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Thread: Torin Reahkari

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    Torin Reahkari's Avatar

    Torin Reahkari
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    6'0" / 195 lbs
    Leader of the Black Sails Armada

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    Torin Reahkari

    Edits in Red.

    Name: Torin Reahkari

    Race: Human

    Age: 23

    Sex: Male

    Height: 6'

    Weight: 175 lbs.


    Torin has somber, ice blue eyes, and has medium length spiky brown hair. He is of medium build, muscular, but not thin. Adorning his hands are brown fingerless leather gloves. On his chest, a grey muscle shirt with a long brown leather trenchcoat over top. He also wears baggy blue denim pants and brown pirate-esque boots that go halfway up his shins, along with a backsheath for Tanzalis. Torin also now has a belt with a small quiver holding 25 bolts, as well as his daggers, and a loop on the backsheath to hold his crossbow as well as Tanzalis.


    Torin was born a normal child to Gelior Reahkari and Lydia Reahkari. He grew to a teenager as any other child would, the only difference being his exceptional curiosity towards time. The way it works, magic that helps manipulate it, et cetera. Until one day, in the market, everything changed. Torin will always remember that day. He was 16 at the time. A group of men clad in all black entered his hometown of Noria, looking for Gelior. Torin hid in his house, fearing for his and his own fathers life. That was, until a voice crept into the back of his head. "Go to the Shadows. Make them fear you. Remember you. Become a Nightmare." As his head began to pound, the voice got louder, and he blacked out.

    When he awoke, he was still at home, but all the lights were out, and no one was there. When he looked around his room he realized exactly why he was alone. The group of men, the ones in black..the Shadows. They were mangled, killed in horrible ways. He stole the clawed gloves of what appeared to be their leader, and fled to Corone, taking on the pseudonym Nightmare.

    A year passed, and Nightmare had achieved unity with Serigae. The Shadow had told him of a project used to create hundreds of entities like himself, some were good but most had evil intents. The first few Shadows taken from Serigae's essence, Serilisk and Borna, had overthrown their 'father' and banished him, since then using the forces to elminate all that knew of the Projects existence. Whenever Nightmare asked how his father fit into it, Serigae quickly changed the subject. During the year he'd been gone, he had collected several works, objects, and information to further his study of mastering Time. During his stay in Concordia, he found a recruitment letter from the Bandit Brotherhood. He quickly became an initiate and befriended one Damon Kaosi during his trials. Torin quickly discovered though he was not cut from the Bandit cloth, and left the Brotherhood, saddened by his loss of contact with Damon. Torin's blackouts were much fewer and far apart, but seemed to occur whenever he came close to or in contact with other Shadows, who Serigae revealed, were constantly being sent from Borna or Serilisk from their personal army, the Rangir, and the attacks would only get worse. The only way to stand a chance and destroy any of the Shadows themselves and not just their hosts would be to find one of the Ten weapons that were constructed during the Project. And Nightmare, finally accepting who he really was..Torin Reahkari, set off back to Alerar, in search of one specific weapon, the Shadrian Staff.

    Torin spent another year combing much of the Fields of Khu'fien, Ettermire, and beyond for the weapon, but to no avail. All the information he recieved on it's whereabouts proved false or already shared, and Torin was beginning to feel like he was on a wild goose chase. As he made his way west, back towards Noria, Serigae began to feel the weapons presence. This pushed Torin to finally confront what he had run from, and return to his home town. His return home was less then welcome from most. He discovered when he disappeared, several Shadows continued to attack Noria, the only person able to stand up to them being his father, Gelior. Torin confronted his father, demanding to know how he was able to fend off the Shadows with such ease, and defeat the Shadows themselves as well. Serigae was quick to point out the Nihon Redwood walking stick his father had used since before Torin was born. Gelior continued on to explain that in his youth, when he was part of the Kyorl, he had discovered this weapon somewhere in the Fields, and had used it to protect Noria and his family since. Gelior also knew that Torin was host to Serigae, and it was his time to weild the great weapon. With the Shadrian Staff in hand, and Serigae and his father training him, he was on his way to becoming something great. When word hit Alerar though that an army was on the move from the north, Serigae informed him that Serilisk was marching his troops to Alerar, intent on destroying Torin, Serigae, and Gelior once and for all. Torin began contacting friends, acquaintenances, anyone he could to help stand against the Rangir. And so, the Alerian Resistance was started.

