Maen shrieked as she heard the scream of the spirit within the building. "Please.. Uh, Drys Blessings upon you." She mustered the formal Dryad phrase before backing up, looking after him as he took a step away from her. As soon as David had stepped onto the property the house was founded on, the wolf-like orb formed. Maen shivered, crouching on the ground. She began to whisper soft Dryad prayers in hopes that David would come out victor -- he had to. The orb's unpleasant appearance frightened Maen. Her hand wandered to her back, where her bow hung from leather straps.

With the demon leaping at David, an idea became action. She pulled the bow from her back, readying an arrow within seconds. Hesitating for a mere second, Maen stepped onto the property with a bare foot. The light was brilliant. It lit up the entire scene as if it were daylight. Maen froze, the cold was almost too much for her to bare, as if she were frozen in ice. The wolf's eyes shifted immediately to her, a menacing snarl ripping through the air. Maen's heart was racing, but she couldn't move. "Da---Dav--" She attempted to cry out, afraid to startle the spirit. The wolf turned it's body to face Maen instead of David and Gray. He took off at a lope, baring it's teeth in an evil grin.

"DAVID! It's going to kill me!" Tears were welling in the eyes of Maen as she began to sink to the ground where she stood at the edge of the property. Tears stained her face. "So this is how I go.." Her voice was soft, accepting.