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Thread: Checkmate

  1. #11
    EXP: 44,094, Level: 9
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    Requiem of Insanity's Avatar

    Cassandra Remi
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    “You were my biggest sin.” Jebb Remi said darkly as he watched Cassandra walk out of the darkness into the moonlight. He tested his bonds one last time, realizing there was no safe haven from this hell he was about to visit upon.

    “You upset, Father, because I wouldn’t be like you? Because I wouldn’t regret what I’ve become?” The two glared daggers before Cassandra twirled on her heel walking back into the shadows. “You are sadly mistaken, Father.” she chided. “I do have a regret in this life, a regret I’m going to correct.”

    “That’s it then? Kill me?” Jebb sighed loudly. “Is this some sort of initiation into madness for you? Defeat your teacher and become the master?” a soft voice chuckled behind his ears. “Give into your stupid ambitions?” he shouted into the void of darkness. "Knock this off Cassandra!"

    Footsteps creaked along the wooden boards as she stepped back into the light on his side. She lifted a single fillet knife and gently ran the tip of the blade down his side. Blood pooled down his side where it formed on his hip before spilling over down his leg onto the floor.

    Jebb Remi seethed in pain as he hissed at her, not crying out in agony to spite her. Cassandra gave him a disillusioned look. “You don’t have to do this.” He whispered to his daughter. “We can start over.” he continued.

    “Shut. Up.” Cassandra commanded as her eyes narrowed.

    “Cassandra look at me! You can’t do this, I’m your father! Think, my darling! Think of what we can do together!” he begged, his eyes going soft as she took off his right nipple making him cry out loudly,.

    “SHUT UP!” Cassandra shouted as she tossed the fillet knife off to the side in anger. “I don’t want this! I didn’t want you to beg! For once, I just wanted the silence of a kill, and now you won’t give me that!” She stormed back into the darkness.

    “It’s okay…my…child…” Jebb said woozily as he felt his stomach grow wet and sticky. “We can, we can live…live together…” Cassandra returned back with a large dagger eying her father with tears in her eyes. At last she thrust the weapon into his chest in a reverse grip, her face covered in anger and confusion as she stabbed her father in the heart.

    She took a few pained steps back as she looked to him, her face contorting as she watched the life in his body begin to shiver free from his flesh. He coughed up blood weakly, it drooling from his quivering lips as he looked to her.

    “I…always…hated you…my sin…” he breathed out in a wheeze. His eyes started to close sharply as Cassandra looked to her father.

    “I hated you too, father.” She said in choked sobs. “Then I just stopped caring about you.” she said as the knife fell from her hands. She looked as he passed on, her lips quivering as she looked down upon the bloodied weapon, feeling a darkened void start to fill in her heart.

    For once she couldn’t feel her dark intentions, her dutiful lover, and she preferred that. She stumbled on her own towards a corner, looking at the body in the moonlight as she fell upon the corner, trembling as she softly slid down, her hands instantly wrapping around her knees as she drew them in, sobbing into her arms as she cried over the death of her father.
    What is this
    I'll kill you all just for fun and games
    And in the most cruel way, sacrifice you
    What a shame
    no escape
    Even if you cry out
    there's no one
    nothing but violence can save the world.

    wailing wailing a loud cry of pain or rage or sorrow and with a wonderful singing voice unbridled
    wailing wailing a loud cry of pain or rage or sorrow and with a wonderful singing voice I was beside myself

  2. #12
    EXP: 44,094, Level: 9
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    Cassandra Remi
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    Cassandra’s eyes were flowing with tears as she sobbed, her body losing all it’s energy as she looked to the board with no care in her heart. She wanted to die now. She wanted to end this. She didn’t want to see her memories anymore. She just wanted to forget.

    Kingmaker was howling with laughter as he pointed to her in triumph, watching her as she sobbed like a new born babe. “Does the monster miss her daddy?” he taunted. “Does she wish to be with him again?”

    “Leave me alone.” Cassandra whined.

