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Thread: Fareron Silverstone

  1. #1
    MaxBlade's Avatar

    Faeron Silver Stone (The Blade)
    Hair Color
    Brown with light brown streaks.
    Eye Color
    Traveling Mage

    Fareron Silverstone

    Name: Fareron Silverstone
    Age: 19
    Hair Color: Light brown
    Eye Color: Brown, they go yellow though when he does magic.
    Height: 6’2
    Weight: 120
    Race: Human/ air genasi (air touched race) one that dabbles in Weather Magic.
    Gender: Male
    Attire: His attire consists of his white mage robes, and his white hat.
    Occupation: Traveling Mage
    Equipment: Staff made of strong oak.

    Personality: Air genasi are quite used to looking down on everyone and seem to manage this even when standing on the ground. Having no need to breathe, they see such waste of air an affront to its purity, and their disdain in the “faults” of others only grows from there. The self-styled wind dukes are seen by most folk as haughty and self-important, but are well respected within the Elemental Plane of Air for their heritage. Elsewhere, however, they are viewed much as other genasi, which is an affront to their egos. Air genasi are wild and carefree; their temper often shifts between a calm breeze and a raging tempest seemingly without warning. They are swift to make rivalries and are fiercely competitive about anything their capricious nature indicates is worthy.

    Appearance: This guy reminds you of a randy rabbit. He has large brown eyes that are like two patches of dried blood. His luxurious, long hair is the color of polished amber, and is worn in an artistic style. He is very tall and has a graceful build. His skin is now light blue. He has wide feet. His wardrobe is magical looking with a lot of robes and is mostly white. (He owns only two robes)

    Physical Description:
    With their mortal parents being chosen for exceptional qualities combined with their elemental blood, air genasi are usually strikingly exotic in appearance. They often have a sultry, breathy voice, and what seems to be a constant breeze blowing through their hair, even while indoors. Some are proud of a light bluish tint to their skin or hair, as well as the coolness it radiates. Air genasi do not need to breathe, furthering the idea of their alien physiology. Most have a permanently disheveled look about their hair and attire, which they view as only the proper manifestation of things.

    Relations: Air genasi tend to look upon other races as rivals and inferiors. They will rarely deign to lower their standards or assist those of lesser heritage than themselves. Instead, they prefer the company of their peers and individuals they believe measure up somehow. Overall, the air genasi do not seem to fit in well in most planar societies, as they rarely take interest in community affairs or the politics of others. It isn’t impossible to befriend them, and in fact the wind dukes make strong allies, but such relationships are formed only on their terms.

    Air Genasi Lands: Unlike most genasi, wind dukes have a special place within their society. They are typically reared in humanoid settlements floating through the Elemental Plane of Air and put into positions of prestige and respect due to their noble heritage. Outside these little burgs, however, air genasi are wind-strewn throughout the planes and live at the highest elevation they can manage. This usually means lofty mountaintops or at the very least on the highest floor of whatever building they are occupying.

    Languages: Air genasi speak Common, and a majority of them pick up Auran as a second language.

    Adventurers: A good number of air genasi are avid travelers, which often leads them to become experienced planewalkers in their own right. Some are drifters who prefer not to sit still for very long, while others travel on business associated with their office in the community. A few may actually seek glory and adventure, though because of the reliance on traveling companions these are only the most tolerant of their kind.


    Eyes squinting and with back arched, Fareron Silverstone winced as a pain shot up through him traveling from his spine right to his neck, as he hobbled down the dirt road. The pain wasn’t excruciating like the other pains in the past but it was enough pain to make him want to scream. He walked past Adobe houses and kids smoking hukai’s, kids playing marbles and people looking at him weird. “Only a few more steps,” he thought to urge himself on.

    “What’s wrong mister?” Came a voice out of nowhere carrying on the wind towards Asked a small child who was sitting on the side of the road Fareron gave the young boy a grimace of a smile. This was the question that Fareron asked himself everyday. What was becoming wrong with him? His used to be athletic body was now becoming skinnier, and his muscle’s were becoming mostly fat. From all of his night of magic training, his hazelnut brown eyes had become Chestnut brown, with a little bit of red from staying up all night studying. His also Black hair was turning brown and parts were even streaked light brown.

