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Thread: Twisted Koans and Burnt-In Thoughts

  1. #21
    EXP: 12,909, Level: 3
    Level completed: 79%, EXP required for next level: 1,091
    Level completed: 79%,
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    Savas Tigh's Avatar

    Savas Tigh
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    Necromancer, aspiring Evil Overlord

    The wards came tumbling down.

    Once they were gone, Savas' spell made short work of the rest of Blueraven's defensive setup. All it took was patience and forethought, and he had both in excess when he set his mind to something.

    It began to rain again as the last defensive magicks collapsed, each one sparking out on the hill top. Flowers and grass alike burned an unnatural mix of blue and green, violet between them, and the flames reached high into the wet, muggy night. There was no going back now. Not that Savas had ever intended to do so in the first place.

    "And now the hard part," he Said to himself, and to anyone else who might have been listening in at the time. Savas took a deep breath, inhaling power in the process. He forced it down, settling the energy somewhere between his belly and his lungs, and then he grabbed the very first blade he could get his hands on.

    Slipping and sliding in suddenly muddied ground, the necromancer still got a running start. He dove onto the hill and immediately began tearing it apart with his bare hands, using nothing more than the blade's pommel and grip as a hammer or wedge to get rocks out of the way. It was rough work. His hands ran bloody long before he was done. But he didn't need to be precise.

    The locals had seen how Kholia was buried. Seen and remembered. They knew exactly how he was oriented, which way his head pointed and everything. And that was all Savas needed.

    Stones went flying as he ripped the burial mound apart. None of them were bigger than a softball; Blueraven had been a weak geomancer in those days. There was no coffin. That was probably intentional. It meant a revived Blightcrow would have trouble moving even his mouth to incant for a spell, nevermind being able to breathe. The burial mound and all its magicks had been designed as much to hold Blightcrow in as they had been to keep anyone else out.

    And for good reason. Savas knew little of Blightcrow, but he knew of the Dark Wizard's type. They were necromancers, all of them, well prepared for the day after someone got lucky enough to stick a knife in them. Given sufficient time and motive, it wasn't a question of if they might come back, but when and in what capacity. The only answer was to take precautions and hope against hope that nobody would ever come along to undo them.

    Savas always loved being contrary about things like that.

    "I'M COMING, BLIGHTCROW!" he cackled into the night, Voice carrying clear to the other side of mortality. Even with the empty void of energy his own spell had caused around the burial mound, Savas could feel the unquiet dead shuffling away. He could feel them making a path.

    Kholia was already on his way back.

    By the time he got the dead Wizard's head, Savas was gasping for breath. Exhaustion was nipping at his heels and his hands were an unsteady wreck of trembling and shuddering and-

    Something screamed.

    Someone screamed.

    And eventually, their scream became laughter became an expression of undescribable rage and contempt. Blightcrow's soul had come back, and the only thing keeping it at bay now was Savas' spell. It was only a matter of time before the dead Wizard disarmed it; destroyed it from the other side. Time didn't work the same for the dead as it did for the living. And once Kholia was done with Savas' spell, the rookie necromancer had no doubts as to what his elder would do to him.

    Focusing through fear and exhaustion, Savas finally released some of the power he had inhaled. He focused it into his arms, stilling the trembles and steadying his hands.

    Then he cut off Kholia Horren's barely decayed head and ripped it from his grave. Savas could hear the spirit screaming from the other side, loud and furious beyond reckoning. He ignored it, even as his ears began to bleed. Savas quickly tore off the metal plates that had been fixed to Blightcrow's skull during his service to Xem'zund. Bone chipped as the bolts holding them in place gave out, and leathery, worm-chewed flesh tore as binding magicks collapsed in the energy void.

    What remained was a severed, dessicated head. The eyes were nothing but empty sockets. Kholia had paid dearly for every ounce of power he got. He hadn't needed eyes to see. Much of the nose was gone too, with the mask-plate shaped to replace it without damaging the leftovers. There wasn't a hair in sight anywhere on it.

    "Ugly," Savas noted.

    Then he raked the blade over the skull and, in a few swift motions, stripped it of all the outer skin. Blightcrow shrieked rage, and even an ordinary person would've seen the yellowy silhouette forming just outside the void-spell's barriers.

