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Thread: Looking for an alternate

  1. #1
    Kaiser's Avatar

    Kaiserin Nightwind
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    Looking for an alternate

    Kaiserin stood outside of the shop staring inside at the weapons that lined the shelves. She would say she did this a lot, looking in at all the marvellous weapons that she doubt she would ever use in her life time, and not when she had a sword constantly at the ready in the palm of her left hand. Still, this was the exact reason she had seaked out a weapon shop, a few times now her sword has let her down, mainly because of her ability to wield it. For some time now the ‘Seal Release’ her main weapon was proving that size did not always mean better, at her current level, it was, just too hard to wield, to get around a defence, to put up a defence too.

    She needed something she could use in the meantime until her skill and strength had improved too use that sword. Kaiserin pushed open the door and stepped inside, the smell of burning metal assaulted her nose. This was infact her first time inside a weapon shop, since she had arrived in Althanas she never had a reason to come to one. Her ruby red eyes scanned over to the shop keeper, his hair was pulled back onto a pony tail and his short beard was a dominant feature hiding a couple of scars barley visible. Then her eyes scanned the weapon racks, settling on a sword ‘I didn’t come here for a sword’ she told herself, frowning at the thought, no she already had a sword this new weapon, it was going to have to be something different, but still preferably a blade of some kind.

    Without thinking of it she ran a hand through her hair, a sign of indecision for this silvet, she had come in here to buy something, but what she didn’t know, it was vexing. Then her Ruby red eyes fell to a dagger that lay on a shelve, that was more like what she wanted, but a single one of them would be no good, her free arm would be waving all over the place. ‘ Perhaps if I get two of them

    How much would that set her back? With the tasks she had been doing recently she had got a little more gold than she would normally have but still. And as she took a look at the dagger she found a disliking to its design, it was to plain. ‘… I hate shopping’ But it wasn’t all in vain she had spotted one on display that seemed to call out to her, but, damn it was made from steel, she would not have enough for two of these. Kaiserin sighed, but it made a pretty good reference for what she wanted.

    She took it over towards the counter, admiring the way it felt in her hand, the walk wasn’t long enough, and she set the steel dagger down on the counter. “hey there … Would you happen to have a Dagger in the same shape as this one, oh and two of them would be great” Her eyes turned back to the dagger itself, the blade was long, maybe a little too long for a dagger, but it was mainly the hilt guard that got her attention. It guarded the hilt well, so much so it seemed create a ring, that would protect the hand and to serve as a means of a stronger punch. “I would also need some sheaths and stuff, so … how much do you reckon that would set me back by?”
    Kaiserin stats

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    Only person to ever crash a Death Star into mars ... No seriously i have ^_^'

  2. #2
    EXP: 54,688, Level: 10
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    Raelyse's Avatar

    A Mere Man
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    It had been a long day for this merchant. His dagger shop just did not get the customers it did, like when the Bandit Brotherhood ordered about six million daggers to give to its members. So imagine his old face light up with delight when he saw the girl step into his establishment.

    He watched with intent eyes as she scanned the shop, searching for what would tickle her fancy. When he saw her fingers wrap around a handle or her eyes captivated by a magnificient steel blade, his smile only grew wider and wider. When she finally came up to him, he could barely contain himself. His first sale in... a long time.

    "Hey lass," he said with his smile growing wider still. "Steel daggers are 78 gold, but I feel in a charitable mood and you look like you deserve it, so take it for 65."

    (OOC: Just a note, those who put effort into Bazaar posts will be rewarded with not only EXP, but discounts.)

    You're good... but me, I'm magic.

  3. #3
    Kaiser's Avatar

    Kaiserin Nightwind
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    Ruby Red

    “Charitable eh?”

    Kaiserin was honestly surprised at the price, it was much lower than she had expected, but then again she had expected an arm and a leg. But this was good, not only did it mean that she would be able to get some quality steel daggers, she would not have to put up with some second rate, this was very good indeed. She smiled, although not usually one to accept charity, nah just kidding of cause she was.

    “That should total to around 130 then, hmm that’s way better than what I thought. Cool that’s a done deal, eh does that include a sheath as well or are they separate?”

    She said fishing out her bag of gold from her pocket and started to rummage through it, it actually didn’t matter about the sheaths, but a couple with some belts would be more than handy. Yet as she was picking out the right amount of coins she stopped when she spotted something in the corner of her eye. She investigated into the strange shape and seemed a little confused.

    “Now that’s a strange thing to find in a dagger shop?”

    She commented while abandoning the Dagger for a moment, the strange item was on a desk, one of those old dark worn tables that looked Victorian. But the item was what truly caught her attention; she picked that up and examined it, before realising what it was. It was some kind of helmet, although it would never offer much protection, the top half was simply a large hole. No the main feature was the front, it seemed like it would cover the forehead good enough, the ears too. Yet there was a little button on the left ear piece as it were, and by simply touching it a mask spring fourth, it made Kaiserin jump.

    now that’s kinda cool

    “Did someone sell you this … if so … how much are you willing to sell it for?”

    The item in question was obviously iron, but it was dark, like the way her old sword was, like a black iron, a process that had something to do with the metal getting dyed over some amount of time. The thing that struck Kaiserin as strange was that she wasn’t a fan of any head gear, she hated the way it simply felt on her head but this. This seemed like it could offer a little protection, and the mask could possibly hide her features.

    “Heh, I am going to go bankrupt”

    Kaiserin joked still wondering if that helmet, or head gear, was even for sale, but that snap in place mask was simply to cool to pass up. What was next, buying an alternate costume for herself and creating some kind of alter ego for herself to run amuck in … hey that actually does not sound to bad.
    Kaiserin stats

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    Only person to ever crash a Death Star into mars ... No seriously i have ^_^'

  4. #4
    EXP: 54,688, Level: 10
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    Raelyse's Avatar

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    "Eh, heh heh heh..." the shopkeeper laughed gingerly to himself. "Of course not, that there is a protection of my own design. I'll sell it to ya for 80 gold and I'll even upgrade it to steel if you want for 30 extra."

