There are two reasons why you don't get rewards for posting and winning by default: first, we don't reward EXP per post on Althanas, we reward for (semi) complete stories. To add a set EXP per post would give an unfair advantage to those who post nonsense and to add a variable EXP per post would be extremely taxing on our judges. Second, it adds accountability. I know this is a tournament so your opponents are randomly selected, but you should still open a dialogue with your opponents. Cooperating for a battle makes for a better read than being adversarial. Naturally, if a player is absent, it encourages contacting them to see why they are gone. In a regular battle this is even more important. At least you advance in the tournament. Even if you win by default, you still get the prizes that placing entails.

The moderators have discussed the topic at length, Petoux, so at least be assured that your concerns were considered.