    Savas held the blade tightly now, as he notched in the first few runes for a containment spell.

    "I'll have your head! I'LL MAKE YOU PAY!"

    "No you won't," Wormaxe replied with a sick little grin. He notched in the another containment spell. He was starting on the third when the void finally shattered.

    Blightcrow stormed in, now semi-realized as a ghostly humanoid in robes and armor, wielding the powers of undeath-

    And then his form collapsed, shrieking again, into the mouth of his own skull. The sockets immediately lit up, burning like tiny dead stars.

    "You're mine now," Wormaxe declared.

    The dead Wizard said nothing to contradict him.

  2. #22
    EXP: 12,909, Level: 3
    Level completed: 79%, EXP required for next level: 1,091
    Level completed: 79%,
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    Savas Tigh's Avatar

    Savas Tigh
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    Necromancer, aspiring Evil Overlord

    Two weeks slogged by as the man called Savas Tigh lurked through the Raiaeran countryside. His string of murders trailed off whenever he came close to patches of actual civilization, but he never really could bring himself to stop it all together. With the devestation of the war and the lawlessness between so many of the surviving townships, there was nobody to even figure out that a serial killing necromancer was still at large in the country. He was too small a fish in too big a pond for anyone to even notice he existed.

    That was how he finally ended up with a pair of well worn moccasins and a burlap travel bag, complete with some poor bastard's change of clothes. When Savas finished, he looked like nothing more than a wandering woodsman in the post-apocalyptic splender of resurgent Raiaera; one man making his way through fields of crisp green grass high enough to meet his waist. That night, he ate something that looked and tasted like jerky while writing his next entry. Blightcrow's skull was hidden away in the bag. The dead wizard had said nothing since his capture.

    Quote Originally Posted by Savas Tigh's Logs
    ...and that's just fine.

    I'm headed for Anebr Beinost come morning. I've been in Raiaera for so many years I've lost track of time. The land and the dead are tapped here. Nothing remains for me to exploit and grow with.

    Blightcrow will speak to me in time. I'll break him if I have to. I carved out one of his long bones as a keepsake, but haven't done anything with it yet. If I can ever figure out the formula? for a blasting spell, I might use it for that. Or perhaps for raising the dead en masse. Either way, I'm going to need a proper base of operations. I've heard warlocks spend decades building them; entrenching their covens, establishing their foul supply lines, gathering their minions. I'm not a warlock, but I might be able to borrow some of their tricks if I can find the right place.

    I'll be heading to Scara Brae once I arrive in Beinost. Master used to whisper of tombs in the dark as he slept. Wizard Blueraven actually muttered about it in his sleep too. I'll have to be cautious in avoiding him if he's there. If Scara Brae doesn't work, I'll try Fallien or Alerar. Maybe even Salvar, all things considered...
    He closed the book on that.

    Spent a little while staring off into space, listening to the winds and the ghosts that still wept into them. Then he took out Blightcrow's skull and stared into the simmering stars where its eyes should've been.

    "I think I'll decorate you," Savas told the skull. "Yes...jewels maybe..."

    "Lines. Painted lines," Kholia replied with a Voice that was little more than a vitriolic whisper.

    The Necromancer smiled.

  3. #23
    EXP: 91,535, Level: 13
    Level completed: 11%, EXP required for next level: 12,465
    Level completed: 11%,
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    Revenant's Avatar

    William Arcus
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    Condensed Rubric requested.

    STORY: 23



    WILD CARD: 8

    TOTAL: 78

    This was a thoroughly enjoyable read. You seem to have a very good feel for the character and have managed to make him dark and sinister without going overboard. I love that there is still a whimsical feel to him at times, even as he is committing atrocities.

    Savas Tigh receives 1269 exp and 345 gp.

    Spoils: All requested spoils are granted.

    Savas Tigh levels up to Level 1.
    "I have looked upon all that the universe has to hold of horror, and even the skies of spring and the flowers of summer must ever afterward be poison to me." - Call of Cthulhu

    David vs. Goliath: History's first recorded critical hit.
    JC Thread - The Bitter King

  4. #24
    EXP: 23,421, Level: 6
    Level completed: 49%, EXP required for next level: 3,579
    Level completed: 49%,
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    Taskmienster's Avatar

    Einar Fenrisson
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