"No no," Josh chuckled, the Y-shaped scars on his cheeks dimpling, "I'm sorry, you see I used to work as head of security here, so I tend to fall into old habits of watching every direction and doing a million things at once." He focused on the blushing young woman, hazel eyes peering past the curtain her fingers formed in front of reddened cheeks. "I'm here tonight to relax, and I promise there's nothing I'd rather be doing than sitting here talking to you.

"Don't worry about saying the wrong things," he encouraged her. He finished his drink and signaled to a server to bring them another round. "Would you be interested in playing a concert in a place like this?" He asked, gesturing at the thriving dance floor, "I realize it probably isn't your typical venue, but I do happen to know the manager. And I guarantee they have excellent security." He chuckled again. Since his retirement from the position, a powerful warrior-sorceress named Molly Doomeye had taken over, and if anything she was better at the job than Breaker had ever been.

Most nights at the Flesh Failures would have seen Josh joining the masses on the dance floor, or adjourning to either the basement or the upstairs bedrooms. He rarely sat in the bar area sipping drinks with a stranger, but something about the bashful violinist intrigued him. He wanted to know more, or perhaps he just wanted to see what silly thing she'd say next. In any case he leaned back in his chair and fixed the woman with his limitless hazel gaze, barely looking up when the waitress arrived with their drinks.