    “Like hell I will!” Kingmaker shouted wildly, fire in his eyes as he looked to her. “I am the Kingmaker of this plain! I am the one who will set forth the wheels of fate and make the darkness fear the light! Far to long has the shadows ruled over the light so monsters like you can thrive, live and breath! But I? I will end this as I snuff out everyone touched by darkness and give them the glory of the light! I will make them feel the pain of their own tormented life and relive each moment of it as I strip their souls apart piece by little piece!

    “In the end you will be a shell, with nothing but your memories flooding out of your head to keep you company! You will look to me and tremble! So open your eyes, Cassandra Remi, see the futility it is to fight me!”

    Cassandra felt her will being drained quickly, her energy nearly spent just to breath. A warmth covered her as her dark companion did everything within his power to save her, but she was broken. Her mind was unable to focus and function.

    “You don’t have much time left, Cassandra! Make your move and lose the game!” Kingmaker taunted.

    Cassandra felt her dark intentions gripping at her mind, trying to wake her out of her daze, but she felt no desire to risk seeing another memory. She was torn and broken. She just wanted to sit and wait and have her soul be taken.

    “What’s the point?” Cassandra muttered. “Why should I bother to live when he’ll just rip up from the grave of my heart another memory?”

    With a howl of rage the shadows began to stir in the room, the candles flickering as an unearthly wind howled in the pillars and across the board. Kingmaker began to shout and scream for explanation, but Cassandra felt disassociated with the howling energies and the commotion going on.

    Something sparked her heart however, and she lifted her head a fraction of an inch. She couldn’t’ hear it, and when she was about to give up again she felt another spark. This time she perked her head up in curiosity like a tiny dog would. Her eyes scanned the horizons, but aside from Kingmaker’s confusion nothing seemed to be striking her as off.

    Then she heard it.

    Her eyes fell upon her queen, her most powerful piece was looking right at her, a bloodied knife in hand. The bishop was behind her, his eyes upon her as well as both of them looked up to her before they let out an ear piercing scream of pain and regret.

    Her ears twitched at the sound as she felt her heart spark back into life. She watched as all her pieces turned to her, their eyes showing terrible fear as their mouths pitched into a terrible wail of agony and remorse. Kingmaker’s hands covered his ears as he looked to her.

    “What the hell is this wailing noise?” he said, his voice cracking in fear. Cassandra felt her spirit lift as she heard the screams, her fingers dancing across the board as she listened to her lover’s most beautiful song. Each piece she touched screamed louder, as if she was personally torturing them with her finger. She felt her heart beat wildly to hear these screams and she closed her eyes in pleasure to hear her twisted song.

    “This is my song, Kingmaker!” Cassandra said in a fever of excitement. “My Requiem of Insanity! Will you join the chorus?” Kingmaker looked to her in terror before his eyes glanced down upon the board.

    “I knew if I opened myself up to another painful memory you would punish me for it! You would make me see what I wish to forget! But now that I made you waste a move you should have spent protecting your King I will now become the Kingmaker!”

    “NO!” Kingmaker shouted as his eyes scanned the board quickly. “No, this is wrong, you can’t beat me!”

    “You‘re probably are wondering why I am about to win?” Her hand gripped the queen tightly, her screams ear piercing as Cassandra slowly moved it, deliberately making it take a slow path as she dropped it off in front of the king. “It’s because you tried to stop the monsters in this world, not once realizing you were the monster you sought to fight!”

    The piece sauntered over, it’s wail of terror ending as it produced a dark grin, an inviting grin. The queen opened her robes and dropped it behind her, revealing a sneaking suit as blades of all shapes and sizes covered her body. The queen lifted up a single fillet knife before placing it into her mouth seductively as it stopped before Kingmaker’s podium.

    “I do believe that this is,” Cassandra said lifting her hand up to her throat. “Checkmate.” she motioned for the execution.

