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Thread: Fighting Tooth and Nail

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  1. #1
    EXP: 3,100, Level: 2
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    Ceidon's Avatar

    Ceidon Lorè
    Hair Color
    Long Brown
    Eye Color
    Deep Brown

    Fighting Tooth and Nail

    Out of Character:
    AKA Ceidon and Co. Search for Duffy's Sh*t - a League Production. We love text editors and no judgments. Click here to learn more!

    Closed to Rayleigh, Arden and Shinsou or their various alts.
    The streets of the Theater District of Radasanth were usually full of music and good cheer. Today they were full of protests, arguments and general distain. The source of the trouble: Duffy Bracken.

    "Praise be to the thayne, Duffy Bracken, who protected us from Oblivion and saved the world" sang one bard priest.

    "Blasphemy!" called out another. "Duffy was a just a man. You bring shame to the true lords of theater, Khal'jaren and J'edda."

    In all, Ceidon found the debate rather amusing, but alas, that was not his purpose for traversing the cultural side of Radasanth that day. No, the young scholar was looking for information on Duffy Bracken himself. Well, not the man, but rather his weapons. Much to his dismay, the lively bards were poor scholars. They recorded the deeds of Duffy Bracken in song rather than in book. Thus, separating fact from legend was becoming increasingly difficult.

    Then he heard it. A soft lullaby amongst embattled cries:

    "Duffy Bracken, our hero did come.
    The bard savior of our kingdom.
    When hardship and pain Oblivion had wrought.
    With Tooth and Nail, Duffy fought."

    Suddenly intrigued, Ceidon sought the source of the tune. It was a young man, no older than 20, singing from a barrel. "Interesting tale," the adventurer said. The bard looked up with delight in his eyes.

    "Do you like it?" He asked. "It's called the Ballad of Bracken. Though it's still a work in progress."

    "It's great," Ceidon replied.

    "That's very reassuring!" The young bard ate up Ceidon's praise. "You know, I'm having a concert next week at the square. I hope to have the song done by then. I was going to charge a GP for admission, but since you've been so kind to me I'd like you to come gratis."

    Ceidon smiled. "Thank you very much."

    "Oh here," the young bard replied. "Just show this flyer at the gate. I'll sign it to let them know you're a VIP." The bard pulled a self-inking pen from his pocket and signed a flier. He handed to Ceidon, who looked it over.

    At the head of the flyer were the words "The Ballad of Bracken" and below it in even larger text was "A Play By Allsun F'jordson." Ceidon laughed at the name. It was very atypical of a bard. However, something else on the flyer caught his eyes. Behind the superimposed lettering was a large picture of the bust of Duffy Bracken. Near the bottom of the page, and somewhat obscured were two daggers hanging from belt. In very clear lettering on the left dagger was the last line of the sonnet 'I Want to Be Your Canary'.

    "Thank you very much kid," Ceidon replied, though the bard wasn't much younger than he was. With his nose buried in the flier, Ceidon walked off. "I can't believe it," Ceidon spoke lightly to himself, "Duffy Bracken actually found and possessed the Daggers of Stramalim" The adventurer needed to find those daggers, but with Duffy 'ascended' he had no idea where to begin...
    Last edited by Ceidon; 02-06-17 at 03:05 PM.
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