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Thread: All Things Said And All Things Done (Solo)

  1. #11
    God of Bards
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    Two Years Ago

    The sun and the sea meet on the docklands of Alva, city of commerce, travesty, fun and violence. Like any other stronghold of the kingdom of Eked, every joy and every sin can be found in the bitter sanctuary of it’s walls. Enticing young farm hands and maids from the country to a better life, only to cut them in their prime and break their climb up the social ladder. Through the artistic district, little more than a slum, the docklands, the bustling market quarter and down through the residential slums and avenues, one can hear the laughter and arguments of countless thousands, going about their business and lives in the only way they know - eternal gusto and constant energy.

    A young man, older than the youths crowded around him, but not as old, wise or learned as the adults walking by twirls a dagger in his right hand, and hands out scrolls of parchment with the other, a dozen of which are tucked under his belt, into his waistcoat and down the side of his boots. He looked like an accountant who lived and breathed his work, or a man who’d partaken in one too many parties - a little unhinged. “C’mon, c’mon! Getcha tickets, tickets to the play now, here, free, come see the new play!”

    The grubby paws of the youths might not have understood the finer points of the theatrical world, but the bigger audience the greater the renown, respect and reception the man’s troupe would received, if all went to plan. It didn’t take long for the crowd to disperse, leaving the ticket seller with three scrolls and ruffled hair. “Any one else? New play, see it first on the Dockside Quay!” His accent carried clearly along the avenue, a small stretch of stalled cobbles which connected the great market square and the first of many smaller streets which lead into the heart of the upper class suburb of Mandrel. All across the city similar men were banding their wares, nearly two hundred parchments were being handed out in all, enough to fill the Dockside Quay to the very brim, eager, grubby, uneducated and unlearned masses and the educated and literate few, it didn’t matter who came, as long as they did.

    “Here here,” swirling on his heel the ticket seller meets the gaze of a tall, bearded man brandishing a copper coin, a very lavish azure jacket, and a large wig of grey curls and purple ribbons, “I’ll take one of those young man, for the price of love is but a garter away!” He wasn’t entirely sure what the man meant, but he took his money anyway, split another ticket and nodded politely as he slipped away. That was…disturbing, he thought to himself.

    The red bricks and mortar of the nearby wash house served as a momentary rest for the young man, who leans against it with style and panache. The sort that oozed confidence, despite him not having any. With only three left and several hours before he had to return to the Dockside to perform his part in the troupe’s new fandango, he thought about what he could do to pass the time. Alva was a tremendously expansive city, one of the biggest on the Eastern Peninsula, sprung up centuries ago from the ashes of a war. The then king had chosen here, of all the open spaces left uninhabited, due to the rich soil and depth of the estuary. As industry had churned away the seabed, and the land had been drained, Alva appeared and continues to grow inland, up, and down. There was always something to do, you just had to know what it is you wanted, and more importantly, where to look if your tastes were a little more sordid than the general populous.

    Kicking away from the wall he slipped a ticket into the back band of a parasol beauty, and the others into the wicker basket of a busy family mother, now free of his duties, he pushed through the stream of people rushing left and right along the apex of the street and slipped into the alleyway on the opposite side. Almost instantly the noise died down and the light began to fade, the walls of the buildings either side grew taller and taller, until the only light came from above in a thin sliver of the day. The noise faded further still, and the thin white line above disappeared, indicating that the young man had now gone either underground, or into the bowels of an ancient building long forgotten. He slowed down as he turned a corner and the corridor turned into a damp brick chamber, barely fifty feet wide and not much taller than he was.

    Inside there was a central fire pit, which was dimly ablaze and churning out heat by the wave, and roughly six murky shadows on the outer edge of the fire’s light. There was nothing else in the room, no torches, no tables, no water…just a dark hovel, and the faint sound of a man’s breath. The ticket seller stepped into the room and let the grey light illuminate his figure, a subtle yet unobtrusive way of announcing his arrival. “Jack? I know you’re in here lad, you know why I’m here…dontcha?”

