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Thread: Wind of the Dynamic Rock

  1. #1
    200 (300)
    ~Attica~'s Avatar

    Attica Dray'aq
    (1,527) 27
    Hair Color
    Dark Copper
    Eye Color
    Green to Amber
    6'0 150lb.

    Wind of the Dynamic Rock

    Closed to Herald

    ----Flashback 150 years ago-----

    How dared they…. how could they! With this they have killed their last hope, with me they shall perish, a congregation to feeble to expand, without me…. they are nothing!
    Rage boiled inside her chest like a furious lion ready to retaliate. It was hopeless not to accept her designed fate, the head priestess, the Dray, had spoken, and opposing her would be opposing Haskara herself.

    They lived in near seclusion, a group of priestesses composing of less than twenty maidens. As she was taught; In the far away arid lands of Fallien, there is a tight group of priestesses that, to this day, run the nation under the order of the Jya their high priestess. It was rumored that upon the early creation of this group one of the young woman, called Daelea, was contacted in her dreams by a divine voice who she assumed to be Suravani, the goddess she so jealously served. She indicated the young woman to embark in a long journey, to leave Irakam and head for Suravani’s Oasis where she would reveal herself in her true divine form. The inexperienced priestess, unable to differentiate her divine patron from a possible misguiding demon, complied at the request and left at the midst of night. And after exactly seven weeks she reached the Oasis. and she waited valiantly for the divine spectacle. She waited for seven days, Full moon had already passed and it wasn’t until new mood that the spectacle appeared, but it wasn’t Suravani goddess of the moon, but the Queen of the sky, bearer of thunder and goddess of the wind Haskara. An elegant figure emerged from the shimmer of the stars and a gust of wind engulfed the coast. Daelea had witnessed the pure form of divine beauty, this was her reward, she had proven worthy of Haskara.

    “Daelea,” Haskara spoke, “Travel north, to the promised land of Salvar, there, in the mountains, you shall find a rock, to which crest carries my seal. There you shall settle a temple in my name; if you succeed this task, the rewards will be great, and you will become the leader of a new era.” In a luminous tornado, she disappeared. Daelea had revoked Suravani as her goddess and accepted Haskara; she fell upon her grace and was ready to follow her petition. Seven year she spent, fighting the sea, the impetuous weather, the heat of the desert and the cold of the tundra until she reached the promised land. Seven years had been enough for Daelea to meditate about this symbol. After arriving at Salvar she headed for the forest bordered by the mountains and there she found a great mount who’s crest was shaped like the head of a stallion. And there at the foot of the mountain she settled, and build devoutly a temple as great as her hand would allow her. A second time Haskara appeared to her. She had completed her deed and fallen under her protection. Slowly but surely Daelea began to gather young girls from the surrounding villages to turn them into devout priestesses of her goddess. Only those with Green or Amber eyes had been blessed at conception by Haskara, and only these where worthy of belonging to the congregation. Three of the surrounding villages became devout of Haskara, they became her people, and so, a second temple rose, one of such delicate magnificence, yet of modest statue, became their sacred chambers and the epicenter of their devotion.

    Why such unreasonable request from Haskara? Attica has been lively subordinate to her, requesting of human sacrifices where not her usual methods, it was not like her at all. There must be something wrong something gone astray in the heavens. Rumors had reached the deep of the forest about storms intensifying in the seas. Could this be somehow linked to these events? She loathed at her thoughts, what did it matter, she would no longer see the light of day again, she would never gloat with her joy of there morning strolls at the hills, or care over the gentle people of the villages. What did it matter now? She would be gone, a dim reminder at the back of someone’s memory. She had fallen pray of a swift plot.

    The priestesses had already assumed their position in a ring of white silk and silver garnishments. A delicate light poured from the apex of the open marble dome. Seven columns rose up to hold the heavy rock walls. From the shadows she stepped into the light, a beautiful face craved by the contrast of the dark shadows and the modest rays from above. The delicate smells of perfumed incense floated about the slick chamber. At the imminent arrival of death, memories flashed through her eyes, modest, memories of a life of proud servitude.
    Last edited by ~Attica~; 12-09-07 at 02:08 AM.
    Τι είναι σε ένα όνομα; ότι wich καλούμε αυξηθήκαμε από
    οποιοδήποτε άλλοδήποτε όνομα θα μυρίζαμε όπως γλυκοί.

