Name: Morgan Merrick
Age: 65
Race: Human cursed with lycanthropy
Height: 6'0 ft
Weight: 150 pounds
Occupation: Hunter


A child of Corone, Morgan grew up as part of a woodsman's family in Concordia, frequently taking trips to Corone to help her father sell the pelts, meat, and scavenged herbs and vegetables of the morning's hunts. She was raised to hunt and when her father fell ill, she took care of her mother and sisters by taking over the hunting and selling. Her family lived a simple, but happy life. When she was 17, however, the small cabin in the woods was attacked in the night by beasts that were somewhere between wolf and man. When the morning light filled the cabin, she awoke with a terrible fever, mauled but alive. How she continued to live, felt less like a miracle and more like a curse every day. Her mother and sisters had been ripped to shreds, beyond what little she could to do bind their wounds. The next month, alone in the woods, she changed as well.

A clever girl, she found a place deep within the forest where she could undergo her transformation without risk of hurting people, and continued her life as a hunter. When members of the community began remarking on how young she still looked when her twenties had her in their midst, she knew she couldn't stay in her beloved home forever. However, her trade gave her opportunity and she began to travel. 40 years passed while she worked her way around Corone and the little islands that freckled the coasts. War came and went, and enough political confusion that it was easy to keep her identity changing as well. But it's lonely to leave behind your name, and soon she admitted to herself that she would need to leave the nation she'd always known and strike out for broader horizons. Immortality, it turned out, made a simple life boring anyway.


Morgan is a woman constantly at odds with herself. As a human girl she was outgoing and friendly, with a natural thirst for knowledge. She loved learning about people and was often accused by her mother of being a gossip because of how interested in their lives she was. As a werewolf with need of secrecy and fear of being put to death, getting close to people was a risk she's been unwilling to take. Forcing introversion on herself has been difficult, and creates a pervasive unhappiness with her lonely life that even after four decades, she's been unable to shake.


She appears as an older teenage girl, with dark wavy hair that's grown down her back. She keeps it braided back, and wears a button up white shirt, dark grey canvas pants tucked into leather boots. A leather underbust corset with steel boning is worn less as armor and more to help alleviate the back pain she suffers from the werewolf attack. Scars litter her body from the attack, and are most seen on her forearms.

In wolf form, she appears dark, too thin and nearly mangy with a scarred body that is flecked with patches of hair loss.


Tracking - Morgan can follow tracks that are fresher than 2 days by sight (50% success under normal conditions/fair weather, 10% success under normal conditions/inclement weather), and fresher than 12 hours by scent (75% success under normal conditions/fair weather. 25% success under abnormal conditions/inclement weather)

Scavenging - Plant knowledge allows her to differentiate between edible/poisonous plants, as well as how to guess at any innate usage such as pain relief/antiseptic/etc. Plant life drastically different than that found on Corone will not be included in this. This includes fungi.


Inhuman strength: Based on standards found here, Morgan can currently deadlift 150lbs for one repetition. She can carry up to 130lbs for up to three minutes at a time. When she is in wolf form, her strength is below average for a wolf.

Wolf Form: Currently, Morgan cannot will herself to transform. She transforms for three nights/days during the fullest phase of the moon, as well as when exposed to prevalida in direct contact to her skin for as long as the contact lasts. Post-transformation via prevalida contact, she requires extended rest to regain her other abilities (three posts in a battle setting or 12 hours in a noncombat setting). While she loses extra strength in this form, she gains 1.5x stamina/endurance against pain/wounds and 2x sensitivity to scent.


Yew bow

(30) iron-tipped arrows