Amari didn’t stop there; again and again the small dagger was driven into her brother's chest and each time he coughed and screamed in pain as he begged her to stop. Her actions an accumulation of all the pain both physical mental throughout her life. Amari’s hands shook and she could barely see as her tears stained her vision. Lamonts cries grew weaker and it was only then did she stop, dropping the blade as it clattered into the pool of blood that surrounded her .- Amari pressed her head into the crook of her brothers’ neck.

“You’re my brother…” She whispered in choked sobs. “I don’t want to see you die.” She let the kukri sit in the pool of blood that surrounded her as she pressed her hands to lay atop the many wounds that littered Lamonts body. Amari stilled a startled cry as she started to heal his wounds.

“Y-you….” Amari pulled her hands away, his body still bled but his wounds were no longer endangering his life. Lamonts head was lowered, barely staying conscious. “You…” Amari was struggling to breathe at this point, “Deserve so much worse.”

Amari wiped a splatter of blood from her face, “I want you to meet someone named Aurelianus.” Amari managed a small grin, “If you can, go ahead and escape from him, and come find me - but don’t expect me to be that stupid, naive woman you once knew.”

“No, no.” Lye wagged a finger. “Aurelianus can have his corpse, but not his life. That is yours to take.”

Amari shook her head weakly, it seemed that treating her Masters ‘unhealable’ wounds along with the ones on her brothers body was beginning to take more of a toll on her body. Amari took a deep breath and pushed herself up from the ground, grunting from the visible pain she was in. A warbled laugh fell from her lips, “It’s all just cause and effect right?” She asked him

“More or less,” Lye replied from his front row seat. “I’d rather not waste his time with this sad excuse of a man, but he could always use more bodies.”

Amari turned her back to the silver haired assassin once more. “Lamont?” Her brother lifted his head, his eyes dark as they stared at her with an unrelenting hatred. “You’re nothing but a fucktoy.” He spat weakly.

Something in Amari broke, her heart ached with every beat and it felt like her very being was burning with a fiery pain. “Fuck you!” She swore at Lamont as she picked up the kukri and started assaulting him again. Striking him over and over, slashing at his body. “You.” She drove it into the side of his ribs. “Are.” She pulled it out with a schlick and drove it into his body again, “NOTHING!”

A pained cry fell from Amari’s lips as she continued, Lamont long since had passed on and the room was silent except for the sounds of her repeatedly stabbing her brothers hanging corpse.

Lye turned to Caellus and muttered something beneath the sounds of her relentless assault. The brunette nodded to his master and returned upright. They both returned their attention to Amari in silence as she spilled years upon years of frustrations though her actions.

No longer with the rush of adrenaline, Amari was now weakly striking his body as she silently cried. She had destroyed him just as he destroyed her, but part of his words had stuck with her. He was right, she didn’t have anyone. She was alone, and always had been. Being here within the Crimson Hand wouldn’t change that, she knew little of the Silver Haired man and began to wonder if those moments of kindness were nothing more than for him to get his way.

Amari finally stopped stabbing Lamont, she bent over herself and pressed her forehead into the ground, wondering if it really was such a bad thing. She had shelter, she had food, and she had safety - those were the three things she asked of him. Amari shut her eyes and wrapped her arms around herself. Her body ached, her heart ached and her head was swimming in a blurred haze.

She broke a long silence with whispered words. “What now?”

“Nothing,” Lye stated. He waved his hand and Caellus moved toward Lamont’s corpse. “You’re done for the day.”

With a struggle and a groan, the injured assassin rose from his seat and walked behind Amari. He place his hand gently on her shoulder. She gingerly lifted her head, but didn’t turn to look at him.

“Let’s retire. We’ll get you cleaned,” he stated. “And I owe you some answers.”

Amari finally acknowledged him hen he said he owed her answers, she gave him a questioning look, but rather than fight back with her usual fire Amari stood of her own volition. “Fine.” She glanced him up and down, he still seemed to struggle with walking. “Did you need help, or will Caellus bring you?”