Hey everyone! A few people have mentioned how much they've missed having me around, and I felt like I should explain what's been going on and why I haven't been around as much. I decided that it would be an incredible idea to take two second eight week courses this semester, meaning that my workload was super light the first half of the semester, and now I'm getting murdered in the last half. Between the four classes I'm now taking, I have had some form of exam, speech, or paper due every school day. My job has also decided the honeymoon is over and has begun to do shit like keep me late during my shifts, delaying my lunch breaks several hours, and driving me up the wall with all of their petty nitpicks. Between the stress of school and work, my health has taken a bit of a nose dive as well. My free time is filled with me trying to come up with ways to vegetate the most efficiently so I can try to substitute sleep with leisure time (Pro tip, sleep is incredibly hard to quit cold turkey, trust me I've tried.)

That being said, I want to apologize to everyone I owe posts too. I also want to apologize to the staff who are having to work harder in my absence. Just grin and bear with me for another week or so. My term paper for history and my last two speeches are almost done, and half my classes don't have actual finals. Within a week or two I should be able to breath and come back to post and lurk with renewed vigor.

Love you all,