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Thread: Kristopher Sasuno

  1. #1
    Kristopher's Avatar

    Kristopher "Kaotic" Sasuno
    Around two hundred, looks around twelve
    Hair Color
    Black w/ Red bangs
    Eye Color
    Purple with a smoky black tint
    5'1" 110Lbs.

    Kristopher Sasuno

    Name: Kristopher "Kaotic" Sasuno
    Age: Around two hundred years old, but he can change how old he appears to be. ((Will take the appearance of a Twelve year old during this tournament.))
    Sex: Male
    Race: Hayze ((A Human possessed by spirits from a different dimension.))[Yes, A race created by myself.]
    Hair Color: Black with red bangs
    Eye Color: Dark Purple with a smoky black tint
    Height: 5'1" ((In his child state))
    Weight: 110lbs. ((In his child state))
    Occupation: Necromancer
    Personality: Very quiet, a bit hostile when he knows enemies are around.

    Weapons: Since Kristopher's specialty is magic, he only carries three Black mithril daggers that measure 10 inches long in total inside of his coat.

    Armor: Kris wears a pair of black pants tucked into his black leather boots about six inches above his ankles. He also wears a normal black shirt, with a leather black trench coat over that. The collar of the coat popping up his neck to just under his chin so only the front of his neck is visible. While the sleeves fall down over his hands when they are at his sides, which is just about always. The tail of the coat falls down the back of his legs until about an inch or two above the ground. The shoulders of the coats have holes in the about eight inches wide on each side, the inside of the holes are just pitch black, and not because of the shirt Kris wears under the coat, it’s because this is one of the magics of Kris’ trench coat. From these holes, Kris can launch Shinobi Senbon in the shape of Raven feathers, so the points of the feathers, as long as the sides are dangerously sharp. The feathers are about six inches long by an inch wide, they’re usually launched at alarmingly fast speeds. At the bottom of the sleeves, in the area that covers his hands, are black swirling designs in the shape of clouds. These designs seem to always be moving, sort of an illusion, and the second magic on Kris’ coat. From these, Kris can release a poisonous gas into the air surrounding him at a pretty fast rate. If the enemy were to inhale this gas, or it gained entrance into the enemy’s mouth, it would seep into their body, spreading pretty quickly, and only when it is completely spread throughout the opponent’s body, will it take effect and caused a bit of short term numbness, such as the victim losing feeling in their legs, though the gas would take about thirty seconds to spread. This gas doesn’t affect Kris since it’s his creation, and he made it so that his Animus Ruina aura can destroy it before it enters his body. And since the Animus Ruina aura is constantly surrounding him, the gas wouldn’t ever be able to affect him.

    Other Equipment: None.


    -In his Child state, Kristopher values speed over strength, and can move at extremely fast speeds, though his body is fragile so he can't take too many hits before being destroyed completely.

    Shadow Eyes: This is something that is always active, this allows Kristopher a third "vision" allowing him to track others not by his sight but by their aura or power they give off, most give off a light or dark aura but there are those who give off different colors such as red for fire, etc. This power allows him to tell the difference between a clone/illusion from the real being since every one has a life force aura that is specific to them and not a clone or illusion can have it. Shadow Eyes also have stages up to three, though the three Stages can only be used while Kristopher is in his Bikou Karasu state, otherwise, the Shadow Eyes will remain in their default form (Description mentioned in “Eye Color” Above.)

    -Stage one: The eyes themselves become nothing but shadows, they give off a dark black glow with no definiate shape, the eyes glow with a purple tint. Within this level the Shadows can be used as an aura, acting as a shield to protect Kristopher, but this of course is only within what Kristopher can see and can't protect him from what he doesn't. The activation of the "life/aura lock" is also possible within the first stage. (Meaning he is able to lock onto one's aura, or life signature.)

    -Stage two: In this stage the Shadow eyes now take on a more solid form, no longer leaking out the eyes the Shadows stay within, giving off a red tint. Within this level Shadow weapons are possible, as the second level the aura can make Kristopher stronger as well. Within the second stage the Shadows can be used as their two “Elemental” forms, Shadow Lightning, and Shadow Flames.

