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  1. #1
    Hand of Virtue
    EXP: 87,799, Level: 12
    Level completed: 84%, EXP required for next level: 2,201
    Level completed: 84%,
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    SirArtemis's Avatar

    Artemis Eburi
    Human (+ Dovicarus)
    Hair Color
    Dark Brown and Gray
    Eye Color
    Piercing Blue

    Artemis sat poking the amorphous blob of meat-like substance, completely forgetting the pair of men that sat beside him awaiting a response. It is often said that presentation is just as important, if not more so, than the taste of a meal itself. That being the case, this thing looked like shit and smelled like shit. Even more bizarre, poking the blackened chunk and hearing it hiss made it sound like shit.

    'Three out of five,' Artemis thought. 'Should I really take the chance?'

    Artemis always tried to give new things a try, broadening his experiences, but even Silas seemed to be whispering to Artemis not to do it; and if he weren't completely distracted by the 'food' in front of him, he might have recognized some familiarity in that voice. Still, he took a small bit of the blob while holding his breath, trying to mitigate the likely horrendous taste. As soon as the small chunk hit his tongue, an uncomfortable rush of acidity and sourness struck his taste buds so hard that he might as well have swallowed a shot of fermented garbage juice.

    Immediately, his body reacted, heaving up the single bite and anything else that might have been even slightly contaminated. Chunks of partially digested food flopped onto the plate, covering the blob like disgusting gravy equally inedible. Artemis turned and ran out of bar, leaning against the side of the building and letting his spasms calm down.

    "Let's get started," Vic mumbled to no one in particular, chuckling at the small show and taking another shot of scotch before slamming the empty glass down and making his way out of the bar.

    Silas left coin on the table to cover Artemis' supposed meal as well as his many cups of milk before following Vic out. The pair walked out and past Artemis as he continued to heave, Silas the only one to give even the slightest glance as Vic walked toward his destination.

    "Wait!" Artemis shouted when he had sufficient time between heaves. "Wait. Why you? Why did the Watch pick you?"

    Vic stopped mid stride and turned to face Artemis, a look of contempt painted across his face.

    "Let's just say I owe this guy a favor that I've been waiting to repay, and I've finally been given the chance."

    "I'll help," Artemis said while contemplating the words. He felt unsure of what the gunslinger meant but felt too curious not to find out.

    At that, Vic showed signs of the slightest smirk before turning to continue his walk, assuming the pair would follow.

    'As long as you have good reasons, I'll help,’ Artemis finished, though only in thought. Meanwhile, Silas seemed to be carefully taking note of Artemis before turning away, and the two followed Vic's determined lead.
    Last edited by SirArtemis; 08-29-11 at 02:59 PM.
    2011 Althy Winner - Most Realistic Character
    2016 Althy Winner - Best Contributor & Player of the Year (tie)

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