The harsh winter winds of Salvar made it tough for Vitae, while he seemed to have a lot more vitality than a regular person when it came to enduring the elements and going without food, he was still just a human. Ever since he left the temple, he’d been living off scraps and whatever Azoth could find for him. Especially as a vegan, there was not much to be had at all in terms of food in such a wasteland. Azoth worried for his master, unsure of their future if they kept living the way they did. Vitae placed a tender hand over the baby dragon's back sensing his anxiety and reassured him that everything was going to be ok.

Vitae disliked the idea of leaving Azoth alone, or having him fetch food on his own. Dragons were extremely rare and it’d be difficult to keep him safe. What he did know however, was that Azoth was very loyal, it was his oath to protect and serve Vitae, and he was confident that he wouldn’t be betrayed. Which meant it was on Vitae to make sure he didn’t let Azoth down.

Vitae picked himself up from the nest of the snowy alleyway and set out to find something to eat, he often searched the dumps of taverns and inns looking for vegetation that wasn’t going to sicken him. Sometimes he’d get by exchanging stories for a meal, but that was a very rare occurrence, especially for a 'kid' like him. Xul had taught him, that a great darkness magus would be able to find his way even in the darkest of times. Though, he didn't think he made a very good darkness magus. He seemed much more in tune with light and healing than anything else.

Azoth smelt the air, his famished eyes darting Vitae's attention towards a tavern as if begging Vitae to get him something. "I don't know if they'll accept us Azoth. I heard magi aren't very welcome in Salvar... maybe it was premature to leave the temple so soon" Vitae grumbled. Azoth jumped away from Vitae's side and scrambled towards the tavern "Azoth, get back here!" Vitae commanded, but Azoth was still young and unruly, and he was a hungry little dragon.

Azoths small size allowed him to sneak into the tavern unnoticed for the moment. His youth filled eyes twinkling with mischief.

"Dragon!" Shrieked a voice from the tavern as Azoth came bursting out of its doors with a leg of ham in his mouth, salivating all over it as his cartoonish figure bumbled towards Vitae. Vitae's eyes widened, what a failure of a master he was.

"Get that dragon!" Howled the barkeep. "He's got my ham!" Yelled one of the customers.

Vitae reflected on his situation and reflected on the teachings of his wise teachers. Exodus would straighten himself in a firm demeanour and say 'The virtuous always face adversity head on, and accept any and all challenges thrown at them'. However, Goro would say 'Nature's a harsh mistress, sometimes it's smarter to high tail it and live for another day son' Vitae nodded in agreement with his inner dialogue and bolted as Azoth took flight making his way out towards the frosty forest to eat in peace...