Woshington leaned back with his shoulders splayed, like an open book, while his cohort struggled with the name. Woshington smiled with a simple warmness and reassured, “don’t worry, mista, I’m from abroad.” As if the fact wasn’t obvious. The grandiose posing from earlier began to evaporate. Woshington clearly he felt he had made his point as he settled forward. Further absolution was required when the lithe black man, following Teric's eyes, realised he would not receive his beverage of choice. Or any refreshment of any kind for that matter. “Don’t worry,” he said for a second time, “I’m not here to drink anyway.”

Whilst listening intently Woshington picked up on a key phrase, “change the world”. “Change the world? Shit… all it takes is willing. I’m willing, man—I’ll do whatever it takes to bring in the money and the power.”