    A few months passed, and the Resistance grew stronger, drawing in people such as Seth Dahlios, Maia, Taviri Ambria, Velius Demorio, and Torin's close Brotherhood friend, Damon Koasi. He got his father, Gelior Reahkari, to lead the second line designated to flank the Rangir. the Torin was very close to unlocking one of the many mysteries of Time. Several ex-Kyorl and even current Kyorl members offered their blades to stand against the threat of an enemy army invading Alerar. When the Rangir marched into Noria with troops numbering in the high hundreds, Torin began to lose hope. The Alerian Resistance only had 400. The battle began quickly, throwing everyone into the turmoil. Torin led the first line deep into the core of the Rangir, searching out Serilisk, and leaving no prisoners on their way. The second line quickly made their way to the Rangir, effectively boxing them in between the Resistance, while effectively cutting down the count of the Shadows. It seemed as though the Resistance were going to win. That is, until Serilisk entered the battle. Wielding one of the Ten weapons, the Ranigiran Axe made of pure Prevalida took out one member after another, until Serilisk had finally made his way to Torin. The two squared off, with Serilisk having a massive physical advantage over Torin, proved to be too much for him and ended up knocking him far away. As Torin lied on the ground, he thought about all that had happened in the last few years. Serigae, the Resistance..his friends. As he lie there in the mud and bodies, his friends drew in, fighting off Serilisk, fighting as hard as they could. Suddenly, the final piece in Torin's Time puzzle clicked into place. He rose to his feet, and immediately, everything around him slowed down to a snail like pace. He moved towards Serilisk, picking up his staff, and hurling it at him. Time suddenly sped back up, Torin fell to the ground again, and lost consciousness.

    When he awoke a week later, he would learn from his friends that Serilisk was indeed killed by his spear, and that both weapons were broken from the battle. Serigae confirmed that Serilisk's Shadow was also dead, and Torin felt a little safer. Until Serigae notified him of a new threat.

    Borna Venar was now in posession of the most powerful of the remaining 8 weapons, Dendalis. It was an Adamantite greatsword, capable of controlling ice elements. Borna had declared himself King of the Project and enslaved any free Shadows into the Rangir. He sent word to Torin that he would never give up until Torin was destroyed and Serigae captured. Gelior informed of one other weapon that could withstand the might of Dendalis. Another greatsword, Tanzalis. Once Torin recovered, he once again set out on a journey now to Raiaera to find the sword, armed with once again, just his claws, but also a new ability, which he named "Stop, Set, Rewind", the ability to slow down Time. He continued his studies to hone this ability and possibly unlock new ones.

    Another year and a few months passed, making Torin now 20 years old. He finally found Tanzalis hidden in the ports of Anebrilith. During his stay in Raiaera, he spent time with Damon Kaosi, expanding on their friendship. On his way back to Noria, he found a group he felt he could really belong to. The Black Sails Armada. He quickly joined their ranks, becoming very close friends with Matthias Vinkuzri. The boys considered the other their brother, continuing on past the BSA with their adventures. Eventually they made it to Radansath, and visited Ithermoss of the Red Hand to pitch an idea to him. Since they had heard that the leader of the BSA had fled the group, and the members were beginning to fall, they suggested that if Ithermoss sponsored a ship for them, and money to buy land for a port, they would open an alliance and trade with the Red Hand. The members of the Red Hand along with Torin and Matthias construced the Snowbourne, named after the leaders wife. They sailed off to the western coast of Alerar finding the city of Etheria just west of Noria, and created their headquarters, Etheria Port. Matthias and Torin ruled over the BSA, with many new members joining quickly, filling the ranks and starting construction on a new interceptor ship, the Serpent. All seemed well for Torin when suddenly, Matthias disappeared, wiped from the face of Althanas.

