"That is ... An understatement. Half-celestial has the idea of one of my parents being a heavenly servant of some kind. Angel, or fallen angel as apparently some of my guards have surmised, Raevin tells me." He raised his eyebrows, amusement coming onto his face. Avis also saw that his eyes were not quite looking at her, instead they were somewhere distant. Over her shoulder, as if looking into a vision.

She began to look that way when his voice came back stronger, and his eyes fixed back on hers.

"None of that is true. Instead I am the first born, full blood son, born to a single entity who goes by the name of Ansaldo. He is the lone diety of a single world some fair fantastical lightyears from here. And when I say lone, I mean lone. He created the world, gave life to every being, shaped the plants, the ground, the people ... All of it."

He paused and looked at her.

"Ansaldo is my father. I have no mother, he created me from his own celetial being. Ventrua is my half sister technically, daughter of him in human form and a being close to a human on his planet. We were sent here ... Well because there wasn't enough room for two gods there."

He folded his arms and sat back, looking vaguely irritated. "That is about it. My father has a knack of creating beings and then despairing of them. When he does he sends their entire species to other worlds. One of those clearly beings your own one. The reason why your powers came to be when you arrived at the Hollow was your connection to me. We met, and a latent ability that was locked away by Ansaldo awoke. Your magic should not exist, but by some circumstance,"he practically threw a hand at her. "By sheer coincidence, you came across me. Your would-be god. And 'son' of your creator. Hence why," he leant forwards suddenly, unfolding his arms and pushing his face into her very, now frightened, uncertain, shocked features. "Hence why, Stare, there is no bloody doubt that I am your master and always will be." He extended a finger to her barely held together form, on the verge of shaking. It's tip bounced off the edge of her cuff. "And hence why I need something this powerful to hold you to me. You're a forgotten creation, a happenstance and now with the full force of your people's forgotten inheritance slammed into you as a lone representative, the first in centuries, ever since your people were sent here ... You have the full force of all the abilities that should have been shared amongst you." He slid his fingers up and over her wrist, right onto her frozen hand, so their fingers intertwined. "Stare, you are very likely going to become the most powerful kenku that the world will ever see, or had ever seen, a discarded thing by my father who in his arrogance likely forgot that a race which should be so powerful was here."

Tightly, he gripped her hand and pushed his face further towards hers. She couldn't move. She could hardly even blink, for all the adrenaline, panic and sheer understanding - because gods this finally all made fucking sense, finally, bloody finally! - that ran through her. It was just ... So clear now. All that Karas had thought, all that Raevin had hinted at with his 'there are exceptions' and his sly smiles. All that Vitruvion was capable of. Bloody hell, he was a god, not a half anything!

Vitruvion's eyes were glowing then, something she had never noticed before. The light from the sun steaming through the window was glistening. It was delightful, warm and illuminating. Illuminating to him and the truth.

His other hand rised to comb through the feathers of her head, sweeping around gently to caress her. "You are mine, Stare. No one else's. Certainly not my father's. He threw you away, and so now I am claiming you, in all the ways that this world requires. Call it obsession, call it what you will but I found you, I found a people that my father so recklessly threw away, and this is the reason I need you." He gripped her hand tight, dropped his fingers from her cheek. She swallowed tight, barely able to even comprehend that here was the man - no, the god - who was directly connected to the one who had created her race. Ansaldo, the one she now realised that was the Kage. That was the shadow who her people so feared. The god who had created them singlehandedly ... Then thrown them away.

"Do you understand, Stare?" He asked in a warm, nearly desperate voice. So passionate, so full of life. "Do you understand what you are to me?"

Swallow. Again. She could barely breathe. And not answer. How could he even expect her to begin to answer?

He suddenly pulled on her hand and then his arms were around her. He was holding her, tight to his chest, and she could hear his heart racing. His godly heart. His dirty heart. His heart likely made of diamonds and liquid gold.

"By right of my birth, I claim you," Vitruvion whispered in her ear. "The gods here, when I came, there were so many that they cast me aside, forced me to give up any ideas of creation, for they said it was too much. There were too many." He face bent down, pressing his lips to the crown of her head. "I'm bound by their many powers and promised not to interfere with any of their creations, but you are not, Stare. You and your people are not. So here I am in this simple body, claiming you as my fucking birthright as I should have had from the start." Avis began to sob, finally letting the wave of insane emotions overwhelm her and rush her. Vitruvion said nothing about them, but held her tigher to him, breathing through gritted teeth.

"Mine," he hissed, "You are mine and no one else's. Most especially not my father's."