    The six figures moved, but not in any discernable way, or with any recognisable shape. They simply shifted, hinting at movement, like a flickering ghoul in the night, and the sudden tenseness in the air sent a tingle down the man’s spine. “Come on now…there’s no need for that, I only came for what’s mine, right?” No reply came, a moment passed, and then the fire pit came to life with a small pop of air.

    The six figures slowly merged into one huddled shape on the opposite side of the regenerated fire. The man was almost certain he heard the sound of metal scraping, and bone breaking as the shape turned into one that he finally recognised. “It is good….to see…you…Duffy…” The figure spoke, a whispery and haunted voice cut the air, as if tongue were knife and intent was diamond. “Why…are…you…here…?”

    Memories of their last encounter swarmed his mind, he’d been very reckless then, he didn’t intend to be so hasty this time, so much was at stake on this encounter. “I have come to offer you a gift, the last ticket to the troupe’s new play - the Tantamount King,” he whipped the last scroll, one he’d been saving from view, and handed it out. There was no way the figure could reach, but some people did not need arms length to take what they desired. With a hiss the scroll flicked through the air, as if the shadows had snatched it from the man’s hand. The shadow spoke, the sensory deprivation of hearing such an unearthly voice began to make Duffy nauseas, as if he’d heard this before, or a moment ago.

  2. #12
    God of Bards
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    “I…cannot…thank…you….enough-” the fire grows momentarily and then dies down to embers once more. “Do…they…know?” Duffy frowned, thankful that it was too dark for his discomfort to be revealed, at least visually.

    “Know? That you’re here? No…I don’t think so, I would hope that you’d keep your end of the bargain Lucian, the troupe admires you, holds you on a pedestal as a martyr for the stage and they would be crushed and defeated if they knew what you’d done…what you were…” If it wasn’t for his position, Duffy was certain he’d have a dagger through his throat there and then, he was speaking utterly out of turn.


    Dropping to his haunches to poke the fire with his dagger, Duffy thought very carefully for a moment, a wave of contemplation washing aside his insecurities. He wasn’t sure what had made his feet drag him here, he could’ve gone to the gambling houses, a tavern, heavens, he could’ve simply gone back to the Prima Vista to hammer out a practice run of one of the play’s trickier acts…but no, he had to make everything more complicated as ever. He wondered why he did it, why he asked for trouble. The events of the party the night before for ‘Lucian’s Call’ might’ve played their part, seeded their doubts in his mind and made him come here for resolution sub consciously…

    “Why did you do it? You had the troupe, you had the city ablaze with the legendary performances you put on…the city loved and respected the theatre…now look at it! We’re forced to a life of petty crime and secret, spontaneous and hurried performances. The guards come, break us up, and we run for our lives to our bolt holes! Everything you built, you destroyed…why, why’d you do it?” The cheery enthusiasm that usually occupied Duffy’s voice was slipping away to reveal a more sincere and troubled edge. This wasn’t the same anguish that crushed him whenever Miss Ruby waltzed into the room, it was a more deep-seated qualm. “Why do you insist I lie to keep a false memory of you alive, whilst you rot here in this…retched form?”

    The shadow smiled and it’s teeth glinted in the crimson light. Born Lucian Lacrosse over a century ago he’d quickly rose to prominence as a playwright, entertainer and general vagabond. In his name, stead and wake the Tantalum had bonded and made a name for itself in every true noble household, and gained the favour of the Royal House; duty bound to perform the royal plays and ballads, as well as plays of their own devising and of the people themselves, the troupe had enjoyed two decades of fame. Lucian, sedated one day by the constraints that had been placed on him by the favour of the queen, took a dagger to a guard’s throat, and tore his own love down, brick by brick, word by word. It was fortunate that only Jackson had seen the event, and rather than tell the troupe the truth, he made out that the guard had been drunk, assaulted Lucian, and he’d not seen their master since.