    You're good... but me, I'm magic.

  5. #5
    Kaiser's Avatar

    Kaiserin Nightwind
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    Ruby Red

    “Wow, you are by far the best shopkeeper I have ever met”

    Technically he was the only shopkeeper she had met, in her youth she had no reason to visit these places, and because she had started of with a fine blade she didn’t need to come to one until now. Kaiserin grinned as she placed the head gear down onto the table next to the dagger.

    “Ok, lemme see now. That’s, two steel Daggers under this design, that’s going to cost around 130 right?” She questioned but didn’t stop long enough for the shop keeper to answer.

    “Now I am getting this head gear for 80, but if your going to upgrade that to steel for just 30 then that’s going to be 110, so that’s would mean my current total is around 240 gold pieces right”

    Man do I hate maths, but if that’s the case I have 175 Gold Pieces left … I might as well see if I can grab a hold of something else

    Kaiserin crossed her arms as she remained deep in thought, mostly thinking about what to purchase next. She really didn’t need another weapon, those two daggers would do, and although she doubted she would wear that head gear very often, it had such a cool feature that she could not resist. Guess that means that the only thing left that she could bye was some armour, although not in the traditional sense.

    “Hmm, ok I might as well go for a complete set. Here is what I have in mind yeah.”

    She reached into her pocket and pulled out her entire bag of gold coins and watched as the bag fell limp and the table, it made a lovely sound when the coins clattered against each other, she felt almost sorry that she was parting with them.

    “I got about 415 Gold pieces here, and 210 of them is going on the weapons and the head gear, that leaves me with 175 gold pieces to spend on some armour. Well I want you to make something for me since you seem so skilled at making unorthodox equipment. I want you to basically make some skin tight armour that’s not going to slow me down, I hate the heavy stuff.”

    Kaiserin then closed her eyes trying to picture what she wanted; this armour was going to have to be something special, she held a mental image of some kind of ninja, but dispelled the thought, she had all the ninja ‘ness she could take from her younger days with her father who loved to play stealthy games, it usually involved her having a heart attack when he descended from the ceiling too.

    “Hmm, might as well make it dark, maybe dark purple and red or something. I don’t want it too expensive either, I am on a budget of 175, Ohh, and maybe some kind of chain mail on it too, I am not bothered by layers, so what do you think you could cook up with 175?”

    There was definitely no way she would be able to add anything else to her shopping cart, and if need be she could get this armour now and return for the head gear for that little bit of extra spending money, infact that sounded like a plan.

    “hmm actually, drop the head gear, its nice and all but I am not a total fan of head gear, but if you can make this armour and keep the price within my budget than I will take the whole lot.”
    Kaiserin stats

    --Current quests--

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    Only person to ever crash a Death Star into mars ... No seriously i have ^_^'

  6. #6
    EXP: 54,688, Level: 10
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    Raelyse's Avatar

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    "Right... I can make the leather outer layer for 50, then I can take a Iron Dwarven Chain mail for 200, then bind them together for skin tightness for an extra 35... for a total of 285. Then add those daggers and I think that's within your budget."

    The shopkeeper allowed a smirk to form slyly beneath his words. He was quite sad when he heard that she didn't want his exotic looking helmet but now was quite happy. He couldn't decide what would have been better, selling a worthless piece of crap or actually making his servants down below do some work.

    Well either way he'd end up happy and making a healthy profit so he really had no reason to complain.

    "So that's it, lassy?"

    You're good... but me, I'm magic.

  7. #7
    Kaiser's Avatar

    Kaiserin Nightwind
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    Ruby Red

    “Yeah, just make sure to get some of that chain mail on show or something, heh I am being picky right?”

    Sadly the helmet would have to be put on hold, but she would remember the shop, and the price, and she would definitely be back when she once again had the gold.

    “A Whole one piece armour eh? Well whatever is within the budget”

    She said cheerfully enough, before looking around and grinning, she wondered how long it would take, but it really didn’t matter, she would have plenty of time examining the other weapons. And for someone who had been raised in the art of fighting, that was a pretty awesome thing.

    Maybe I should reconsider my hobbies

    Kaiserin left the gold where it was somewhat hoping there was going to be a little left over to go get a drink once it was done, but most likely that would not be the case. She was going to have to get some kind of job going straight away, there was no question about it and she didn’t like the idea of sleeping outside … again.

    She stretched her limbs and wondered over towards one of the shelves once again admiring all the daggers, but unlike the ones she was getting they didn’t have as much protection for the hands, that was really handy. Still she through back on what the shopkeeper had said.

    Iron Dwarvern chain mail, if it was genuine Dwarvern then it should not be all that bad, she had heard how skilled they were in there craftsmanship, still it was still iron, and … oh no, Kaiserin knew she had forgotten something, her tail swishing around in excitement had reminded her.

    “Don’t Forget to add a hole for my tail”

    She shouted towards the leaving shopkeeper who she presumed was going to get to work.
    Kaiserin stats

    --Current quests--

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    Of Wolves and Men


    Only person to ever crash a Death Star into mars ... No seriously i have ^_^'

  8. #8
    EXP: 54,688, Level: 10
    Level completed: 7%, EXP required for next level: 10,312
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    Raelyse's Avatar

    A Mere Man
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    (130 + 285 = 415
    2x Steel Daggers + Armor

    None remains at the time of this transaction.

    Please post if there are any corrections to be made. 70 EXP awarded.)

    You're good... but me, I'm magic.

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