    You might ask yourself, why were these changes occurring? Well these changes happened because of the magic he was studying, and no it wasn’t deep dark magic or magic of unspeakable horrors (because if it was he wouldn’t do it) but it was a weird magic, and not many studied it. To the humans and other lesser being that did not study the art they knew it as Aeromancy, but to Genasi’s (Wind Spirits) who knew the secret word and how to control the power, they had another name for it… and no one knew it, except for them…so let’s keep it that way.

    He sighed, as he stumbled into his one story adobe house and flopped on his straw stuffed bed, his sensitive muscle cramping up because of the stress. He paid no notice to this though and instead thought about why he had joined this hell pit of magic at the age of fifteen.

    When you start to learn Aeromancy you will not just gain powers but you will also gain a new spirit and a new mind. This is what his master Gödel Lenita told him on his first day when he came asking to learn the arts of Aeromancy. What he meant by a new spirit was true and it was changing everyday. The pain was sometimes unbearable but as a result of taking the pain his body had formed in a way that he did not know it could. The aeromancer has an inherently magical connection to the wind, the air, and the weather. He can manipulate winds, create vacuums, lower or raise the temperature, generate thunder and lightning, take on the qualities of air, and move himself and objects through the air with ease. This was his first lesson in Aeromancy and he never forgot it. Ever since that day, his body began “The Change”.

    When his body began the change many things happened. The reason his body changed in this way was because of his study of Aeromancy, he went so deep into it that he actually became the air around himself. For one, his body became lighter from his usual heavyset weight of 195. His bones became hollow on the inside so that it would be easier for him to fly but that also meant he had to eat five times what he was eating at first to keep his energy up. Then his next change was when he learned he didn’t have to breathe and even his master had to do that.

    Living in a small town right off of the city of Sansada (The magical capital of the country) It was uncommon for people to NOT have magic coursing through their blood, but someone not having to breath was a major thing, his friend Atticus, was another mage so he didn’t have a problem with Fareron not having to breath for he himself was an Arcane Mage. Fareron though a little deeper, back farther into his history, when his mother died…unfortunately his lazy father was still alive.

    His mother died when he was fourteen, before he turned fifteen. How? His father turned her in to the authorities also known as the rayon’s, Large Humanoid Beast, who loved to devour innocent humans like his mom. His mom wasn’t able to protect herself when she died and Fareron decided he would not be the one who ended up not protecting himself, he knew that if his mom could have protected herself she would have, this time though he would not be the one… he would protect himself no matter what.


    Weightless: He can become as light as air. That way he can water walk or air walk.

    He transcends the need for breath. Fareron no longer breathes because of his study of Aeromancy. This renders him immune to inhaled attacks, drowning, and effects based on scent.

    Lightning Resistance:
    When I say Resistance, that means the lightning will come at him and he will absorb at least 50% of it, but it will not hurt him as much as someone who does not have Lightning. He gains no further power or any special abilities by absorbing the lightning.

    He can fly. Fareron can fly at twice his ground speed about thirteen miles per hour up to 80 feet maximum with Good maneuverability.

    Wind Blade: Fareron can convene a shimmering blade of focused wind in his empty hand. This blade strikes as an Iron Sword or scimitar. Fareron can wield the blade very well now. Exposure to a vacuum or submersion in water instantly destroys the weapon.

    I Am the Air:
    Fareron can become the air. Once per day for up to 10 minutes, the aeromancer may assume an incorporeal, invisible, scentless, and tasteless state. All of his possessions assume this form with him, but anything dropped resumes its natural state; light-radiating objects become invisible but their radiance does not, resulting in illumination with no visible source. While in this form, Fareron is under the effects of improved invisibility and can fly at a rate of 100 feet with Perfect maneuverability. He may not attack in this form.


    His sound mind allows Him to ignore distractions when casting defensively.

    He is deft and light on his feet.


    Wind Manipulation: By using circular, evasive movements, Wind Mage build up massive inertia; this buildup of energy is released as massive power. It also allows for wind-based counterattacks that knock opponents off-balance, mimicking the sudden directional shifts of air currents. Attacks vary from simple gusts of wind to miniature tornadoes and cyclones, maintaining the circular theme. Even a simple movement can create an air gust, and Wind Mage increase the power of their moves by performing larger sweeps and spins, using the momentum of their movement to simulate larger gusts. Fareron can control at least two gust of wind at a time. The pounds of force he can inflict is from .05 to 30 pounds, and the winds can move up to twenty miles an hour.