    Kingmaker lifted up in his seat, his eyes glossing over as a white light erupted from his chair, engulfing him as he screamed in torment. He howled, screaming for the King of All, for his sister, for anybody to help him. After a minute he began to scream for death, begging for it as he screamed in agony.

    The White pieces remaining on the board screamed with him, along with the black pieces as the Black Queen moved forward, taking the knife out of her mouth and lifting it over Kingmaker's heart.

    Then, there was only silence.
    Last edited by Requiem of Insanity; 01-16-10 at 08:18 PM.
    What is this
    I'll kill you all just for fun and games
    And in the most cruel way, sacrifice you
    What a shame
    no escape
    Even if you cry out
    there's no one
    nothing but violence can save the world.

    wailing wailing a loud cry of pain or rage or sorrow and with a wonderful singing voice unbridled
    wailing wailing a loud cry of pain or rage or sorrow and with a wonderful singing voice I was beside myself

  3. #13
    EXP: 44,094, Level: 9
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    Requiem of Insanity's Avatar

    Cassandra Remi
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    Cassandra watched as all the white pieces upon the board began to crumble into dust, Kingmaker’s podium being torn asunder as it engulfed him in the debris. She stood up from her perch, feeling her muscles ache as she turned down the steps lazily dragging the Butcher’s Bill behind her as she sauntered over to the wreckage of the White King.

    Her pieces all turned about face and slowly returned back to their side of the board, silently moving as sentinels as they took up positions before remaining neutral in their stoic faces. As she looked down upon the wreckage she found Kingmaker’s bloody face half buried under his desk, his chess board mere inches away from his fingers. She could already tell he had died.

    She sighed heavily, disappointed she couldn’t torture him in depth, but a powerful feeling rushed over her body as her Dark Companion whispered sweet nothings into her ear. She looked upon his broken form, and with one last sigh she bent down and picked up the white pieces from his board placing them into a small pouch. Turning on her heel she left the fool to linger in the afterlife with no memories of who or what he is. If what she learned from the game was any indication of the chess boards power, Kingmaker should be rotting in hell and not even knowing the reasons why.

    That made her grin.

    She moved towards the dais where she played her game, her hand swiping all the pieces into her sack where she dumped their white kin. Without even a second thought she pulled the string and tied it off before dropping it into her backpack. Settled and ready to leave, she began to walk.

    As she was about to touch the door handle she heard a loud fizz sound followed by a pop. She had heard this sound before, and she groaned slightly to herself before turning. Her communication orb that she used to talk to Kingmaker was glowing a soft blue, the sound of clapping echoing in the playroom.

    “Bravo, Bravo!” the voice was filled heavily with sarcasm as the clapping died down, and Cassandra walked back to the podium looking up at the orb as if it were a disgusting pile of ooze. “Kingmaker was a strong, if not a little delusional, opponent. I do hope he gave you a run for your money.”

    “The King of All speaks again,” Cassandra said darkly as she dropped her bag for comfort. “Come to give me another riddle?” she chided. “Perhaps this time you’ll provide me with where I can find you and kill you?”

    The king laughed as he heard her speak, reveling in her anger. Cassandra felt her ire rise and she bent over to pick up her bag.

    “Oh come now, child,” The King said laughing. “All in good fun now, all in good fun!” Cassandra rolled her eyes. “You do have to admit to me that you enjoyed yourself, even a little bit is more than what you are used to…”

    “…” Cassandra looked away from the orb before she grinned to herself. “…Maybe…” she admitted. The King let out only a cruel chuckle.

    "I must ask this, because I'm dying to know..." The King of All said sheepishly. Cassandra figured this would come, and cut him off.

    "What memory does the queen hold in my heart? What is the worst thing in my life I dug deeply into the chasms of my being to forget for all eternity? What memory spawned my dark nature so to say?"

    "Yes," The King of All said calmly. "I'm terribly interested." Cassandra thought about it. Should she lie and feed him a line? Should she not say anything? This man was dangerous, always knowing about her, but she knew nothing about him. Was this dangerous? She came to a conclusion.