    -Stage three: Within the third stage is where the Shadow eyes now form into a total pitch black eye, the pupil not visible anymore, replaced by a purple haze. The hair and body starts to form black streaks. In stage three, Kristopher's Bikou Karasu state takes on a more animalistic appearence, the shadow aura forms two black wings on his back as his hands grow into talons, his scythe vanishes as his fighting style changes into something more barbaric.

    Animus Ruina: Kristopher's special magic. It's a red aura that constantly surrounds his body. Though he chooses whether this aura is visible to the naked eye or not.

    -One of this magic's special properties is that if he were to infuse his daggers with it will damage the soul of whoever the daggers come into contact with. Leaving their body unharmed, the soul takes all the damage, which is much more painful than physical damage. The fusion effect only works with inanimate objects such as weapons, but he can also fire off concentrated shots of the aura that, if it were to hit his opponent, would seep into their body and make their soul the target of all of his following attacks instead of their physical body for a while (Two turns?) Then disappear.

    -In it's second stage, it can target different forms of energy and neutralize them if it connects and spreads through them successfully, during this second stage the Aura's color shifts to a very dark shade of blue.

    -In it’s third stage, Kristopher can reverse the soul damaging effect so that it can burn the physical body of whoever he targets with the heat of about One thousand degrees Fahrenheit, but for this to work, Kristopher has to fire off bolts or blasts of the energy and it would, of course, have to connect with the opponent to activate. In this stage, Kristopher can form lesser melee weapons with the aura, such as Daggers, or short swords, giving him another possible way to have the aura connect with the target.

    -In every stage, the Animus Ruina is what allows Kristopher's necromancy. Simply by letting it into a being that's lost it's life, it will spread through, and provide a sort of subsitute life force and once again giving the being life again at Kristopher's control.

    -Finally, The Animus Ruina's last ability involves the aura shifting into a jet black color, this aura flares around his body wildly compared to all of the others since it is much more powerful, but only his last resort form for the Animus Ruina. This Aura simply being called the "Shadow Aura" It's really nothing like a normal shadow, only taking it's name because of the color it takes. He is able to give this aura the properties of known elements, though it won't be the element itself and all of the different "Shadow Elements" Have different effects as they hit their enemy, such as Shadow Flames burn, shadow lightning shocks, etc.

    This being his one major magical ability besides his shadow eyes, he has of course mastered it, and knows all of it's secrets.

    -Bikou Karasu: This is Kristopher's one and only transformation. And only takes place when his life is in serious danger, The "Shadow Aura" of his Animus Ruina is let loose and completely takes control over his body. The "Shadows" Form what seems like a hood over his head, and seep into the hood covering his face completely just leaving a dim purple tint visible inside. The Shadow aura also breaks off and forms a scythe in his hand, that can take on the properties of his other "Shadow Elements" As he sees fit. Though Kristopher has no self control in this state for the most part he will only attack his enemies with his strength and speed which is double what they are in his normal state, until they have been destroyed.

    In short, Kristopher was born into a very poor family that lived in a cabin in the woods somewhere. The forest surrounding the cabin was haunted, and Kristopher always played in the forest as a child. He stumbled upon some sort of portal at the bottom of a well while exploring the area and was "Attacked" by spirits who took over his body. Returning to his cabin, he killed his family and left, gaining control over the spirits over time they became part of him and gave him the abilities he has now. Since that day, Kristopher's traveled everywhere with the memory of that day dug into his head.
    Last edited by Kristopher; 12-20-08 at 02:26 PM.

  2. #2
    Kristopher's Avatar

    Kristopher "Kaotic" Sasuno
    Around two hundred, looks around twelve
    Hair Color
    Black w/ Red bangs
    Eye Color
    Purple with a smoky black tint
    5'1" 110Lbs.

    Please excuse my impatience, but I've noticed that people who submitted their profiles after me have gotten them looked over. I am not very good at waiting especially since I'm devoting pretty much all of my time to this and would like my profile checked over.