    Air Shields: The most common defensive tactic involves circling enemies, suddenly changing direction when attacked and evading by physical movement rather than bending. However, a Wind Mage can still deflect as needed by throwing up gusts of air close to their bodies as a shield. Which is as hard as a normal shield and as hard to get through as a normal shield. This is rarely to stop attacks directly and more often pushes the attack aside and away. Conserving energy and allowing them to turn the movement into an attack at the same moment. Since air can affect almost all physical objects, it can also be used to enforce the momentum of thrown objects or manipulate other objects (though requiring a higher degree of precision).

    Air Blast: A more offensive move involving a direct pulse or jet of wind from the hands or feet. The power is generated more from the bender's own power than assisted by momentum. This direct blast can reach further with greater accuracy and is used to inflict greater damage. The blast is like a sledge hammer, and if you get hit by one of these it's going to hurt.

    Enhanced Agility: Air movements can also be used as a levitation aid. Wind Mage jump high and far by riding on strong gusts of wind and can slow or deflect falls by creating cushions of air. The constant movement required by this art makes Wind Mage naturally flexible and agile. Even without actually bending they can easily maneuver around an opponent by ducking, jumping, and side stepping, appearing to flow around their opponents without expending any energy at all, letting the opponent tire themselves out and create exploitable openings. This conservation of energy combined with high stamina gives them an advantage in prolonged combat. He's about 4x average.

    Sky Disk
    Type: Weapon (Razor Disk)
    Description: A circular saw blade made entirely of white, razor sharp air. Its circumference is lined with small curved blades and its center is virtually hollow except for a cross shaped part that allows Fareron to grab it. The Sky Disk is thrown like a Frisbee and can be deflected, or dodged. If it hits its target (It's as sharp and hard as a sword), it can cause some serious damage using wind magic Fareron is able to summon it back to him.


    Lack of Fatal Moves: Though it stands as the most dynamic of the Bending Arts, the primary weakness of Wind Mage is that it lacks fatal finishing moves, being almost entirely a defensive art.

    Enclosed Spaces: Though rarely exhibited, a Wind Mage would be significantly disadvantaged in an enclosed space, restricting their movement and ability to dodge attacks. Though it is difficult to separate a Wind Mage from their element, if one was submerged under water or trapped in a vacuum, their ability to bend would likely be compromised.

  2. #2
    EXP: 23,421, Level: 6
    Level completed: 49%, EXP required for next level: 3,579
    Level completed: 49%,
    EXP required for next level: 3,579
    Taskmienster's Avatar

    Einar Fenrisson
    Hair Color
    Brown, buzz cut mohawk
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    6'2" / 315
    Outcast Noble

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    What is the lightening resistance percentage? Please make it around 50%.

    Wind Manipulation needs to have a number set to how many manipulations you can create at once. With the number of other skills and spells you have, limit that to 3 things at once. Also, I need to see pounds of force against opponents, and the highest wind speeds you can create. Please be reasonable.

    The Shield, what is the strength of the wind compared to metal, and how hard is it to break it?

    Same thing for the blast and for the Disk (which is more necessary for relative metal strength and material) as what I need for the strength of the winds that you can manipulate.

    For the Enhanced Agility I need to know how enhanced, make it about 4x average and it should be fine.

  3. #3
    MaxBlade's Avatar

    Faeron Silver Stone (The Blade)
    Hair Color
    Brown with light brown streaks.
    Eye Color
    Traveling Mage

    Trust me I'm reasonable. I've edited, and you should find everything to your liking. I've even made it so I can only control to gust of wind at a time, because guess what...I only have two hands!

  4. #4
    EXP: 23,421, Level: 6
    Level completed: 49%, EXP required for next level: 3,579
    Level completed: 49%,
    EXP required for next level: 3,579
    Taskmienster's Avatar

    Einar Fenrisson
    Hair Color
    Brown, buzz cut mohawk
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    6'2" / 315
    Outcast Noble

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    Kick ass! Two hands and two gusts, that makes perfect sense, haha. Anyway, looks good. Have fun with the tournament and good luck!


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