    Η αγάπη είναι ένα smake που γίνεται από τον καπνό των
    στεναγμών, που εξαγνίζεται στην πυρκαγιά που
    λαμπιρίζει στα μάτια του εραστή.

    Ο θάνατος βρίσκεται σε την όπως έναν untemely παγετό
    επάνω στο πιό γλυκό λουλούδι όλου του τομέα.


  2. #2

    Gabriel Fisher
    Hair Color
    Eye Color
    5'9"/150 lbs

    Every torturous step brought him further and further from his old home, and he was quickly learning that Salvar was nothing like Corone. Snow caught in Gabriel's shoulder-length brown hair as the wind attacked his face, which had turned red long ago from the harsh cold of this wasteland. Even his goatee and mustache were adorned with freezing little decorations courtesy of the unforgiving weather. He clung detereminedly to the thin blanket he had "acquired" from the inn where he last stayed, but it offered little protection.

    He looked over at his brother Raphael, who marched resolutely on, no complaints, despite the audible shivering that produced the only sound aside from the cackling of the wind.

    Gabriel tried distracting himself from the cold by thinking, for the millionth time, about what had brought them to this god-forsaken place to begin with. Rumors of massive displacement, refugees from the war; there was a good chance his family would be among them. He was wracked with guilt again over the memories of his own irresponsible actions, and how that had lead to the attacks on his fishing village by vengeful criminals. He still didn't know who from his family was alive, and who had been slaughtered in the attack, and the thought left his insides as cold as his surroundings.

    No! He shouted at himself silently. I can't give in to those thoughts. I have to believe they're still alive, somewhere...and I WILL find them!

    As if in response, a sudden gust of wind kicked up and mockingly threw yet more snow in his face. He closed his eyes tightly and took another step, and another, and a third, willing himself to put one numb foot in front of the other. His brother, by his side, did the same.

    Gabe was no longer impressed by the grandeur of the snow-covered coniferous trees, or the dizzying sight of looking up into the clouds only to see an infinity of falling snow. He only wanted to get out of this forest and into civilization, where he could find a hot meal, a warm bed, a cool drink, and a respite from the bitter cold. But every time he got to the other side of a copse of trees, he would only find more trees and more snow. He had been walking for the better part of the day, and he no longer even knew where he was, but he was still in this same damn forest.

    Feebly pushing aside a glistening, snow-blanketed tree branch, he allowed his brother to pass him the followed just behind, letting the branch swing back into it's former position, while the sharp motion of the swaying limb shook off some of the snow to make room for more. Gabe nearly walked into his brother's back. He had stopped, but Gabe couldn't see what had caused the sudden halt.

    "G-g-ga-b-b-be?" Raphael's violent shivering broke up the single syllable into several.

    "Wh-what?" As soon as Gabe spoke, his lips cracked down the center, causing a sharp burning pain. He remembered now why they had walked mostly in silence, and he hoped his chapped and broken lips wouldn't cause any serious problems.

    Raphael's only answer was to raise a trembling arm, pointing directly ahead. Jostling his younger brother somewhat to get a better look at what had caused the hold-up, he was greeted with a highly anticipated sight.

    He hadn't realized he had been climbing a hill, but he was now standing just at the top of the crest, and sprawled out before him, in front of a dazzling view of towering mountains, there looked to be some kind of settlement in the valley. His eyes widened and he exhaled slowly, ignoring the steam that was his breath as he focused totally on the village before him. It didn't look like much, but in this frozen hell, it bore the promise of paradise.

    The numbness of his feet momentarily forgotten, Gabe just started running down the hill, heading as fast as he could force his body to move towards the nearest shelter. Raphael was half a dozen steps behind him.

    "W-w-w-ait up-p-p!"
    Last edited by Herald; 12-06-07 at 01:21 AM.
    "Do I dare
    Disturb the universe?
    In a minute there is time
    For decisions and revisions which a minute will reverse."

    "His soul swooned slowly as he heard the snow falling faintly through the universe and faintly falling, like the descent of their last end, upon all the living and the dead."

    "Shape without form, shade without colour,
    Paralysed force, gesture without motion;"

    ~Eliot and Joyce, respectively, both far better writers than I could ever hope to be~

  3. #3
    200 (300)
    ~Attica~'s Avatar

    Attica Dray'aq
    (1,527) 27
    Hair Color
    Dark Copper
    Eye Color
    Green to Amber
    6'0 150lb.

