"Take me in a heartbeat?" Amari repeated, her head still buried in the book. She scoffed."Go ahead. Strike me down. Kill me. What would that achieve exactly? Would it really make you feel better in the long run?" Amari asked. Glancing briefly up at Philomel. "Get...Veriden, was it? To rip out my throat. All that will achieve is a bloodied Library, and another death upon your hands." Amari shut the book with a snap.

"Thing is, Philomel..." She mused. Amari didn't know Philomel, but she didn't seem like the type to just let loose and sink her blade into something. The woman had an air about her that Amari couldn't describe. Philomel felt familiar, as though the energy that radiated from her was something Amari had known for a long time. Yet, this faun, this creature was a complete stranger. "I think you're better than that. Smarter than that. For all the talk - you're just as frustrated as I am. So, to save us both our blood. Let's end this pissing contest, we aren't brutes."

Amari turned her attention to the bookshelf. Half hoping her words had eased the tension between the two; and half hoping that Philomel would wander off to bother some other patron.

"You're not a human, are you?"

Amari's hand stilled. Resting on the back of yet another book in her fruitless search. The question caught her off guard. Amari was expecting more heated words. A retaliation, a sword to her side, a slap to her face. Anger. What she was not expecting was the whispered question from the faun.

"I don't know." Amari admitted. Equally as quiet. Her eyes fell. She hated it. She hated feeling so powerless, not knowing exactly what she was. She knew that her soul wasn't human, but as to what it was. She hadn't had a clue. She didn't know where to start. Madison was aiding her in this seemingly fruitless search - but Amari wanted to take things in her own hands. "I am human. Physically." She stressed the word as she glanced back up at Philomel, who was holding a book tightly in her hands. "Why do you ask?" She snapped. Amari instantly regretted the tone she used, seeing the faun's ears press back against her head. Her grey eyes focused on Amari.

Amari sighed. "Sorry." She muttered, glancing away. "Look. Philomel it's been..." She paused. Unsure of how to put their exchange. "Different... but I am a busy woman. Again. If you don't have any real business with me. I ask you to leave me be." She said, this time with less venom. Her tone exasperated. She was done with the bitterness. She had no real qualm with the woman. Despite her stubborn and self righteous attitude.

If anything, under different circumstances - Amari suspected that her and the odd faun-like woman may have been...not entirely friends, but far more amicable toward each other.