Jingle, jingle, was the sound above the bedroom, accompanied by the clink, clink of chains being jostled about. A few muttered obscenities and then this lovely bit: "Shit!"

The chandelier dropped dead center in the bedroom floor. About three hundred tiny crystals, each one containing permanent wisps of light rather than mere candle flames, shattered. It was spectacular, slightly disorienting, and above all else: Loud. At the heart of the warped metal frame at the center was one busted looking Wizard, his glasses hanging lopsided, his Hat tilted and slightly sagging, his limbs spread out all over the place. The man looked rather uncomfortable.

"Could've been worse," he said to himself, pushing his glasses up into place. "Either of you ever heard of 'splinching,' by any chance?" Baffled looks. "Well, see, it's this thing where your skin ends up one place and your organs end up another and your skeleton appears about half-way between the two and your bodily fluids-"

"Enough," either or both of them said. Didn't really matter which. Caden shrugged, adjusted his gear and stood up, then adjusted it again for redundancy's sake.

"Are we in?" he asked, having never actually set foot inside the city of Knife's Edge before today -- nevermind getting into one of the most heavily protected rooms in one of the most ridiculously overprotected buildings within the city's borders. He took a deep breath, scanning the area with a Wizard's senses...and almost threw up from the amount of background magic radiating through the building. It took Caden a few seconds to catch his breath and fight the urge down. He hadn't experienced such a harsh, magic-saturated environment since the battlefields of Raiaera; even Icehenge's power was at least natural, easy to take in and digest. This was just overkill.

He drew out his wand with one hand and his bowie knife with the other, leaving sword sheathed and rod holstered for now. Caden wasn't expecting a whole lot of room to maneuver, even if this particular chamber was so big you could cram one of his hometown churches in and have room left over.

"Yes. We're in. Fantastic work, Mr. Valentino. Now let's go kill a Saint," he said, gesturing to the door and taking point behind Teric and Rayse. Somebody had to bring up the rear and he could at least throw spells around the other two if need-be.