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Thread: Felicity Rhyolite ~ Level Two

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    EXP: 5,645, Level: 3
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    Level completed: 17%,
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    Flamebird's Avatar

    Felicity Rhyolite
    Neanderthal/ Human Hybrid
    Hair Color
    Eye Color
    5"3/ 209

    View Profile

    Felicity Rhyolite ~ Level Two

    Name: Felicity Rhyolite
    Gender: Female.
    Age: Sixteen.
    Race: Human/ Neanderthal hybrid.
    Eye Color: Green.
    Hair Color: Red.
    Height: 5"3.
    Weight: 209 Ibs.
    Big Five Personality Type: REOAS.
    Handedness: Right preference.
    IQ: Average.
    Occupation: Friendly Neighborhood Mercenary (seriously.)

    A teenage girl born into segregation within Eiskalt, she escaped with her older cousin at the age of seven and grew up in Corone. Since then, she never really paid attention to the place of her birth, and even has considered Corone her homeland. In the past year, training under a darker mentor and then dealing with the deaths of her two family members has caused a bit of change in her personality. While Felicity is still all smiles, her smiles carry heavy weight. Felicity has become a bit more fearful, as she is indeed all alone and it's her own wits keeping her alive. She has also matured from her recent traumas, becoming a lot more cautious and level headed in her decision making. While she is quite scattered and confused, having to follow her own stars in the dark skies are forging her into someone wise beyond her years. She is developing a more realistic world view. Despite her pain, Felicity is still selfless and gold hearted. Always willing to help a better cause, and giving smiles as to cheer up someone's day. Half neanderthal, she's one tough kid to break. She has a slight speech impairment, unable to pronounce her "r"s and "l"s properly.

    A fiery redhead with green eyes, she has a slightly narrow forehead and a tough stature. However, she's still young, and has various signs of youth through smooth skin and simple eyes. Her left pinky, however, is twisted and permanently unusable due to a violent encounter with a discriminatory Eiskaltian when she was a young toddler. She's grown taller than the neanderthals, like a human, and she's slimmer like a human too. She still has many physical similarities, especially with her immune system, with the neanderthal too.

    Felicity no longer keeps herself kept together like a rag tag bounty hunter. She still keeps bandages over her body, but they are covered by a much more orderly outfit. Gear ment for comfortable travel, she wears a dark green, simple shirt with a leather jacket over it. She has half gloves on her hands as well. She has brown pants and heavy boots. A tomboy who's pretty much homeless, she has nothing fancy like jewelry or make up at all. Her rich, flame colored hair is usually kept in a ponytail or single braid.

    Signs of physical change are also apparent. She has become more toned, with slim muscle to her arms and legs. She also has a two pack started on her stomach. Due to her Neanderthal side, she looks a tad bit more wider despite being trim

    - Iron flamberge.
    - Iron sollerets.
    - Twin arming swords, capable of being joined together as a sword staff. The sword further more allows the blades to move along the cross guards that circle the entire hilt, making the blades spin. Upgraded to steel HERE
    - A magim leather jacket with various pockets and such for odds and ends. The insides are lined with simple cloth for comfort. There is also a cloth hood that's good against the rain. Ebony green. Bought HERE
    - Boiled magim leather boots good for handling tough terrain and fighting - although not clunky and heavy - that are ankle sized. Bought HERE

    - Swordsmanship: Felicity is a freestyle swordsman, under the suggestions of her former teacher. However, she also knows the basics of Escrema and Kendo. Felicity will employ their techniques in combat. Her skills with single and duel blades are now exceptional. She learned western style techniques as well, including the different gaurds and stances as well as techniques like half-swording.
    - Karate: Felicity has learned the basic punches, kicks, and stances of karate. She doesn't exactly have the perfect posture, but can deliver hard, controlled blows when in the right mind. While karate is part of her style, Felicity is much more freeform and uses boxing techniques in her aggressive style as well.
    - Boxing: Felicity is much more of a boxer in combat than a ninja, delivering punches quite well. She is an effective unarmed fighter.

    - Archery: Felicity knows how to use a bow and crossbow when needed. She learned how to use handheld crossbows as well.
    - Pole-Arms: Felicity knows the basics of using small and medium pole-arms and javelins.
    - Survivalist: Felicity has become well adapted to surviving outside civilization. She's good at tracking, identifying and using herbs, coping to extreme weather, and hunting.
    - Just a Natural Fighter: Felicity has an instinctive knack for fighting and is comfortable in competitive situations.