    -----------lol Flashback---------------

    She had been taken away while still an infant; she could barely remember her parents, though she knew they still lived somewhere in a nearby village. She never bothered to visit them as she rather save an uncomfortable moment. The first Dray had already passed away, the second and the third did so as well and the woman who stripped her from her house was only but the forth. By this time she had gathered a formidable force of maidens to which, you can say, resembled “quality over quantity”. They where the most talented girls of Salvar, so they rumored, masters of the language, the arts and bearers of great beauty.

    She considered herself to be one of the most promising girls of the bunch, always rising above all of the others with masterful eloquence; The elder priestesses had taught them how to control the swift currents of the winds, and to invoke lighting at the rise of their hand. And she mastered all of these well over before everyone else; in the same time that it had taken the Dray to blow leaves, she could already stir storms at the best of her will. She was ambitious, always with the desire that ‘when she where to become the Dray” she would expand their doctrine to the far away regions of Althanas, gaining people to be subordinate to Haskara, who she claimed came to her in dreams; mute but caressing. Her ambitions and overconfidence grew large as to so daringly speak of overthrowing the Slaverian Rule. Many of her peers saw this as simple and stupid dreams of a young priestess who had yet to see the world. However, the Dray did not undermine this unwanted attribute of hers.

    That old witch; she shall rot one day in this white wasteland, and she shall take the congregation down with her!

    A few tears of rage ran down her cheek. The slow movement of their hips began to dace at the sleek rhythm of a flute.

    Not one of them can succeed the Dray, I am the rightful heir! I am their leader! I am their Queen!

    Familiar pale faces, those which she made laugh and those who she saw grow, where not solemn and indifferent to her regal persona. Their hands found each other and they carried their malevolent ritual. Cold air entered the chamber from above like a swift plague. And her figure emerged from the shadows to face her.

    “…. And now you dare to come…. “She whispered.

    The song elevated in rhythm. The movement grew faster. And the cold grew stronger.

    “…. And now you decide to humiliate me here…..”

    They began to mutter their chant, not one ode out of place, as Attica had taught them. White cloth covered their faces and their silky hair moved to and fro with their dance. She could not oppose it, she could not do anything, and desperation grew on her so rapidly so imposing that there was nothing else than to gloat. She lowered her sight and her face was covered.

    “…. Dray…. do you know” She spoke solemnly as the synthesizing pain grew hard on her stomach “….that blessed queens dye first?”

    The Day’s eyes grew larger; Attica’s pride had grown hard before this; it was impressive of her to insult the Dray now, but it did not matter; The Drya smirked discretely as sadistic thoughts gave her final satisfaction, It was over.

    Light filtered violently inside the chamber from above, it rocked the foundation with a tremor. Attica emitted a cry of pain as her skin was corrupted by an unknown phenomenon. From the tip of her finger and the bottom of her feet, she turned stone. Forever a testament of an unfair selection. And she stood there, unmovable until they went, one by one they left the chamber, the incense fled, the shadows came in, and for 150 years there was dark, and silence.
    Last edited by ~Attica~; 12-09-07 at 02:35 AM.
    Τι είναι σε ένα όνομα; ότι wich καλούμε αυξηθήκαμε από
    οποιοδήποτε άλλοδήποτε όνομα θα μυρίζαμε όπως γλυκοί.

    Η αγάπη είναι ένα smake που γίνεται από τον καπνό των
    στεναγμών, που εξαγνίζεται στην πυρκαγιά που
    λαμπιρίζει στα μάτια του εραστή.

    Ο θάνατος βρίσκεται σε την όπως έναν untemely παγετό
    επάνω στο πιό γλυκό λουλούδι όλου του τομέα.


  4. #4

    Gabriel Fisher
    Hair Color
    Eye Color
    5'9"/150 lbs

    It took little time to reach the village, and even less time to realize it was abandoned. Most of the buildings, of which there were relatively few to begin with, stood in ruin. The brothers approached what they presumed was once a house, a simple wooden affair built atop a stone foundation. Only one wall still stood, reaching up to Gabe's chest as it rose forlornly out of the snow that had drifted against it. It would clearly provide no shelter, nothing usable. Chills ran down Gabe's spine as he felt his hopes freeze to death.