    "My mother's death..." Cassandra said in a half whisper. Silence ruled the room as the King of All thought about this, and Cassandra did her best not to let the memory unravel itself in her mind.

    "You may ask me one question in return." the King said in return, his voice echoing in the silence. "Something of equal value about my past. Fair is fair. That I know something about you now you should know something about me."

    Cassandra thought about it. She had a million questions to ask this man, but in the end those questions would do her no good, instead she opted for a simpler one.

    "Who was the first person you ever killed?" Cassandra asked. Silence once again filled the room. Her lips curled into a smile as the King of All remained silent, far to silent for just mere simple thinking. This man was repressing the question, doing his best not to go down a road he promised never to walk again.

    "My..." he said softly. "My first kill was my own brother. We were hiking out in the wilderness, just us too. Well, we fell from a cliff, down a hole into the darkness of the abyss. We stumbled upon a group of cultists for a fallen god. They demanded we fight each other. Whoever was stronger was allowed to live, whoever weaker had to die."

    "A strange set of events." Cassandra pondered loudly. "That should have been torture. That should have been the toughest thing to ever do. I am going to guess that you didn't waste a breath in killing him."

    "Before he knew what was happening I took a knife and slit his throat. He hadn't even been given his weapon. I killed him in cold blood." The King of All's tone was like he was in a daze. He seemed distant and Cassandra listened to each word he spoke.

    "Strange that," Cassandra said sitting on her haunches. "I take it that death was similar to me killing my father. You had no regrets killing him, just..."

    "The way I did it." he finished. "It wasn't the way he was supposed to die. I had something so much grander for him in the end..." There was silence before the King of All spoke again. "Alas, fate is fickle and all that jazz!" he said quickly ending the matter.

    "Okay, King of All," she said with a sigh standing up. "I take it you are going to give me a riddle?"

    “The Sandman, the Kingmaker, what next is in store?” he rhymed. “For our midnight monster, this next prey will be a chore.” he continued. “She’s a woman from your past, a person’s memory that will forever last.”

    Cassandra bent her head to her chin as she began to think of who the King of All referred to in her riddle. “Who?” she said, confused as all hell.

    “Who knows. But this little kitten wants to come home to see her mommy.” he let the hint linger.

    “Where?” Cassandra asked vehemently as she thought of who it could be. The King of All laughed to her before the orb began to fizz again. “TELL ME!” She shouted.

    “Go to the desert.” he whispered to her.

    Cassandra lifted herself back upright, grabbing her bag as the orb shattered into thousands of tiny pieces, her mind made up. If Fallien was where she had to go, Fallien is where she will go. Her Dark Companion gave her a gentle hand, his warmth adding to hers. He approved of this action. All was in accord.

    She stepped out of the Citadel and made way for Fallien. The entire time her heart was wrenching as she instinctively gripped the Black Rook in her hand.
    Last edited by Requiem of Insanity; 02-16-10 at 06:42 PM.
    What is this
    I'll kill you all just for fun and games
    And in the most cruel way, sacrifice you
    What a shame
    no escape
    Even if you cry out
    there's no one
    nothing but violence can save the world.

    wailing wailing a loud cry of pain or rage or sorrow and with a wonderful singing voice unbridled
    wailing wailing a loud cry of pain or rage or sorrow and with a wonderful singing voice I was beside myself

  4. #14
    EXP: 23,421, Level: 6
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    Taskmienster's Avatar

    Einar Fenrisson
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    Checkmate: I wasn’t given any details as to the type of commentary that was requested. So, I’m going to be doing my average amount. If I see something that stands out I’ll make a note of it for you, and so forth. If you have comments or anything catch me via PM or AIM as per usual.

    Continuity 5

    :: Continuity through memories is a good way to get the reader to know a bit about the character, but what the purpose of the thread is other than to kill another person is lost. Why are you trying to kill him? What purpose does he have in Cassandra’s life? What happened to lead up to this event?

    Setting 4

    :: You seemed to have forgotten the setting after the first couple posts, which didn’t have a lot of setting to begin with.

