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Thread: The Violator. [Level One - 3.0]

  1. #1
    Winterhair's Avatar

    Vincent Winterscar
    Hair Color
    Eye Color
    Glowing white/blue.
    7', 300 lbs.
    Demon slayer, bounty hunter, and murderer.

    The Violator. [Level One - 3.0]

    Out of Character:
    Another old character of mine I am updating for 3.0's sake. He's level one and, last everyone knew, was dead. Now, he is back and ready for action, baby.

    Name: Vincent Winterscar.
    Pseudonyms/Aliases: When he was alive, Vincent was known as "The Violator" by many an Althanian due to his vicious ways and lack of any real morals whatsoever; a title he wore proudly and openly. In death, Vincent seeks to regain that title and once more spread his infamy throughout the land - by any means necessary.
    Age: Sixty Althanian years.
    Race: Even in life, Vincent was never truly human. In fact, even he himself never officially knew what he was; a fact that remained obscured all the way into his death. Now, resurrected from the dead by a necromantress who seeks his strength, Vincent has become something far darker than any mere ghoul or vampirical being; the energy of undeath fuels his body and gives him strength beyond measure, allowing him to reach past the limitations of that veil between life and death and step somewhere in-between. While he remains simply classified as "half-dead", those whom would seek to use it as an advantage against him would find themselves severely disappointed.
    Gender: Male.
    Hair, Skin, and Eye Color: As per his namesake, Vincent bears upon his head long locks of ivory white and sometimes even silver in the right light, thick and unorthodox. The strands reach all the down past the small of his back as he's found no current use in cutting them, but if they irritate him he doesn't hesitate in doing so; fortunately for aesthetic's sake, they do grow back like a normal human's; at an advanced rate, no less. After cutting his hair short once, Vincent was surprised to find his hair fully grown back within less than a month - a puzzle he attributes to his own inhuman nature. His skin is normally a pallid, deathly pale that is undoubtedly the effect of his undeath, but he has found that the more he reaches into the power that animates his body and the thinner the veil between death and life become, the darker his skin tends to grow, almost appearing a thick tan against the contrast of his hair. Lastly, his transformation from living to somewhere in-between has rendered his previously quicksilver gaze listless, replacing the orbs with a glowing, unearthly whitish-blue.
    Height and Weight: Despite his unearthly traits, they are not normally the first things that people notice about Vincent; the first would be his height and sheer size. Standing at, now, an even seven feet tall, even without his glowing eyes and maniacal grin he would make a lesser man tremble in fear. And he isn't just tall and gangly; rippling muscles, huge and bulky, define every inch of his scarred body, making him weigh in at around three hundred pounds of sheer muscle mass.

    Personality: Vincent didn't gain the title "The Violator" for nothing. He is, unashamedly, a murdering, cannibalistic psychotic. He holds compassion for nothing in particular, and the only thing he respects in this world is strength in combat. While not the smartest of cookies, he has enough common sense to stop him from slaughtering every person who pisses him off or eating every thing (and person) that he finds appealing, for he knows if he did so that he would have the entire land after him and, for all his strength, he is only one person. His single goal in life is to find the one being he calls "God" or, in his point of view, the strongest individual on Althanas, and both defeat them and consume their flesh. In that, he sees, he will become God himself, and his life will finally be fulfilled. Right now, the one he sees as "God" is the demon known as Dan Lagh'ratham.

    Occupation: In order to help further his goals, Vincent has become a professional demon slayer and part-time bounty hunter. He has no desire to "do it for the populace" or anything like that; his goals are purely selfish. In his twisted mindset, the more individuals that he hunts down (and consumes) the stronger he gets, and the closer he gets to finding "God", whom he both respects and hates equally.


    • The Blade and the Berserker [Combat - Somewhat Strong]: While living, Vincent spent a great deal of time as a swordsman, picking up the blade as more of a hobby than a lifestyle. As time passed he slowly grew more and more talented in its usage, and while he never truly picked up any singular style of combat he made up for his lack of discipline with his sheer brutality and physical power, creating a devastating style all his own. As such, his time spent with the sword has not been wasted, and has transferred onto him in death, allowing him to be quite the adept swordsman; even those who have greater talent than your average soldier would be hard-pressed to defeat Vincent in a one-on-one duel.

    • Immortality [Natural Advantage]: As a being that exists between life and death, Vincent is not affected by the flow of time (except Liquid Time) and thus does not age physically. He can die by mortal means, but his body is no longer tethered to the confines of aging.