    They moved on in silence, checking every half-standing structure for the possibility of a haven. Two or three of the buildings were more or less intact, and the closest was a house that looked larger than the rest, though that could have been due to the fact that it still had all four walls and the majority of a roof. There was even still a door that hung on iced-over hinges, and as Gabe watched his brother struggle to push it open, he noticed the scorch marks that had blackened large areas of the wood, and forgetting the lack of feeling in his fingers, he ran his hand over a deep gash in the wood. It looked like the mark of a large sword or axe, like those used by the barbaric Northern tribes.

    "R-r-raph," Gabe fought the urge to lick his lips as blood seeped through his split bottom lip, knowing he would only make things worse. He beckoned his brother over and pointed to his discoveries, hesitant to speak too much. Somehow the silence seemed more fitting. His brother nodded, and Gabriel could tell they were sharing the same thoughts. It looked a battle caused the demise of what was once conceivably a prosperous village. After another moment of mournful reflection, he helped his brother fight the door open, and it swung inwards with a "CRACK!" that echoed in the emptiness.

    He quickly and gratefully entered the building and looked around. It once had been the home of a relatively important personage, but to Gabe's surprise it seemed like it had been occupied even more recently. An old and battered table struggled to remain upright on only two legs, and the skeletons of equally old and battered chairs were strewn around it. Most of the chairs had been broken, and looking towards the fireplace in the back of the single room, it was clear they had been chopped up for firewood. The far corner of the room was adorned with furs and cloth that did not appear as ancient as the rest of the room. Gabriel theorized that perhaps a traveller, much like himself, had stumbled across the village and set up a temporary residence here.

    The building's lone room was otherwise spacious and empty, and Gabe and Raph enjoyed building a fire of their own and warming up in the pile of fur and cloth. After several hours, the pair had almost forgotten the inhuman cold outside and the struggle to reach this house. Now that they were warmed and in considerably better spirits, Raphael's stomach announced with a loud rumble that it was time to seek the other necessities of life. The pair bundled up with as much fur and cloth as they could to insulate themselves from the raging winter, and in their makeshift outfits they set out once more to continue exploring the village.

    Now that they were more alert, they readily saw the signs of the great battle that had proved to be the demise of the village. The buildings that were still standing were deeply scarred with the cuts and burns of a truly catacysmic struggle, and the buildings that were not bore evidence to the destructive powers that had annihilated the village.

    At the far end of the village from where they had approached, an impressive stone structure testified that it had once dominated the area. A blind man could see that it was once an important temple, though now it looked like little more than an icy tomb. Nearing the stairs that led to the column-guarded entrance, Gabriel's foot struck against something much more solid than a snowbank. Brushing aside the concealing frost with his fur-protected foot, he revealed a stone head of a beautiful woman. Raphael pointed towards the headless statue that marked the top of the stairs they were about to ascend, and Gabe nodded his agreement. The invaders, it appeared, had some sort of religious discrepency with the villagers...perhaps that was what brought about the battle.

    The brothers climbed the stairs almost reverently, awed by it's ancient power. The darkness inside enveloped them, but torches still hung in holders along the walls. After several tries, Raphael managed to get one lit by striking his sword against the stone wall. The flickering light revealed a large chamber that was once obviously used for worship. Doorways in the rear led to corridors that were impossible to see into without exploring. Gabe glanced at Raphael, who merely shrugged. Returning his apatheic gesture, Gabriel picked a doorway at random, and Raphael followed him inside.

    The corridor twisted and turned somewhat, but then ended abrubtly in a modestly-sized chamber whose only significant feature was a statue. Gabe and Raph both studied it carefully; the woman it depicted was quite beautiful, and exquisitely crafted. The details were remarkably life-like, and unlike everything else in the temple and village, it seemed untouched by the ages. Gabriel idly wondered why the invaders would have left it alone, but found himself not caring so much why they did it, and was simply grateful that it had been preserved, and he had been given the chance to see it. It was definitely the work of a master-craftsmen, and Gabe felt that it belonged in a library or museum where more people could admire it. He knelt down respectfully before it, awed by everything about the statue, and studied it as though it was one of the greatest wonders of the world...Hell, for all he knew, it was one of the greatest masterpieces of the age, and deserved such adoration. His brother followed suit and kneeled behind him, and the pair were lost in their own sense of wonder.
    "Do I dare
    Disturb the universe?
    In a minute there is time
    For decisions and revisions which a minute will reverse."