    Driven by the guilt and anger, Lucian lost all sense of himself and retreated to his small holding. As the decades passed, Lucian’s spirit, for that was all that remained of him now - a shadow, a daemon, a remnant, remained as bitter as ever in his own four walls. The city grew around his house, for it resisted all attempts at demolition, and within fifty years the house disappeared from sight. The theatre district became nothing more than a ghostly empty place, and people forgot the joys of the written word and the street troupes. One last gestalt wish from Lucian’s shadow spoke to Miss Ruby one night, and drew her to the secret home beneath the streets of Pollack Row. Lucian’s Call, an anniversary of Lucian’s disappearance and remembrance of his talent swiftly became about the glory alone, and in ten short years any memory of the mystery of his disappearance faded. The secret was entrusted to the troupe master, who would pass it down to their successor, and continue to do so until the theatre district could be restored, until the song and dance and love of the Tantalum troupe could be returned to the queen’s favour.

    “They did not deserve that…they…did…not…deserve…me…” Lucian’s voice was loosing it’s haunted edge, forming sincere expressions in the dark, Duffy began to feel as if he was talking to a human. “I…was…selfish…”

    Young Duffy Bracken nodded, waves, and left. Leaving the bitter old man to his solitude. All these years he’d been groomed to return this relic of jealousy to the stage, and for the last two years, he’d made sure that anything but that would happen. The Tantalum would indeed be accepted once more, and the queen’s favour would rest on the troupe, to perform in the royal house and to show the city the ancient tales of Scara Brae’s past once more. But it would be the troupe, not it’s master, that would gain such glory - he would not fall for the same trappings of power as his once ‘glorious’ founder.

    Lucian’s Call would become a festival to remind the world that fame was the true evil in the city, that people became gorged on recognition for their selfish deeds, and that ultimately, the words of the play, not the speakers, were what truly made a man great - the writer was the master, not the troupe’s leader.

    Swaying out onto the sun kissed street Duffy stretched and yawned. Today would be a good day, the matinee was a once in a lifetime chance to introduce more people to the stage, and to drum up support for the return of a theatrical way of life to the city streets. No longer would the Tantalum be forced to steal to survive.

  3. #13
    God of Bards
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    One Day Ago

    Duffy watched the world go by, and the world watched Duffy throw away his dreams. It was a simple arrangement, but one repeated the world over as the depravity and strain of living weighed heavenly on the shoulders of man. Beneath the young bard the waters of the babbling brook flowed, disappearing under a simple wooden bridge to be transformed on the other side, as if all life but he was being given that elusive and most prized second chance at a path – at a journey, a destination.

    The sun beat down on the meadow, giving the stream the appearance of earth scar lightning, a great brand of nature castigating the youth from the world in a rooted prison. There was no breeze, no bird song, no insect hum, no sound reached his ears except the unquenchable passing of water and the sound of his own heart beating in its cage; this, to Duffy, was a fickle but respectable haven – his separated sanctuary from the hustle and bustle of the city.

    He was awash with productivity, their battle to prepare for the coming attack on Lucian’s very heart was taking its toll on all the troupe – Ruby, Blank, Lilith, even the little scamp Pete had pulled their weight and then pulled their muscles, they’d gone beyond the call – now time was running out, and no amount of visitation to strange havens or earthly paradises could sedate the fact for long.

    Days had swiftly become weeks, and weeks were threatening to become months if he did not act soon. All across Scara Brae great tears in the fabric of reality had appeared and through the slivers of magic strange songs and poetry recitals came, washing over the gentile populous like a caustic but appreciated rush of inspiration. They had had gathered in crowds to witness the tears, and watched the other worldly performers, who were unaware of their new audience, and this had dampened the reception of the Tantalus on the paved streets and the muddy alleyways – there was a new theatre in town, one of strange dreams and odious portending.

