Bayne kept looking at the map, to no avail he was lost as usual, shrugging he figured he would end up somewhere important if he kept walking straight. He had ended up in a small forest trying to think where he had gotten turned around. His stomach was hurting him do to extreme hunger, he was almost willing to eat anything. Then in a clearing some purple berries became visible, Bayne thought for a moment if it would be a good idea to eat them, but decided he was too hungry to care. After his meal of about 20 berries, he leaned on a large oak tree and decided to take a long nap.

When Bayne awoke it was dark, which was weird because he had went to sleep early in the day and sleeping more than 3 hours during sunlight normally gave him a headache so he naturally woke up before that happened. Bayne stood and began walking again but realized that something was wrong, nothing was visible, and he tried waving his hand close to his eyes but couldn’t see it. Sight had left him, and the berries had obviously done it, what else could have? Now Bayne was really confused at what he should do, he was already lost to begin with. Thinking for a moment, Bayne decided to try and wait it out, and hopefully regain his precious sight.

Hours passed and Bayne still only saw black, he knew he couldn’t stay in those woods for much longer, bandits and any beasts of the night would take advantage of a blind man. Bayne decided to keep moving; after all he couldn’t possibly get more lost than he already was. After walking for a while the smell of meat being cooked filled the air, this made his mouth water, those berries weren’t filling at all and they were extremely bitter. Bayne couldn’t figure out which direction the smell came and tried to walk away from it thinking it might be bandits. After running into a few trees he heard 2 voices, one was extremely deep the other close to it but had a slightly higher pitch. Of course Bayne realized he had walked in the exact direction he was trying to avoid.

After waiting a few minutes to see if these people where bandits or some other person who would attack him on sight, Bayne decided they weren’t a danger. They merely sounded like miners from the conversations they were having. Bayne walked out from his hiding place and greeted them cheerfully. There was no response from them, after a few seconds one responded

“You lost, or did you eat the purple berries?”

“Both, actually.” Bayne said smiling and scratching the back of his head. There was silence and laughing from the two men. One of the men looked at Baynes sword noticing the many gems on the hilt, he then spoke

“If you give us your sword we will help you.”

“No, I would rather stay blind then part from this sword.” Bayne said without a thought, the two men figured they could probably take, so they began walking towards him. Bayne knew that he had misjudged these men, they were just mere thieves. But he knew beating them without sight would be tough even with the enhanced abilities that he possessed. One of the bandits punched Bayne as hard as he could in the stomach, but Bayne smirked and grabbed the thieves arm before he could pull away and threw a punch of his own straight into the man’s jaw, he flew back and was out cold. The other man was surprised at how his strong friend was knocked out from just one punch. But he decided to attack Bayne as well, fortunately for Bayne this one yelled in anger so he didn’t have to take another punch, the bandit made it quite obvious where he was at. When Bayne heard him close in he ducked hoping the bandit was throwing a punch, which he did. Bayne hit the bandit hard in the stomach and then kicked him in the chest and heard a few ribs crack. The Bandit tumbled over defeated, Bayne sighed

“This all could have been avoided if you had just helped me.” Bayne took a piece of the meat that was cooking; it was a little burnt but still edible. He began walking hoping to find someone who wasn’t going to try to kill him. Bayne heard a carriage close by, and began walking towards the sound, he stopped to see if he could pinpoint where it was. The sound began coming closer and closer, until it stopped, Bayne tried desperately to hear where it went, fortunately the horses made enough noise for Bayne to realized he was standing right in the way of the cart.

“Excuse me sir” an older sounding gentleman said “Could you move?” Bayne smiled and responded

“Of course I can, but I ate some berries in the woods and can’t see, before I move could you tell me what happened.” The old man sighed and hopped off his cart and walked towards Bayne, he grabbed his arm a led him to the back of the cart. He let go of him saying he will be right back, Bayne sat on the ground for a moment and heard the old man return.

“Here drink this.” Bayne took the cup and drank its contents, it tasted awful. But in the blackness images began taking shape the world had color again. Bayne sighed in relief

“Thank you very much, do I owe you any money for your help?” the old man wore a cloak with a hood so Bayne couldn’t discern any features. The old man shook his head

“No this happens a lot to people, but this is the only potion I make for free, though I must say it is pretty amazing that you made it out of those woods blind.” Bayne laughed

“Yea I can be pretty lucky at times; by the way my name is Bayne.” He held out his hand the old man stretched out his hand

“I’m Victor, a wandering alchemist.”

They talked for a bit and then Victor had to leave for the business he originally set out to do, Bayne waved as Victor left, then decided to figure out where he was. Bayne pulled out his map and look at the world around him and an irritated look surfaced; he could see the ocean not too far in the distance. Not only was he not where he wanted to go, but it turns out the town was right next to the forest he had eaten the purple berries in, and now he was even farther away.