He must have hit his head awfully hard when the house collapsed, Jake thought, somewhat confused by the demon's latest batch of threats. Perhaps it's just a tactic, he realized as he matched the Haidian slash for slash and thrust for thrust. The demon had some skill with the sword, but each movement of his was massive, lumbering, made slow by the thick corded muscle that framed his body. Jake moved nimbly, using footwork and angles to counter his enemy's brute strength. Before long, Jake knew, the demon would tire, as its bulky muscles ate up all the oxygen available in its bloodstream. He just needed to keep it fighting until then, and keep it away from Nessol and Andru.

The Raintakers were still huddled in the road. Andru's ankle had already begun to swell painfully, the bone broken. His daughter lingered at his side, trying frantically to lift her father to his feet so the two could escape together. Otherwise the street seemed strangely empty.

Jake knew that the fire brigade would arrive soon - Ettermire had stations with steam buggies loaded with water and great pressurized hoses throughout the city. Doubtlessly the brigade would help him defeat the demon... but selfishly, Jake did not want their help. He wanted to finish the Haidian off in his own particular fashion, before anyone else arrived. He wanted to show Nessol the true nature of his fighting abilities. And most of all, he wanted to watch the demon's life snuff out.

Circling carefully, Jake came at the Haidian from and angle and aimed a sneaky stab at the being's throat. His fiery sword flashed in the night, matching the orange glow of the dancing flames that lingered over the Raintakers' ruined house.