    And again, I apologize for my impatience.
    "He's only a child, how could he have killed them?"

  3. #3
    EXP: 73,853, Level: 11
    Level completed: 74%, EXP required for next level: 3,147
    Level completed: 74%,
    EXP required for next level: 3,147
    Ataraxis's Avatar

    Lillian Sesthal
    Apparently Human
    Hair Color
    Silky Black
    Eye Color
    Eerie Blue
    5'7" / ?? lbs.

    I apologize for the wait, Kristopher, as there were slight issues regarding your profile and two others. Now that the situation has been clarified, I will be able to take care of it!

    First off, since you're using the same Shadow Eyes as Xero, I'd be grateful if you could elaborate on the stages and their effects, the same way he did in his profile.

    Moreover, if you could separate Animus Ruina into more distinct paragraphs, it would make it much easier for me to read. Because it's so condensed, I feel like I might have missed something reading the description.

    For his Soul Damaging ability: I'm not sure if infusing the aura causes damage to his opponent's soul, or of an opponent infused with his aura will have his soul damaged instead of his body by any attack after being infused with Kris' aura?

    If it's the former, then Kris can't cause damage over time. The damage is inflicted each time he successfully infuses his aura within his opponent.

    If it's the latter, then Kris has to either touch his opponent for 3 seconds to infuse his aura or strike his opponent with a charged blast of aura. If successful, the opponent's soul will be damaged instead of his body for the next two of your posts.

    To successfully use the 1000 Farenheit ability, Kris has to strike his opponent with a charged ball of this aura. Like with the previous ability, if he misses, then the ability will not activate. This is to give opponents a fair chance, or else you could go around casting it with 100% success every post - which, I think you'll agree, would make for a very dull, very repetitive thread.

    I'm okay with the necromancy, though there might not be a lot of corpses for him to use in these battles, just so you know.

    The last ability was unclear to me, but from what I understood, he wraps himself in a, quote-unquote, "shadow" that exhibits the properties of the known elements. I'm guessing he'll be flinging this aura as energy balls or bolts or streams as well. As long as you use them only as direct-damage spells (and not have them turn into solid whips or giant, black, elemental birds or homing-missiles), then I'll allow it. If you want to have more liberty with this ability, then you have to limit it to two elements at most, like Fire and Lightning.

    His Bikou Karasu form can only grant him twice his normal speed and twice his normal strength.

    Your gas-sleeves are far too powerful. There isn't a way to remove the gas from your body once you've inhaled it, and considering how fast the spread is, your opponents can't avoid it as well.

    Edit in these stipulations: the poisonous clouds can only be used once per battle, and he cannot control their movements once they're expelled from his sleeves. They cannot 'turn the insides' of their opponents. They can cause minor paralysis, numbness, and perhaps nausea. If you agree to this, and if you make the above changes, then your character wil lbe ready for approval!

  4. #4
    Kristopher's Avatar

    Kristopher "Kaotic" Sasuno
    Around two hundred, looks around twelve
    Hair Color
    Black w/ Red bangs
    Eye Color
    Purple with a smoky black tint
    5'1" 110Lbs.

    Well, I've made all of the suggested changes.

    I fixed the Shadow Eye section of the profile, and clarified on the Animus Ruina. I edited the gas bit of the coat sleeves, and edited the little bit of the Bikou Karasu transformation.

    If there is anything else that needs to be fixed just let me know and I will change it.
    "He's only a child, how could he have killed them?"

  5. #5
    EXP: 73,853, Level: 11
    Level completed: 74%, EXP required for next level: 3,147
    Level completed: 74%,
    EXP required for next level: 3,147
    Ataraxis's Avatar

    Lillian Sesthal
    Apparently Human
    Hair Color
    Silky Black
    Eye Color
    Eerie Blue
    5'7" / ?? lbs.

    Perfect! Everything seems to be in order. Sorry for the lengthy process, but you are now good to go!

    You are hereby approved!

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