
    Eye Color
    Light Blue
    5'10.5 162 lbs.
    Whatever comes

    A Letter from Home (Open to all)

    The peaceful Promenade teamed with hero's, adventurer's, trader's, and Traveler's from all around. The sound of chatter and laughter filled the crowded room as people boasted about their travels. Their victories, and kills. Out side the tavern, the night sky was lit with stars. The docks were quit. But some ship hands and captains were still out and about. Double checking the ropes that held the ships in place, tied to the docks as rain began to softly land on the docks, a sure sign that a storm was moving in. Others were quit, and some fishing vessels made their way out while a few crept in.

    Gadrial just sat back in his seat at a small table off in the corner. Directly across from the door. A cup of ale in front of him. As he watched on, he reaches into a satchel at his side and pulled a small pouch containing a wooden pipe, and a smaller pouch packed with tobacco. The pipe was small in size, but it was just fine for him. He packed it with a pinch of the tobacco and used the candle on the table to light it. Not bothering to talk to any body that came near.

    Across the room, a young girl about the same age walks in. Her long red hair touching the small of her back. Her eyes, a light emerald color just about glowed in the dim light of the tavern. At her side, a pair of war axes, slightly stained from a previous fight. She stood there for a moment, scanning the crowded room. A determined look stretching from one side of her face to the other.

    Gadrial's eyes perked up, almost alert, his hand on the hilt of one of his daggers. "Who is she looking for?" Gadrial thought to himself. Suddenly, she looks in his direction and begins to walk towards him. Pushing people out of her way as she moves. Gadrial's eyes narrow and he grabs the handle of his dagger, preparing to draw, not realizing that the girl walking towards him is an old friend. She reaches his table and puts up a hand "Wait Gadrial, I am am not here as an enemy, only a friend." She says.

    Gadrial Releases the grip on his dagger, but being mindful as he is. Keeps his hand on the hilt. "How do you know my name?" he asks as he take his cup and drinks that last gulp of ale. "12 years is a long time Gadrial, and you are very hard to track down." She explains.
    "12 years?" he thinks. "Could this be? No, she cant be." Gadrial thinks out loud, not realizing it. The young lady takes a seat across the table from him. Looks him straight in the eyes and says "Yes Gadrial, it is me. Naomi."

    Gadrial leans forward, shocked. But happy to see a friendly face. "How did you find me Naomi?" He asked her. Than puffing on his pipe. Naomi replied "Believe me, it was not easy. And their were many other looking to settle a score with you, though I doubt they will ever get that chance." a grin stretching across her face. Gadrial leaned back in his seat and laughed "Sounds to me like you have become quite the fighter Naomi." He said, "I remember back when you refused to touch anything with a sharp edge." He continued.

    Naomi smiled at the memory but quickly turned her expression. "Is something wrong?" He asked.

    "Look Gadrial. Like I said, 12 years is a long time. Much has happened and much has changed." She said. Gadrial looked at her, a curious look lingering on his face. "Naomi, what is this really about?" he asks as he leans forward. Naomi looks up at him. "I have something for you. Something form your uncle that he never got a chance to give you." she says as she reaches into her satchel.

    Naomi pulls out a small envelope and hands it to him. Your uncle wrote this. Just before your mother was killed and you left. "How is he doing?" Gadrial asked. "He died, 3 years ago Gadrial. I am sorry." She says, comfort in her voice. Gadrial leaned back. This time thoughtful. "How?" he asked. "Naomi looked down. "Murdered, in his sleep." She explain. "No one knows who it could have been. Some suspect it was the same person that killed your mom." She continued as she handed him the letter. A bulge in the bottom corner of the envelope.

    "What does it say?" Gadrial asked, Naomi just shrugged her shoulders.

    Gadrial opened the envelope, and pulled out a folded a piece of paper. His the front of name was scribbled on the front of it. He took a last look into the envelope to see what the bulge was. It was a ring. Silver, with a small stone and a crest in the side. It was his uncle ring. Gadrial closed his hand around the ring, and began to unfold the paper, curious about what it said./

    If you are reading this. Than it means that both your mother an I are no longer with you. If you are reading this. Then it means that there is so much that I was not able to teach you. So much that you don't know. What I am telling you is that our family, mine and your father's side hold a very large, very dark secret. I wish I could tell you what that secret is, but I know that if I do. It will only consume you.
    What I can tell you Gadrial is that the abilities you have, the healing, and the night eye. They can be become more powerful with the training and motivation. But there is another. And like night eye, it is unique to our bloodline. Cloaking......., I wish I could have trained you on how to use it. But you took off before I was able too.
    Gadrial, there is another thing. In Raiaera, in the city of Beinost. There is the Collage of Arcana. There you can learn this final ability. But you must move quickly because she is looking for you, and if she finds you. She will kill you.
    Now get a move on son, you have far to go.'

    Gadrial closed the letter and looked up. What do you know about the Collage of Arcana?" he asks Naomi. "Nothing really. I know that many mages study there, and it holds what cold be the largest library around. But that is all." she replies.
    "Than I guess we better get a move on." Gadrial says as he slips the note from his uncle into his satchel and the ring on his finger. But Naomi looks at him with apologetic eyes. "What is it?" He asks. Naomi apologizes "I am sorry Gadrial, but I must return home. My Father is not doing well and he needs me." She continues "But I will be thinking about you and praying for you. And we will see each other again, there truly is so much that you dont know." She leans down and gives him a hug and a kiss on the cheek. "You be careful Gadrial."

    And like that, Naomi was gone. Gadrial scanned the room. But couldn't see her at all.
    Last edited by Gadrial; 11-06-16 at 08:59 PM. Reason: Adding detail

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