Blood poured from the mouth of Lexxum Vordic as he tried to tear through that damned coat. It's high quality...damn... But the important thing was the fact that he'd injured the man before him and he had injured him -badly-. Lexxum felt the bullet in his abdomen area, which was also armoured, but it was still enough to cause another injury. Lexxum knew he was being torn apart despite the psychotic rage that was coursing through his mind and soul. Lexxum howled for a moment and released his deadly grip of the man's shoulder.

Blood poured freely from his mouth, the beast looked even more terrifying.

Lexxum took a moment to look down at the gaping wound.

If not for his powerful scales, the bullet would have been lethal.

The bullet had caused a serious injury and Lexxxum was freely bleeding as well. He growled angrily at that. And clutched at where the bullet fragments were lodged in his body. It hadn't pierced through his thick scales, but it lodged itself in at point-blank range. There were smaller fragments in his body from where the bullet had shattered on his body. Blood freely poured from the injury. Lexxum took two steps backwards, despite his psychotic rage.

The pain was causing him to focus better, see his psychotic rage as it was.

As Lexxum stood there he considered the next part of his movements. He looked at Cain for a moment and prepared the last part of the assault. Then an idea struck him. He turned to look at the cavalry sword that was on the ground, several feet away. Lexxum drew Tap Reaver as the idea dawned on him. Time to return the favour... Lexxum dashed off towards the sword on the ground with Tap Reaver in tow. Once he'd covered enough range, Lexxum charged up the power of his weapon and launched one of his last two remaining charges of his weapon's power. Then, he fired off the blast at the intended target. The target was the man's fallen cavalry sword...