    Pacing 3

    :: At first it was really quick, then there was a chess match which took up the vast majority of the thread. Pages of reading a chess match aren’t really that interesting unless you take the time to make them so. You don’t have to tell the reader every little detail of the mental battle through the use of the board, but it would be nice to have the focus shifted to something… interesting. Such as character, or a focus on persona.

    Dialogue 4

    :: The dialogue is somewhat childish, a lot of cussing and a lot of childish anger. Its as if the character is a small child, with a foul mouth, and weapons to kill someone in every thread. As I said in the persona, she doesn’t have a lot of depth which makes her really unbelievable as a character. What personality you do show is normally only through dialogue, and it is almost the same at all times so it doesn’t seem to add a whole lot to the general story.

    Action 4

    :: After playing so much, how does the Kingmaker have any memories left? Even small ones here and there, after losing pieces other than pawns, would eventually run out, right? It doesn’t make a whole lot of sense to use this as a means of hurting others when it also hurts you… The action is there, but not entirely clear.

    Persona 3.5

    :: Cassandra isn’t really that interesting. She does the same thing every time, never changes, and has the same cliché villain killer attitude. I’d suggest giving her some depth, something more than “I kill you, oh wait, I need 9 more posts till I can do that.” Also, something more than trying to portray her persona through dialogue would help a whole lot. Depth, that is what she needs more than anything.

    Technique 5.5

    :: You normally have a rather interesting, and welcoming writing style, one that makes the reader really want to continue. This thread, however, doesn’t follow that trend unfortunately. It feels like I’m reading a technical manual on the actions of the character. It doesn’t have enough feeling. Try and remember to keep the advanced technique in the thread, and don’t favor immediate ‘to-the-point’ storytelling that doesn’t allow the reader to get drawn in.

    Mechanics 5

    :: The Citadel is a proper name for a specific location, so should be capitalized. Minor spelling errors, such as writing ot instead of to, as well as comma errors (either too many or not enough).

    :: “She had got out of that mess by pure dumb luck, yet a solitary communication orb remained behind and someone by the alias King of All told her if she was looking for a challenge to come to this place and find someone by the nickname of Kingmaker.” Post 1 :: “She had [gotten] out…” got out is incorrect grammar. Also, the sentence is a bit of a run-on. You have the conclusion of what happened, what had been left behind after the conclusion, and then what came next. Too much in one sentence. You should stick to conveying a single thought per sentence, the only time a sentence should be as long as this is if each part of it relates to the initial train of thought started with.

    Clarity 4

    :: “About three months ago she was traveling the land in Carthage trailing someone who raped his victims under a spell.” Post 1 :: Did the person rape people that were under his spell, or did he rape them because he was under a spell? Make sure that you’re clear with your wording.

    :: “Now that term has dual meanings, as anyone who pulls the trigger to set the events to lead to others ascension.” Post 1 :: “Now” has a present tense connotation, and in this case completely cuts away from the past tense writing style. Also, after the comma, the sentence really doesn’t make any sense.

    Wild Card 5

    Score: 43


    Requiem :: 1400 exp | 100 gold
    ((Reward request : Cassandra Requests the following spoil:
    Kingmaker's Chess Pieces: The pieces of this demonic artifact is a testament to men's insanity to get what they want, regardless of the price. Depending on which color you play will determine what happens to your soul:

    -Black: If you play the black pieces, painful memories from your past will be forced up to the front of your mind, making you relive them as if they just occurred. (IE any emotional effects will immediately be revisited.) This process is also very painful.

    -White: If you play the white pieces, fond memories from your past will be stripped from your mind, forever lost. This leaves the player in a state of confusion and very disoriented. This process is also very painful.

    Changes :: White cannot remove memories forever. Also, cannot use on a PC without permission, though I don’t know how you would without their permission… ))

  5. #15
    EXP: 23,421, Level: 6
    Level completed: 49%, EXP required for next level: 3,579
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    Einar Fenrisson
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