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Thread: The Puppeteer's Praxes (open)

  1. #41
    EXP: 1,780, Level: 1
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    Krausus's Avatar

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    Sirius walked into the shop again and smiled as he saw the boy settled in the overstuffed chair, shoving scones into his face. He walked up as the other chair pulled itself out, and he then scowled at it while he pondered the nature of that magic.

    "Glofir, i didnt learn much from the ale house except that they have a horrible reputation and worse food. But,
    I did see that big red demon walk in later on. Some mages came running out a few minutes later, screaming something about fire, locks and cheap ale."

    Sirius smiled as he thought of the two mages that cam running down the stairs. They were bawling on and in about some red guy, and a faulty lock, and fire, and then something about cheap ale, then after some time, they walked back up to their room and didnt come back down that night.

    "So they were quite scared and i might just have a small lead about the orgin of the murders. On the far side if town, there's a small shack where a supposed "Witch" lives, and from a few people i heard that the purp erratic people who preformed the murders visited her the night before the killing. I find that quite strange."

    He tapped his chin and pulled out a pipe from the pockets of his coat and lit it, blowing out a smoke ring that looked vaguely like a small house.

    "You have any beds? I haven't slept in days."
    “I don't hate you.. I just don't like that you exist”
    ― Gena Showalter, Seduce the Darkness

    Threads-Legacies Unfolded, Pasts Recovered

  2. #42

    Tad MacLaren
    Half-Human, Half Fae
    Hair Color
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    Blue (except when they're Greeen)
    4'3", 65 pounds

    Tad looked up as the tall man approached and smiled back. He grabbed a second scone before he finished chewing up the first; but this one he broke in half, surreptitiously offering a piece of it under the table to the dog. Upon hearing the newcomer speak of demons and mages Tad tilted his head to one side, giggling when the man got to the part about a witch.

    "A witch!" he exclaimed. "Which Witch is it?" he giggled, amused at the homonyms. "I like witches" he said quietly, smiling to himself.

    After taking another bite, he held out the (somewhat less than) half-scone, offering it to the man. "Hongry?"
    Last edited by Tad_MacLaren; 08-02-13 at 01:09 PM.

  3. #43
    Your Flesh, My Canvas
    EXP: 25,718, Level: 6
    Level completed: 82%, EXP required for next level: 1,282
    Level completed: 82%,
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    Aurelianus Drak'shal's Avatar

    Aurelianus Drak'shal
    27 years old
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    I'll do my best, cutter.
    Aurelius turned his serpentine eyes from the assembled guards, to the pitiful sod sitting hunched in the dank, filthy cell.

    "You.. fine, upstanding gentlemen 'aven't been mistreating this poor bloke, 'ave you?" he smirked, marking the irritated glances he was receiving from the armed guards. "Wouldn't want to 'ave to add that in next to your cap'n's name now, would we?"

    Aurelianus shrugged at the hostile atmosphere. The guards knew this was the captain's idea, but they weren't complete idiots - they knew something wasn't quite right. Keeping the brim of his hat low the plane-touched took out a long cigarette from inside his coat, lighting it with a small burst of Hellfire, hidden in his cupped hands.

    The man before him was muttering to himself, head in his grimy hands, his fingers obviously broken. Aye, they've worked the berk over good and proper. The tiefling felt no pity for the human. Why would he? The only justice one could expect in life was what they had the balls to take for themselves.

    But there was something that struck the natural born killer as soon as he looked at the wretch before him: there was no way the man was a murderer. Well, technically, maybe. But 'e didn't do it by choice.

    Aurelius glanced surreptitiously at the three men around him, marking their movements, picking out individual weaknesses for each one; if the warlock was to have any hope of uncovering the truth behind Wilcher's actions, he had to speak to the man alone. That meant getting him out of this hell-hole. The illusion of hope, or the promise of release would serve to loosen his lips. First, however, he would have to get rid of the five sods surrounding him.

    He let out a bitter sigh under his breath; even as fast as he was, the tiefling doubted he could take out all five silently. But.. he also knew how to play the subtle game.

    "Captain," he started, his inhuman eyes dancing under the hat, "I was wondering if I might speak with this man alone? After all, with all you fine and noble gents standing here, people reading my book might very well accuse us of intimidating Mr. Wilcher, to provide false witness."

    The captain made to open his mouth, but Aurelius interjected again, with a sly smirk.

    "And looking at the man's injuries, it wouldn't be difficult for the reader to think this man had been abused while in your custody.." the smile gained a razor-edge. "I mean, if the book were to be read by your superiors.. well, the damage that could do to one's social standing, not to mention their career," the half-breed feined a shudder, "it doesn't bear thinking about."
    Last edited by Aurelianus Drak'shal; 08-05-13 at 10:21 AM.
    "My talent's for lying. For sticking the knife in when people least expect it. Then walking away with a smile and a wave before they even realize they're bleeding."
    - John Constantine

    "Self-control is for those who can't control others."
    - Gavin Guile

    "There are two secrets to becoming great. One is never to reveal all that you know."
    - Anon.