    - Neanderthal Toughness:
    Ah, yes, maturity is starting to take place. Felicity is developing the natural stamina and endurance of her neanderthal kin. Felicity is capable of staying energetic and unexhausted in combat for three times as much of the time than normal humans. When pain settles in, she can deal with it and jump back into combat quite impressively. She has a pain threshold that can take more than what a grown man could bare. She's one tough cookie, and it takes effort to beat her down and keep her down.
    [3xs better endurance than the average human.]

    - Discipline:
    Thanks to her physical training, Felicity has become a natural weight lifter. She has turned from a young girl to a trim and toned little warrior. She can lift the equivalent of twice her own body weight (400 ibs.) with effort and can handle up to 300 ibs. With natural ease. [3xs better strength than the average person.]

    - Berserk Rage ~ Part I:
    Felicity has a lot of anger under her cocky grins, and she's able to unleash it in combat. Whenever she receives an injury that makes her bleed, she gains improved knockback, 1.5 times her usual force, for fifteen seconds. If given another bleeding attack within those seconds, it will trigger another boost and those seconds are doubled. So say she gets cut three times; she would have 4.5 times the knockback force for 45 seconds. The maximum times she can become bolstered is four times the knockback force.
    There is a very negative side effect to this power, however. For every time the ability is boosted, she becomes more enraged and slowly losses her mind. By the fourth to fifth hits she may go completely berserk and blank out.

    - Berserk Rage ~ Part II:
    During her berserk rage (explained above) she becomes oblivious to pain. Any wounds and bruises still apply their damage - and increased activities during berserk mode may further open wounds - however, Felicity won't feel them until berserk mode has turned off.

    - Berserk Rage ~ Part III:
    If she reaches the third knockback boost, an orangeish-red cloak will surround her body This cloak behaves like fire to anyone who gets close to or makes physical contact with it. If anyone gets close to it, they will experience rises in temperature. If physical contact is made, it can lightly burn hair, fur, feathers, clothing and leather; it will cause first degree burns on flesh - and second degree burns with prolonged closeness. This cloak can last up until time runs out - but due to exhaustion to its host, Felicity may experience lightheadedness, nausea, and headaches after it fades. In worst case scenarios she may faint seconds after she returns to normal.

    In a ragtag, rundown little village in Eiskalt, Deerhorn, she was born… a human and neanderthal hybrid.

    Felicity Rhyolite was detested by all. She was a monster, a creature birthed from a forbidden affair, a creature of the dark… that's what they all thought, at least. She was ridiculed, abused, and tormented by the throns of spiteful people all growing up. An innocent child, she had done nothing wrong, was being beaten and terrorized for what she was. Her uncle and older cousin finally had enough of it and moved to Corone when she was nine.

    The years in Corone treated her family well. They lived in a cottage in the woods, avoiding trouble and running a shop in a nearby town. Her cousin became a ranger, and she wanted to as well, but her poor skills got her laughed out of the garrison… one person saw secret potential in her though… her name was Ashla Icebreaker.

    The lady of Eiskalt took her under her wing and taught her to fight. During this time, Felicity was sent to the Citadel for practice and she ran into Rehtul Orlouge, whom she befriended. Ashla had Felicity injected with a serum her friend Daisuke made, giving her berserk-like abilities. These abilities she would struggle to control.

    While they started out with a healthy relationship, as Ashla's personality slowly darkened so did their bond. Whenever she had a mental breakdown and reinvented her entire identity, they fell apart and Felicity left her teacher.

    After this, Felicity returned to her cousin, but only for a short time before he and his battalion were kidnapped. When Felicity finally tried to save him, he was struck down… and her powers went insane.

    In the wake of being a monster, slaying so many, and upon hearing of her uncle's death through heart attack, she had enough. She lost everything. Having nowhere to go, she set sail for Eiskalt, hoping to find something there…
    Last edited by Flamebird; 06-16-17 at 08:51 PM.
    "Throw me at the wolves and I'll return leading the pack." ~ Unknown.

    Songs of Felicity.

    Fewicity Smash!

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