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Thread: The Puppeteer's Praxes (open)

  1. #71
    Wilfred's Avatar

    Staffordshire bull terrier
    Hair Color
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    Dark brown

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    Once more, Glofir had adorned his large, upstairs table with food and drink. While the porcelain tea and silver coffee sets remained, they had been joined by several bottles of elvish wine and, something of a peculiarity, elvish beer. It was much different to the standard lagers, being remarkably sour, but balanced by the strong presence of various fruits; some tasted of cherries, others of blackberries and still others with peach. Glofir poured a measure of wine for each of his guests. It looked like he hadn't slept since Aurelius had first stepped into his shop.

    "I'm hearing troubling news about the breakout", he said, and his eyes fixed unblinkingly on the tiefling. "Patrols continue to run up and down the streets screaming bloody murder."

    To illustrate this point, he paused, and the faint sound of frenzied yells came in through the windows.

    Glofir continued. "Do you remember what I said about using violence? Because I do, and I'm sure I made it quite plain that your payment hinged upon not employing it..."

    Before Aurelius could reply, however, Terry stood up. Without a word, he lifted up his tunic. The chest beneath it had the same colouration as an over-ripe plum.

    "I heard them talking, Glofir", he said, when the wizard had had his fill of the view. He slipped the shirt back on and sat down. "When they were doing this every day. And you know what they said? They said that when I hanged, they'd make sure it wasn't quick. That they'd see that the hangman let me dangle for a bit."

    "This man murdered people in cold blood..." Glofir began, but Terry cut him off.

    "Those men deserved death! And he saved my life!"

    Glofir seemed to be conflicted, and Aur's wolfish grin didn't help matters; the tiefling was observing the exchange, not with an air of concern, but one of indifferent amusement. Soon enough, though, one side won over; Glofir sighed and acceded the point.

    "Fine. At least you've got results, which is more than anyone else has done so far. But I will stress the point - no more killing, understand?"
    Last edited by Wilfred; 09-17-13 at 07:26 AM.

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