  4. #44
    EXP: 680, Level: 1
    Level completed: 34%, EXP required for next level: 1,320
    Level completed: 34%,
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    Brand's Avatar

    Brand Phoenixeye
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    Does it count as powergaming when I move my own characters when not in that character?
    Brand smiled to himself and walked into the shop, looking over curiosities that he'd seen in so many shops before. He walked up to the table in the back of the room and looked at the three people talking, an old man and a taller man with crimson hair that looked like he had set his head on fire.

    "This is The Third Eye, Right, if so I am Brand Phoenixeye, guardian, Art Mage, and known by a thousand other titles. Best known as the Weaver's Prodigy. I heard there were some murders and i was looking to find out about them and their source."

    The old man in the back nodded and looked at him. He smirked, like he had seen him before, but Brand was sure that he never had met this old person before. Then the man with the red hair turned and looked at him and raised an eyebrow, he seemed to be wearing a strip of black cloth around his eyes and he wondered how he knew where he was. Strange. After a bit Brand walked up to the desk and held out a hand to the grey haired man behind it.

  5. #45
    Wilfred's Avatar

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    That should be fine, Brand. However, if you want to try and get some information from (tavern) gossip, you will need to write that part out so I can provide it.

    Aur, I'll get a post for you up as soon as I hear back.

    Though Glofir was beginning to look a little hagard, he cracked a smile at Brand's entrance. "Oh? Nice to see another practitioner about. Please, make yourself comfortable. I'll be with you shortly."

    While he was occupied, Wilfred stuck an inquisitive nose at the scone in Tad's hand. Some memory of training must have lingered in his wide head, because rather than snatching at it, the dog planted his rear on the ground and set two big, brown, expectant eyes on the boy.

    "Now - a witch, a witch... in a shack? Mmm, I know the one. That's old Mrs Gumbridge's place. She's lived alone for the past, what, ten years? Ever since her husband passed on." Glofir poured himself yet another dainty little cup of steaming black tea before he continued. "That sort of thing does attract rumours, but I'm fairly certain they're unfounded. Nothing I've come across suggests that the known victims have ever come in to contact with her." The old man took a sip, sighed, and glanced at the grandfather clock at the back of the room. "Still, this can wait until tomorrow, I suppose. I'm afraid I haven't any beds here, but I'd be happy to pay for your accommodation, as well as your travel expenses."

    He dug out another few coins and put them on the table top. "Now then", he added, turning to Brand. It seemed to him that Tad would be suitably occupied with the dog until Glofir could figure out what to do with him. "I am Glofir Tormund. What can I do for you?"
    Last edited by Wilfred; 08-05-13 at 08:24 AM.

  6. #46

    Tad MacLaren
    Half-Human, Half Fae
    Hair Color
    Eye Color
    Blue (except when they're Greeen)
    4'3", 65 pounds

    Since the grown-ups were ignoring him (not a new experience), Tad shrugged and turned his attention back to the dog. "Hi doggy, wha's your name?" he asked, setting the bits of scone on the ground in front of Wilfred and motioning for him to take them. "My name's Tad. Does you like scones? I likes scones. They's nommy."

    Tad scooted off the chair, squatting down on the floor to bring him face-to-face with the dog. "Whas' goin' on, why's e'erone talkin' bout murders and witches? I hopes Miss Gumby really is a witch, I likes witches. They's funny. Think we can go visit her?" Tad reached out to rub Wilfred's head and stroke the fur on his back and side. Tad pointed under the table at the old man's feet, "He's funny too. He has a funny name, Glow-Fur, I think I likes him. And he has scones."

    At the mention of scones, Tad's tummy growled loudly. He giggled, and climbed back up into the chair where he could reach for another of the pastries.

  7. #47
    EXP: 2,400, Level: 2
    Level completed: 14%, EXP required for next level: 2,600
    Level completed: 14%,
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    Solar Haven's Avatar

    Adonis Michael Cedric Cannon
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    Adonis followed the footprint's with his eyes and walked over to the hidden doorway. The lock was easy enough to unlock and as he stepped outside in the dark, Kit grabbed a hold of his pant's leg and tugged for him to come back inside.

    “What is it boy?” Adonis said as he lowered himself down to Kit's level. Kit immediately took off towards the Lantern and tinderbox and ran around in circles as if telling Adonis to take it. “Fine we will take the lantern with us, although it isn't that dark outside” Adonis sighed as he walked over and got the lantern going and slowly stepped foot out through the back door.

    Adonis held up the lantern and slowly scanned the surrounding area, and took a few cautious steps forward. Stopping only when he felt something bend under his foot, he looked down and saw that an old weather worn cellar entrance had given way and collapsed.

    Kit was at the very edge and seemed like he wanted to go inside.

    “That doesn't look safe boy” Adonis said as he bent his knee's to get closer to Kit. Kit bit Adonis hand and patted his paw on the inside portion of the cellar, motioning that this was what he was trying to show Adonis.