    "His soul swooned slowly as he heard the snow falling faintly through the universe and faintly falling, like the descent of their last end, upon all the living and the dead."

    "Shape without form, shade without colour,
    Paralysed force, gesture without motion;"

    ~Eliot and Joyce, respectively, both far better writers than I could ever hope to be~

  5. #5
    200 (300)
    ~Attica~'s Avatar

    Attica Dray'aq
    (1,527) 27
    Hair Color
    Dark Copper
    Eye Color
    Green to Amber
    6'0 150lb.

    From the darkness, she felt her senses slowly thaw back to life. Her mind was sluggish, and she could see only but small dashes of light before her eyes, she could feel nothing, no fingers, no hands no limbs or body. It took her time to realize what was happening, her body felt like if it had been pinned down to a wall… prisoner a mute and blind to whatever had descended from the skies to do this to her. The first time of her life she experienced the real bold nature of fear, it was horrible. Her mind stormed whit what her sentence would be, was this what they call, an out of body experience? Or is this the final destination of mortal souls? She was troubled as terror of the unknown filled her like a malevolent poison.

    From the depths of darkness a melodic voice emerged, it spoke solemnly and with an almost divine grace. It was the voice of a woman.

    “Attica, The only of my daughters, you have proven yourself worthy of my favor”

    Could this bee? Is this Haskara herself who speaks? Mixed feelings, she grew impatient and at the same time, an overwhelming feeling of joy invaded her.

    “I have not forgotten you, Attica, flower amongst flowers, a gem in the city of coal”

    Beautiful colors began to shape before her eyes, hues of blues, ochres and greens the formed in amazing shapes, a sight cosmic, something no human had experienced yet. He experienced an euphoric feeling.

    “Attica, you have sacrificed the only thing you’ve had for Haskara, for this you have fallen in my grace. You are my only daughter, the only remaining soul that shall take on my mission. Attica, you are the rightful Dray, you will lead the congregation in my name and expand it to the farthest regions of the land: the icy mountains, dense forests…. And scornful deserts”

    Immediately his whole body regained tact and she felt engulfed by a cold gust that ran through her body. She felt her body levitate, and the shapes transformed into a spiraling light that drew her in, or out. Just seconds before she had feared death, but now she felt secure as she had never felt before, in the hands of Haskara everything was peace.

    “Now I will free you, but be ware my child, there are dangers in the world outside...”

    There was but one statue in the gray clamber, decorated with marble columns and dark stone. So far it had that atmosphere of calm and ancient serenity, but something had gone wrong something had broken… there was a feeling of danger wich invaded the chamber. In a storm the birds outside left their hiding places and summoned an orchestra of flapping wings and dry ‘hawks’. Dust began to float and a soft breeze spiraled the circular chamber.

    Above the adorned pedestal there rested the beautiful statue. A small crack defiled the regal image of her check. A slow tremor rocked the foundation and the crack grew larger.
    From thin, air the murmur of voices materialized, as the testament of roaming spirits of the late village greeted the rebirth of their daughter. The crack raised across the body of the statue, finally corrupting the beautiful immaculate image. A dim light filled the cracks, as for Attica the spiral grew closer and faster. Finally, the tremor grew violent and like a mask, the beautiful stone face fell from its proud heights and into the floor, revealing the tender pale skin and the blazing lightning-eyed woman that laid within.

    The stone fell from her chest, and her shoulders, exposing the lavished ornaments that adorned her persona. It fell from her back and her shoulders, the sound of braking stone announced impetuously the rise of the new Dray.

    Light burled her silhouette, in a luminous explosion Attica stretched her arms slowly; and the tremor, the gossiping murmurs and the swift breeze seased. Before the spiral had released her into the world, and before the thunder disappeared from her eyes, she drew a governing smirk, proud of her coronation and impatient of overthrowing her so-called leader. Prepared to see the horrified impression of the priestesses and above all the satisfaction from the Dray’s indignant look; Haskara herself goddess had revoked their pathetic ritual and their attempt of silence. It was Victory, she though, complete victory….

    The spiral; finally ceased and from the luminous white her vision faded in… As Haskara left her off her grip she felt her body heavy, and tiered…. She looked around, her vision still adjusting, in place of her rhythmic sisters, there was air, instead of the lavished incense, a damp smell, and instead of the false Dray, there where two boys… kneeling before her.

