Out of Character:
This thread contains mature themes and sexual smutty smut smut smut. Reader discretion is strongly advised.

The crowd surrounding the slack-roped ring hummed with an electric current. The sea of sun darkened faces stretched back perhaps ten yards in every direction around the raised platform. Folk pushed and shoved for a better vantage point, or paid one another for wagers preceding the bout. The elevated ring was the only fighting venue in the Outlander’s Quarter, and it boasted a healthy turnout for its latest event.

The house favorite “Sand Dragon” was set to face off against a newcomer, an outlander called “The Granite Phantom.” The Dragon wore a full leather facemask designed to depict the visage of a fire breathing lizard. He was tall and long of limb, thickly muscled and dangerously mobile.

The Phantom on the other hand stood ominously still, watching his opponent bounce around in the opposite corner.

Joshua “Breaker” Cronen leaned back against the ropes, gauging their spring and studying his opponent. A warm breeze blew in off the rocks, ruffling his short brown hair and teasing the ends of the red belt he wore over his white pants. His only mask was the Y-shaped scars on his cheeks.

A gong sounded, signalling the fight to begin. The combatants came out of their corners and circled one another warily, looking for obvious advantages. The Sand Dragon made a few fakes and feints and then dove for the Phantom’s ankle, attempting to apply a Bandesh-based joint lock.

Breaker stepped over the assault and cinched his arms around the dragon’s waist from behind. He suplexed the Fallieni competitor up and over his head, slamming the muscular man down to the ring. The two separated and circled anew.

They fought for several long minutes, exchanging holds and blows, but the Phantom always seemed to get the upper hand, and to a canny observer it would be clear he carried his competitor.

As the battle drew to a climax with the combatants locked in the middle of the ring, the watchers screamed frantically for their favored fighter to emerge victorious. The ring shook with the stomping of their feet.

Breaker pivoted into his opponent and tossed the Sand Dragon over his shoulder, securing a sleeper hold and squeezing the Fallieni warrior unconscious. The cheers and howls alike grew overwhelming as the Granite Phantom stood tall and raised his arms in victory. Josh climbed out of the ring and moved through the crowd. Some folk reached out to pat him on the back while others cursed at him, depending on whether they’d won or lost money. The prizefighter collected his winnings and then found a seat on some tall rocks behind the rest of the crowd.

Another fight would be starting soon, but in the meantime the organizers had arranged for some other entertainment. Raucous whistles and catcalls filled the night as a single lithe dancer climbed into the center of the ring. Two drummers played large skinned instruments ringside, and on the raised platform the performance began.