    • Intimidating Presence [Natural Advantage]: Vincent's "size" goes beyond his mere physical height and weight. When he enters a room, the slayer possesses an almost metaphysical aura that seems to smother all others, drawing attention to his being and causing weak-willed men and women to generally do as he says out of fear and concern for their own lives - something he punctuates, most often, with his blade. Note that this is only a quest-driven effect and has no effect on player characters unless they choose it so.

    • Voracious Eater [Natural Advantage]: Whether due to his inhumanity or his undead status, Vincent no longer requires air or sustenance in order to function his body; however, he chooses to eat for while his body requires no sustenance, he nevertheless generally always feels a great hunger that he generally indulges on the urge to satisfy with anything and anyone he can put in his mouth. That being said, Vincent can consume huge amounts of food before feeling momentarily satisfied, and even greater before he even begins to feel full.

    ~Physical Capabilities

    • The Monster Within and Without [Natural/Racial Advantage]: Vincent possesses enormous physical strength at this time, as a combination of his own sheer muscle mass with the supernatural strength he has gained with his transformation. As such, he will only continue to grow stronger with time, as he so wishes. As such, Vincent is currently marked at being four times stronger than a man his weight and size - something that is already considerable as it is. [Strength - 4x]

    • The Beast's Endurance [Natural/Racial Advantage]: As he is not "true undead" but rather somewhere in between, Vincent still carries on some factors of the living - one being that he has a finite amount of stamina like anyone else. That being said, despite this limit, the slayer possesses a great amount of stamina - about three times as much as a normal man would. He is unafraid in using this stamina to outlast some of his more outgoing opponents, and often likes to laugh in their faces when he is still standing while they are on the floor, dead from exhaustion. [Endurance - 3x]

    • The Demon's Hide [Natural Advantage]: Due to his careless fighting style, Vincent has been cut up, stabbed, slashed, and injured in so many varieties of ways that he has lost track of which scar belonged to which foe on his body. As such, over time he has developed both a physical and mental threshold for pain and damage that many foes find difficult to overcome, allowing him to take normally fatal blows and keep on fighting (save cutting his head off and stabbing him in the heart). In addition, Vincent's skin has toughened and evolved to the point where it is about as hard to cut through as boiled leather. [Damage Threshold - 3x, Tier 3 Skin Armor]

    ~Primal Capabilities

    • Neverdead [Natural/Racial Advantage]: Vincent, having crossed the threshold between life, death, and back again, has subsequently changed and evolved; so much, in fact, that his body already makes subconscious use of the necromantic energies dwelling within his body. Whenever Vincent is not actively engaged in physically strenuous activity (like running or exchanging blows), he is constantly regenerating at a very small rate. At this time he can regenerate very small cuts within a matter of seconds (1 post or less), non-life threatening gashes within minutes (cuts or wounds less than a foot in diameter, 5-10 posts), and life-threatening wounds (save for chopping off the head or cutting out the heart) within half a day to a day, depending on the severity. He cannot, at this time, regenerate severed limbs completely, but he can reattach them as long as the limb isn't mutilated further in some way. This process takes about the same time as non-life threatening wounds. Nevertheless, Vincent always seems to come back from the worst of wounds whole once again, and stronger than ever. [Regeneration - Above Average]


    • Upon being revived, Vincent was given a masterwork-quality single-edged greatsword made out of iron in order to replace the one lost in his duel with Yari Rafanas. It is simple and unadorned with any kind of markings - a five-foot length, one-foot width weapon meant only to kill. It weighs around sixty pounds in its density, and is a deadly weapon in Vincent's hands.

    • In addition, Vincent now possesses a set of ornate gauntlets and greaves upon his massive arms and legs, as well as a single crimson cloak that he uses to obscure his visage in bright sunlight. The sets of armor are also made out of iron metal, but obviously belonged to another owner of similar size as they are battered and nicked along the fingers and edges.

    Last edited by Winterhair; 06-13-11 at 07:02 PM.
    Quote Originally Posted by Captain Keyes
    Go to a pawn shop and buy a piece of someones failed life.
    Nothing says I love you like the shattered remnants of someone else's relationship.

  2. #2
    EXP: 75, Level: 1
    Level completed: 4%, EXP required for next level: 1,925
    Level completed: 4%,
    EXP required for next level: 1,925
    SandStorm's Avatar


    I'm a beast unleashed,
    I'm raging.

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