    “….who are you?-“ she paused as her dry throat injured her.
    She rose her eyes to the vaulted sealing, crowned with a heavy dome, some water stains scared the walls, and the columns where apparently in a decadent state, darkened with smoke and ash. It was colder than she could remember, and there was not a sound to be heard…. Something had changed…. She was still to realize; she had been trapped in stone for one hundred and fifty years.
    Last edited by ~Attica~; 12-09-07 at 04:01 AM.
    Τι είναι σε ένα όνομα; ότι wich καλούμε αυξηθήκαμε από
    οποιοδήποτε άλλοδήποτε όνομα θα μυρίζαμε όπως γλυκοί.

    Η αγάπη είναι ένα smake που γίνεται από τον καπνό των
    στεναγμών, που εξαγνίζεται στην πυρκαγιά που
    λαμπιρίζει στα μάτια του εραστή.

    Ο θάνατος βρίσκεται σε την όπως έναν untemely παγετό
    επάνω στο πιό γλυκό λουλούδι όλου του τομέα.


  6. #6

    Gabriel Fisher
    Hair Color
    Eye Color
    5'9"/150 lbs

    Gabe backed away in fear as the wondrous statue before him began to crumble, the stone shell cracking and smashing against the floor. His ears rang from the sudden sounds of destruction and exploding stone, a shrill, high-frequency pitch that forced it's insistent note on Gabriel, trying to block out the other noise in the room.

    What?! What's going on?! Too startled to voice his fears, he licked his lips and instantly regretted it as he tasted dried blood, which only heightened the urgency of the situation. Like a true man of action, he found his sword in his hand without realizing he drew it, but was comforted by it's familiar feel. When he was of the proper mindset to be able his eyes away from the sight in front of him, he glanced at his brother and was glad to see that Raphael had also followed suit before his eyes snapped back to the statue.

    Or rather, what was once a statue. Standing in front of him was a beautiful woman who looked exactly like the statue that protrayed her. Or...was her? Gabriel ventured an uncertain guess, hardly able to fathom the powers that were at work in this small-scale miracle.

    "...who are you?" The woman demanded. Her voice was raspy and dry, as if from years of neglect.

    Something told Gabriel formality was in order as he addressed the woman. There was some aura about her that told Gabriel she was probably used to receiving significant respect from those around her. Gabriel cleared his throat loudly before he began his introduction.

    "A-hem! Gabriel Fisher, m'lady," He paused as he considered the truth of his next statement. "I'm an, erm, adventurer by trade. This man behind me is both my adveturing partner and my brother, Raphael Fisher. We're both pleased to make your acquaintance, lady..." Gabriel let his voice trail off, unsure of how to finish his statement and hoping that she would simply cut him off with her own introduction.

    Gabriel sheathed his blade awkwardly, and he noticed the ringing in his ears that began with the destruction of the statue was gradually fading away, becoming less shrill and more distant sounding...
    "Do I dare
    Disturb the universe?
    In a minute there is time
    For decisions and revisions which a minute will reverse."

    "His soul swooned slowly as he heard the snow falling faintly through the universe and faintly falling, like the descent of their last end, upon all the living and the dead."

    "Shape without form, shade without colour,
    Paralysed force, gesture without motion;"

    ~Eliot and Joyce, respectively, both far better writers than I could ever hope to be~

  7. #7
    200 (300)
    ~Attica~'s Avatar

    Attica Dray'aq
    (1,527) 27
    Hair Color
    Dark Copper
    Eye Color
    Green to Amber
    6'0 150lb.

    Attica stretched her arms to balance herself, while she listened to the humble introduction, as she tried to move about the pedestal and the debris of her late stone self. She had to almost fall, as her legs failed her for a second, to realize that she had lost some muscle mass. She raised her gaze to the young boy, Gabriel, and commented ironically.
    “Well… people usually bow when they introduce themselves to the Dray,” She laughed inside; [i]The Dray, Ha! Time for the chaotic coup. “But by your name, Fisher, I can guess you are some kind of Fisherman, I don’t guess I should have expected you bowing” she began wiping the rock residue off her luxurious gown. She rose her voice “Well … help me out!” as she almost lost her balance a second time.

    After raising her gaze a second time she realized she was being to anxious; she remember her carriage and dismissed the boys with a gentle wave. Attica crouched and placed her hands on the top of the pedestal and carefully, placed her legs off the pedestal and in a pathetic kind of way jumping down. Not that most proud way to get off a high place Attica told to herself as she again tried to clean the dirt off her toga-like gown. If she wasn’t so exalted about overthrowing the Current Dry she would have been much more gracious in her rebirth. But there was not time for that.