    “Geez, you don't have to bite me Kit, if you really want to go in we will” Adonis said as he sighed and picked up Kit and gently placed him on his shoulder as he slowly climbed down the rickety ladder leading to the cellar of the old warehouse

  8. #48
    Wilfred's Avatar

    Staffordshire bull terrier
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    Tad - I didn't mean to try and sideline you before, sorry. But it hasn't occurred to Glofir to recruit a 9-year old boy for his mission, so he may take some convincing first

    Aurelius - hope the minor bunny is alright. Let me know if you want it changed.
    The captain liked to believe himself to be afraid of no man, and perhaps he was -but unfortunately for him, Aurelius did not quite fit the distinction. It's the eyes, he thought first, then, no, it's that grin. In fact, it was everything. So while he would have stood his ground imperiously against such allegations from a lesser man, right then, all he wanted to go away and scrub himself clean. Preferably in a tub of holy water.

    "It's true, we haven't been able to get much out of him", the captain mumbled. In all honesty, they hadn't even tried for information. "But", he added, pulling himself up, "I'll allow you some privacy if you provide me with a copy of the manuscript before publication for approval. Is that acceptable?"

    He took the tiefling's grin and nod as a sign of agreement. The captain and the sentry turned away, leaving Aurelius alone with Terry. As he reached the gaggle of guards at the cell block exit, the captain gave orders for two to stay on watch where they were.

    As the captain strode back to his office, he paused one more time. "One moment, man", he said to the sentry, stroking his beard. "Run over to the Redquill archives. Some of the clerks should still be up... see what work they have of this 'Redin Coran', and bring it to me."

    Solar Haven - if you like, I can use Kit to point out points of interest in my own posts, which may move things along a bit more quickly for you. Obviously, I would try and keep bunnying down to a minimum in that case.
    Apart from a few grilles, the broken, rotting trapdoor was the only source of light in the cellar. Were it not for the lantern, Adonis would likely have been lost in the dark after just a few steps. This would have been particularly hazardous, given how cluttered the large, low-ceilinged room was. Crates, barrels, tables and chairs were piled in disorganised mounds, every single one apparently empty but for a bit of mould. Some wine racks and shelves lined the walls, too, all equally bare.

    Everything in the room seemed still at first, separated from the lingering noise and movement of the city above. But after Adonis' senses adjusted, he could hear a faint whistling noise, much akin to wind, which had not been apparent in the warehouse or alleyway above.

  9. #49

    Tad MacLaren
    Half-Human, Half Fae
    Hair Color
    Eye Color
    Blue (except when they're Greeen)
    4'3", 65 pounds

    Out of Character:
    Quote Originally Posted by Wilfred View Post
    Tad - I didn't mean to try and sideline you before, sorry. But it hasn't occurred to Glofir to recruit a 9-year old boy for his mission, so he may take some convincing first
    No worries, I'm perfectly happy interacting with the dog

    Leaving the adults to their conversation, Tad grabbed a double-fistful of scones, tucking two into his pockets for later and a third to share with Wilfred right now. He then ducked back under the table to resume his conversation with the dog.

    "Mebbe we can help! Does you know where Miss Gumby lives? Why don we go see ifn she knows anyfing? Witches know lots of things! I bet she knows wha's wrong, an' somefing's definately wrong. Grown-ups usuallery jus' mess e'erthing up, but witches is different. Well, nice witches is different at least."

    Glancing up at the other men, Tad quietly stole down into the front portion of the store, taking cover behind the first shelf he saw. In his wake he left a trail of scone crumbs, hoping to get the dog to follow him out of the store.

  10. #50
    EXP: 2,400, Level: 2
    Level completed: 14%, EXP required for next level: 2,600
    Level completed: 14%,
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    Solar Haven's Avatar

    Adonis Michael Cedric Cannon
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    Adonis squinted his eye's in an attempt to see through the darkness, his lantern was only lighting up a small area around him. Kit's ears immediately perked up and he took off into the dark room.

    “What is of importance down here boy?” Adonis inquired as he checked out a few shelves as he passed them, running a finger along the edge of a shelf and inspecting the dust and mould on his fingertip before quickly brushing it off on his pant's leg. “No one has been down here in ages boy, why did you want to come down here?”

    Adonis stopped and held the lantern up and tried to scan the area for Kit,but to no avail. Just as he was about to ask for Kit to make a noise he heard a faint whistling, at first he thought it was the wind coming from the rotted hatchway to the cellar, but upon listening more intently he could tell it was coming from within the cellar, one of the back walls.

    A bright idea came to Adonis, he removed the glass from the sides of the lantern and watched where the flame was moving, and just went against that. After several moments of passing the same shelf over and over again, he finally looked over and kit was sitting on the middle shelf just looking at him, almost as if saying “You done yet”

    “Fine, you are faster at this then me... it look's like the breeze is coming from behind this shelf” Adonis muttered as he put the glass back inside the lantern and set it down on a neighboring shelf. He grabbed a hold of the shelf and waited for Kit to move before throwing it across the narrow passageway making quite the racket. There standing behind the shelf was a hidden doorway, the wind was definitely coming from there, He turned the handle and pushed it open. Climbing into the under city, unknowing what awaited him his only thought's were ”I hope no one uses this old entrance, I did just kinda make a racket and destroy the room even more then it was”

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