Artemis walked through the small opening of the mountainside and into what appeared to be a quiet and dusty shop. The room seemed almost entirely empty, with just a small countertop with a bell set upon the marble surface. A sconce directly at the top of the domed room bathed the space in golden light. No shelves were set into the rocky walls and the room felt cool enough to chill raw meat. He walked over to the small bell, giving it the gentlest of taps, and waited.

Seconds passed and a short elderly man appeared, melding through the stone wall behind the counter. His head glistened, its smooth surface reflecting the golden light. His eyesbrows and beard were thick and white, framing his squinted eyes in such a cliche way that Artemis couldn't help but smile at the man. The little man stepped up some blocks set behind the marble surface, raising him to eye-level with Artemis.

"Hello," Artemis began, "I hear that you are the man to seek when in need of extremely rare materials and crafts."

The old man grumbled quietly in acknowledgment, nodding without looking as he leaned his hands upon the marble table.

"I'm looking to craft a rather unique set of armor. I'd like to use scales of ancient dragons, of all five chromatic types, to create a new set of full body armor that will not impede my movement or agility at all. I thought to connect them together, perhaps with n'jalian spidersilk for its tensile strength, and sew them into a bi-layer of sifan cloth and young drake hide for its flexibility and durability. Is this something you could help me procure, or recommend any changes to my design?"

As Artemis finished, he placed a scroll onto the marble table and unrolled it for the old man to see. He knew this was an expensive endeavor, but his leather armor had lasted him long enough. He needed an upgrade.