    She walked toward Gabriel; giving him the most solemn gaze, she began “Well, If they haven’t already let me say welcome to our humble village. You are welcomed to stay here at the temple, here you can be secure, off creature of the night mostly, you can’t really trust the snakes that live here” Attica looked at the sealing, still puzzled by the question of what had changed. “Sorry to not five you a more formal introduction, I am Attica, Soon to be titled The Dray Attica. Now if you don’t mind, I have a witch to baffle”

    Attica gave the boys her back and began to walk towards the door, a second time dismissed the boys with a wave. Her slow and graceful steps resounded in the damp room, shattering the frightening silence. She reached for the door and she tried to open it. An odd feeling on the handle made her bring her hand to her eyes, her had had picked up an ochre coloration “that’s unusual” she examined the handle, only to discover that it had rusted , leaving a trail of stained metal across the door. At that moment, Attica was struck by a heart-pounding hunch, how much time had she been locked away? She tried to pull the door open, but it would not budge, she tried a second time with more force; what was happening? She panicked and with all her forces began thrust the handle, pulling the door, in desperation. After a few tries the door moved a few inches, just enough to allow the cold air sift in. the temperature was far too cold for the season, and the light quality was dim. An anxious feeling struck her stomach, she was getting sick.
    Maybe it wasn’t just a day she had been locked away, but it couldn’t be much, a few weeks or months at the most. However, she still had the feeling that it had been far more than that.

    She turned around to face the boys “… Would one of you guys help me?...” She spoke in a much different tone. Her euphoric, even sarcastic tone had shifted to an anguish plea. She needed to know how long she had been away, she needed to go outside.
    Τι είναι σε ένα όνομα; ότι wich καλούμε αυξηθήκαμε από
    οποιοδήποτε άλλοδήποτε όνομα θα μυρίζαμε όπως γλυκοί.

    Η αγάπη είναι ένα smake που γίνεται από τον καπνό των
    στεναγμών, που εξαγνίζεται στην πυρκαγιά που
    λαμπιρίζει στα μάτια του εραστή.

    Ο θάνατος βρίσκεται σε την όπως έναν untemely παγετό
    επάνω στο πιό γλυκό λουλούδι όλου του τομέα.


  8. #8

    Gabriel Fisher
    Hair Color
    Eye Color
    5'9"/150 lbs

    More than a little stung by the dismissal of his profession, Gabriel started to bow, bending stiffly and ever so slightly at the waist, then decided against the more elaborate gesture and merely contented himself with inclining his head slightly in acknowledgment.

    He struggled to take in everything this woman...The Dray Attica? Soon-to-be-Dray? He wasn't sure what exactly she meant by her cryptic reference to a witch, but it was becoming clear that this woman had little conception of the time she had passed as a statue. Perhaps, Gabriel realized, she did not realize she had been a statue, and meant to continue life wherever it had left off for her. He imagined the transition between living, breathing flesh to inanimate stone and back again would be a little disorienting, at the very least, if not completely traumatic.

    Lost in his thoughts, he blankly watched her struggle against the door, until her words brought him back from his reverie. Wordlessly he added his strength to her efforts, and Raphael was just behind him, lending his own considerable muscle to the task. Though the door would reveal some new scene which could easily captivate his attention, he was completely focused on this woman, trying to gauge her reaction and acquire a more complete understanding of what her situation entailed, exactly. The door, which had plainly been unused for many, many years, screeched open with the spine-tingling sounds of stone scraping against stone, of rusted metal grinding reluctantly against itself; Gabriel wondered idly if that was some kind of warning, and decided he wouldn't be surprised if the Dray Attica made a similar noise when she discovered the fate of her village...
    Last edited by Herald; 02-06-08 at 03:23 PM.
    "Do I dare
    Disturb the universe?
    In a minute there is time
    For decisions and revisions which a minute will reverse."

    "His soul swooned slowly as he heard the snow falling faintly through the universe and faintly falling, like the descent of their last end, upon all the living and the dead."

    "Shape without form, shade without colour,
    Paralysed force, gesture without motion;"

    ~Eliot and Joyce, respectively, both far better writers than I could ever hope to be~

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