Quest Judging

STORY ~ 26.5/30

Continuity ~ 8/10 At your request, I read through The Desert, though mostly out of interest. Having read it, I can tell you that about all it told me that I couldn't learn in this thread was the why and how of Kor and Natamrael's connection and forms. I had a question early on about why the goddess would be angry with Kor, but that was answered in later reading. I know where Kor came from, and have an idea of where he will go.
Setting ~ 9/10 I could see everything, and I loved the description of Sanctuary and the tower.
Pacing ~ 9.5/10 You know this already, but several months ago when I was reading this the first time to practice taking judgment notes, I forgot for several posts about the notes for being so engrossed in the story. I took one note this time, and then erased it (see Continuity).


Dialogue ~ 10/10 Use of the drow language was great flavor, besides which every piece of dialogue was incredible and spoke to who the character was.
Action ~ 10/10 I remember months ago I made the note of this being the most elaborate masturbation thread I've ever seen. Flashbacks of the baptism of Seth Dahlios combined with the drowning of Natamrael made for great use of parallelism. I'm trying hard, and I can't think of a single bad thing to say here. No action was unclear or badly written.
Persona ~ 10/10 You know Kor and Natamrael, and you make this clear from start to finish in this thread. I don't think I'll ever give another ten in this category.


Technique ~ 9/10 Personification, metaphor, wordplay, simile, parallelism, simultaneous action. All this and more is expertly executed. Well written, but never overwritten.
Mechanics ~ 9/10 I counted three problems here, two of them typos. And I'm anal about this category. Well done.
Clarity ~ 8/10 There were a few moments where I was confused as to what was going on, though they were quickly relieved. Still, that hurt this particular category. Other than those times, everything was clear enough with just the right amount of murkiness to keep me intrigued.


Wild Card ~ 10/10 I want MOAR!

TOTAL ~ 92.5

None So Blind gains 4264 EXP and 240 GP
INDK gains 1623 EXP and 18 GP for his brief cameo.

Movement is pending JC decision.

If you have any questions about the judgment or how you can improve, PM me or send me a message on AIM, screen name SuperSonicMatt1.