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Thread: Umshaes

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    Umshaes's Avatar

    Umshaes Villa
    Human Experiment
    Hair Color
    Voodoo Assassin

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    Umashaes Villa


    25 (looks like) Real age, unknown

    Human Experiment

    6" 4

    180 pounds


    Crass, Cold, Hypocritical

    Neutral Evil

    ☩ ☸ ☦ ☬

    Umshaes has little to no regard for such trivialities as compassion, love (Although he does enjoy a good fuck) or sentimentality. He believes such things are a weakness that can be exploited. He actively pushes people away in a bid to avoid creating any sort of bonds with others. He finds himself extremely uncomfortable if he begins to develop a rapport with someone, and will go to extremes to ensure that doesn't happen.

    He uses a myriad of alcohol, drugs, alchemic concoctions, and hex magic to keep his emotions and various pains at bay; that coupled with the influences of his Fae blood has created an unhinged mind.

    He is a manipulative and astute man who pays attention to the smallest nuances a person has. Despite him being an assassin, he prefers to destroy people both emotionally and mentally in an attempt to have them kill themselves rather than him issue the killing blow. Umshaes is not averse to killing, he just takes a certain thrill in watching a person break.

    The stronger they are, the more rewarding the fall.

    When interacting with others they will quickly realise he is arrogant, loud, rude, and has little regard to those around him. Often seen with a plume of questionable smoke, or a flask of questionable liquid. If he isn't drunk, he is high, and if he isn't either, he's a moody bastard.

    The only time Umshaes seems to be at peace is when he is knitting, for such a crass and unhinged man he finds the simple and methodical actions calming and therapeutic. It allows his mind to go blank and block out the voices.The quickest way to quell his anger would be to sit him in a comfy chair with a cat at his feet, and a pile of yarn.

    Overall Umshaes is a man whose main priority is himself, he has no regard for laws, traditions or codes and will not lament the loss of anything around him.

    Cats, Weed, alcohol, drugs, Knitting, winter berries (especially with that little powdered sugar on top, if he could bang that, he would), ESPECIALLY winter berries paired with a creamy hot chocolate.

    People who hurt cats, onions, tea, coffee, arrogance, laughter, poorly made hot chocolate.
    ☩ ☸ ☦ ☬

    Umshaes appearance is less than daunting (don't tell him that) He is very tall and muscular. His black hair is unkempt and uneven in length, he cuts it himself as he doesn't have the patience to have anyone else do it for him.

    What people notice first about Umshaes is his left arm. Which is blackened and disfigured due to the Magicyte, it faintly glows a light blue and can be seen constantly twitching. These twitches are involuntary.

    What people notice second are his eyes, one yellow and one blackened, which faintly glows the same cerulean hue as his arm, again this is due to the Magicyte in his body.

    Other notable features is the scar across his face, his copious amounts of lavish jewellery, his incessant need to have his chest exposed, a few skulls he picked up (He'll tell you he killed the beasts) and the two swords at his hip.

    He usually wears black pants, belts, and a dark brown leather jacket.

    Every so often he will have one or more cats following him.
    ☩ ☸ ☦ ☬

    Originating from the Xangu Basin tribe, Elrik was a regular 6 year old boy. He wandered too far into the Florair Rain forest during one outing when he was collecting berries for his mother and was picked up by a Fae research team.

    They took him back to Donnalaich for research and development. The Fae had little regard for human life, being thousands of years old their main interests were furthering their knowledge of the world around them, and the influences the Fae race could hold outside of their city, and across Althanas.

    They drained him of his human blood and replaced it with mixes of blood from the oldest Fae to study the effects of infused mana on a subject that otherwise had none. His body rejected it at first, but they found that by placing it in a state of constant duress, the human body had been forced to accept the foreign entity to ensure survival.

    His left arm is left mutated due to a large chunk of blue Magicyte that had been infused into his hand. It killed the two Fae who had performed the experiment; absorbing their energy and souls into Umshaes. Umshaes' hand, as a result is stronger than his other hand, the constant thrum of energy that courses through his arm causes him headaches and bouts of nausea.

    he spent most of his life as a human experiment, till one day he had enough. He realised he had surpassed the Fae in psychical strength and fought his way out of the secluded place.

    ☩ ☸ ☦ ☬

    ​✚ SKILLS ✚
    Card Games: Pretty Good
    Umshaes is pretty good at card games, not great, just pretty good. It's how he both makes and looses coin.
    Swordsmanship: Intermediate
    He's become a skilled swordsman through trial and error, his technique is not polished, but he can hold his own against many fighters and infantry.
    Torture: ​Intermediate
    Having gone through a lot of it himself, Umshaes has learnt a thing or two about what makes the body function, along with its breaking points.
    Knitting: Mastered
    One thing Umshaes has truly mastered is knitting, he can do so with needles, fingers, or utensils and can make all manner of clothing.
    Umshaes can speak Fae, Dheathain, and Tradespeak. He can write/read Tradespeak and Dheathain
    Tracking: Beginner
    He likes to think he's better at tracking things, but his attention span is low and he often misses vital clues or information.

    ☩ ☸ ☦ ☬

    ☩ ☸ ☦ ☬

    Mana Absorption
    Umshaes is able to absorb one low level mana attack per thread if he blocks it with his arm. The Magicyte in his arm absorbs the energy of the attack. This can be done once per thread. Because the Magicyte is a toxic entity to his body, this ability may cause Umshaes discomfort like headaches or nausea.

    Mana Blast
    Umshaes arm can not only store mana energy, but release it in short bursts. Once per thread Umshae's can conjure a small low-level burst of mana, which usually takes the form of blue lightening. He can manifest this as a physical strike with his arm, or as a ball that can be thrown up to 15 feet. Using this ability can cause vertigo due to the Magicytes toxicity.

    Hysterical Hex (Passive)
    Umshaes has a small hex engraved above his right eye. Although not always guaranteed to work, it helps diminish the headaches he gets from the Magicyte poisoning, and puts a dampening effect on his emotions. As long as the hex is visible, it is in effect.
    ☩ ☸ ☦ ☬

    "I Want You To Know..."

    -Credit for Profile Layout goes to Amari-
    -Credit for images goes to Ninjatic-
    Last edited by Umshaes; 04-10-17 at 11:52 AM.

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