    Whilst Duffy had rushed around with the necklace given to him by Lucian so many years ago in a futile attempt to close all of them before they caused their reputation, if not their life’s concern, he had been unable to do anything about it – he was powerless to stop it from happening and then, he’d foolishly looked into one such tear – the revelation had sundered his mind, and he rested against the edge of the bridge’s hand rail and watched the waters to calm his confusion. Those worlds beyond the veil, are they visions of The Aria, or of the actual realms beyond our own? He repeated the question over and over and over.

    “What dreams have I witnessed, what strange revelations have I succumbed to, to be so weary of the truth that I cannot look it in the eye…” he muttered, running his finger along the mildewed pine rail and counting the stones at the bottom of the crystalline waters. “What must I do to see such a truth, if not walk into the tears of reality itself…are all these songs heard nothing more than reflections, or is The Aria something far more potent and real than I could have imagined?”

    It was. Through the tears in the folds of time, snippets of every play, song and dance ever performed in any world, real, imagined or distant were appearing. The fabric of the universe was slowly, but surely, coming undone – the balance between the Thayne Tantalus and his avatar was off kilt, it’s axis perverted to the point of strain by Wainwright’s corruption – all the gods, no matter their names were joining as one to form the Final Song, to reset the balance of creativity on Althanas so that order could be restored. Duffy was no longer fighting a war against an enemy, but against being over shadowed by a greater, more talented force than he could ever hope to become…

  4. #14
    God of Bards
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    You would think that in all my years I would have come to understand myself a little better. Perhaps I have simply lost my way, agog with the white-washed and dreary palisades and the lofty regal heights of the soulless capital of this Island Nation. Perhaps I have over described my own attributes, to the extent that I am no longer a mystery, no longer an enigma in the caverns of my mind. Look anywhere in this city and the evidence of the troupe’s passing is there plain for all to see; perhaps it is this public audience, this visual feast of me that has caused my disparaging state?

    Each step forward to me feels like two steps back, as if I am retreating into the younger and more innocent self. I fondly recall the times I had to myself to simply write, to envision a world not unlike our own with a dramatic hint of wonderment. Now, it is a miracle if I get the chance to scribble a fleeting verse or a stanza between dinner and assignment and changing diapers. Is this what we all aspire to be when we are older, is this our destiny carved into stone? Lysander would never have yielded to Celia’s matriarchal dominance for long, and Marcus only longed to be a canary for his true love to flatter his own ego and self-fancy – yet why do I find myself on the stone that chains my mind to an altar stale and riddled with despair?

    My memory is a flashing flame of burning passion, each moment I recall brings me closer and closer to truly being able to enjoy the performing arts, I can feel it lifting me to new heights of paradoxical hope. I look to the moments I wrote, and to the moments I first discovered Lysander and further back to the first conflict with Lucian, and no longer do I dream of distant dreams, or think of what could be…

    I have come to love dancing with myself, being my own deity, and loving each waking hour for what it is worth.

    The Tantalum Troupe will suffer Lucian’s Call no more – we shall be free, and we will do then what we have always longed to do.


  5. #15
    God of Bards
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    Rheinholdt Spark: A spark has formed in the Aria, a crackle of something new. The personality of the Red Cutlass Captain has formed, giving rise to the potential for Duffy to take on the mantle of a pirate, in the same manner as he can manifest the personality of Lysander. Before he can use such ability, he will need to practice it more, and rehearse the pirate play he is writing, and as such, cannot yet be used in battles.

    Brandybuck Wine: Lysander's meeting and the Raven in the clearing has sparked further understanding and development of the Hero of the Western Weald persona, and he can now, under duress, use the listed biography abilities twice per thread, in any combination or pair of two.

    Liquid Modernity: This is an end-stop in Duffy's storyline, and that of the troupe. All threads written or ongoing will be before this, and nothing will be sat after, as the next chapter will see the battle with Lucian begin proper.
    In the grand theatrical tradition,


  6. #16
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    STORY ~ (18/30)

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    Wild Card (6/10) ~

    Total Score: 63

    Duffy gains 2350 EXP

    Spoils approved, pending review in the Realm of Greeting.
    Last edited by MetalDrago; 04-29-10 at 04:22 PM.

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