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  1. #22
    EXP: 49,568, Level: 9
    Level completed: 56%, EXP required for next level: 4,432
    Level completed: 56%,
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    Abomination's Avatar

    Draug Remi
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    Bright yellow surrounded by black
    6'3 / Muscular

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    The smell of smoke permeated soon permeated the air during the long march. The field of green they were marching across withered the undead trample. It was dark, with a clear sky slowly turning to a clouded one. The captain of Legion Clades reported that hostilities had already begun on the front, and our contingent was expected as a part of the reinforcements.

    Homun asked, "What is the situation over there?"

    The captain responded, "Our preliminary scouts report that they are currently fighting outside of the city."

    Homun considered the implications of their arrival. Currently, it looked like an even fight over there. Who would be winning when they got there? He let the captain go and looked at Drizaghar, who seemed to be practicing necromancy. In an instant, he felt a strange twinge, like one of his mental puppet strings had been snapped. It was Drizaghar taking over one of his zombies. For how little time they had, he was doing somewhat well. However, when his time was up Drizaghar would need to control an entire army- and have them fight as skillfully as the elves themselves.

    That wasn't all. The drow would also need to learn the customs of this army, and know various things that is expected of all lieutenants. Shin'dril was a lieutenant himself, but Homun remembered where he became a general. He received his promotion in Valinatal, fighting against the elven defenders that were managing to hold him off. Shin'dril must've sensed that he did not win honorably, because Homun felt a great regret in that battle. However, the tunnel he came from was in the direction of Valinatal, so this story made some sense to the Homunculus. He walked to Drizaghar and interrupted his practice.

    "Listen carefully, for I am going to explain everything you need to know while I still know it."

    He spent the next hour detailing proper procedure and the history of the war. He could only cover the history starting from his master's reemergence and the victory at Carnelost, but it should be enough.

    "It seems we are part of major reinforcements for the current battle at Eluriand. By the time we arrive, attrition will have taken its toll on the living elven defenders, and it should be a clean sweep. However, if things are going sour for us, our arrival shall turn the tide."

    Homun had no vested interest in this battle, but talking about it made him feel enthusiastic. His mind quarreled with the thought of Xem'zûnd as his master and his target. Putting off these thoughts until the battle was over would be best for him, as it won't matter anymore by then.

    Soon, they reached a tall hill and when they reached the top, they could see Eluriand in the distance. Long, dark plumes of smoke were emerging from inside the walls, rising high up into the sky. Bodies were strewn across the once-green fields and there seemed to be thousands of creatures fighting outside the walls. No, tens of thousands.

    Homun raised his cursed sword into the air and yelled, "Prepare yourselves! Our moment of triumph has come! For Xem'zûnd! For glory!"

    All of Legion Gelucius pumped their weapons into the air, the Legion Clades howled, and the Legion Celes roared through their bulky human frames. Homun had only thirty hours left before he reverted back to his previous self. Could Drizaghar learn all that he needed to before this battle was over? Could he find and assimilate Xem'zûnd without getting himself annihilated? Only time would tell.

    Out of Character:
    --New Ability-- Night vision: Gained through the assimilation of the drow Drizaghar, Homun can now see as well in the dark as he can in light (this can be augmented, toned down, whatever).
    Last edited by Abomination; 05-05-08 at 02:02 AM.

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