    Word spread yet again of Borna's Shadow Rangir to the ears of Torin. This time he decided to defend but not fight against Borna, but his father, Gelior revealed a link between Borna and himself. He brought to light that he was one of several people collaberating on the Project, and when Serigae was first created, they needed a host to tie the Shadows down, or else they were wild, uncontrollable, and as merer symbiotes, ineffective. So Gelior did what no one else could do..He volunteered Torin. Borna was also volunteered, but Serigae chose Torin over Borna, created tension between the two. Gelior continued on to reveal that because Borna held Dendalis, and Torin held Tanzalis, only one could lead the Shadows. If the other was alive, they would continue to follow Borna, although Gelior would not tell Torin why they would follow him and not Torin himself. So Torin went on to seek out members of the Resistance yet again, and this time plead to the Queen's sense of loyalty, begging for the Kyorl to assist with this battle. The Queen turned a blind eye to the native's plea, explaining the Dark Elves of Alerar had bigger problems on the Raiaeran borders to worry about. Slowly running out of options, Torin sent word to Borna to meet and face him in Etheria Port. As the Rangir marched into the Port, they faced off against the original Alerian Resistance as well as a few new faces, and the BSA's naval attack proved enough for Torin to defeat Borna after several days of battle. When Borna and Dendalis finally fell, the Shadow bowed to Torin, swearing their allegiance to him.

    With his brother in arms gone, and the pressure of being a leader of a quickly growing clan bearing down on him, Torin began to crack, slowly losing control of the Shadow, the BSA, and his old left. He finally left Etheria, going on to compete in the LCC and the Adventurer's Crown tournaments. Since then, Torin has collaberated with decorated Kyorl officer Thoracis Rakarth and members of some morally reprehensible clans also located in Alerar to search for Borna Venar's body and protect Alerar from the Rangir. Torin himself continues to try and find where in Alerar the Project was housed.


    Tanzalis - 6 ft long, 1.5 ft wide Mythril with an infused Delyn core sword. Hilt is made of Delyn and curved up the dull end of the sword.
    Medal of Trestoria - earned from first Rangir battle, given by the Queen of Alerar.
    5 3" dehlar throwing knives
    Duty - Delyn dagger given to Torin by Seth Dahlios.
    Rain - Adamantite dagger hidden in left boot *Gained during Adventurer's Crown*
    Justice - Steel crossbow, capable of shooting 2 bolts at a time.


    Expert swordsplay - Torin has completely mastered his own unique style with Tanzalis.

    Advanced history / time knowledge - Torin is still one of the most knowledgeable people on Althanas about Time magic, second only to the great Yari Rafanas.

    Average Geomancy - Torin has learned much more about the element of Fire, and some of water, particularly ice.


    Strength - Torin can lift 1000 pounds with ease. *Always in effect.

    Stop, Set, Rewind - One of Torin's most useful abilities, he can slow time down for 30 seconds while still being able to move. He can also use this ability to go back and view things he has experienced or learned about in the past, but can not change them. *Time slowdown affects bullets. It makes them dodgable if Torin sees them and jumps out of the way, but there's still a good chance he could get hit.

    Firelight - Torin can make a small fire in his palm for 30 seconds. This ability can only be used to illuminate, not as an attack.

    Into The Light - Torin can imbue Tanzalis with fire, allowing the blade of the sword to be on fire.

    Frost - Torin can make his fists into ice. Roughly the strength of steel, easily shattered with anything of a higher tier.
    Last edited by Torin Reahkari; 12-08-08 at 06:37 PM.
    Tanzalis - 5.5 ft long Mythril greatsword with Delyn core
    3 Delyn 2 1/2" Claws In Either Glove
    Honor - Adamantine dagger
    Duty - Delyn dagger

    Medal of Trestoria
    50 cigarettes

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    MizBiz vs IK - Gisela Showdown

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    Do you ever Feel like a Monster?

    Do you dare to read The Diary of the Dead

    Have you seen my Hollow Daydreams
    Or listened to this Serenade of Haunting Voices
    Pray for The Heart I Once Had
    Then grant A Rose For The Dead'

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