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Thread: Of Ruildian Wild Things. (Solo)

  1. #11
    Avus_Insectium's Avatar

    Avus Insectium
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    Without understanding how or why, Avus acted on impulse.

    It was his nature to help people and the tree started to fall of it's own volition. Avus had tremendous strength, and would need all of it. He could hold the tree's bark for a few moments before he got tired. Long enough for Xu or Jyn to move Claudius out of the way. Upon hearing the note read, Avus knew he had to protect Claudius with his life if need be. Without realizing it, Elder Mobius had given Avus the purpose he desperately sought for. With every muscle straining, he held the tree aloft. It was a smaller oak, thankfully, but it weighed a ton. Avus knew that the tree could undoubtedly crush Claudius if it fell on him. One thing he noticed was that the tree felt incredibly hot to the touch. Did Parallax cause this!? Avus thought to himself and he growled, then push the tree safely off to one side.

    He was thankful that the tree was not one of the heavier oaks, it could have been a real problem if it were. The tree fell off to one side, it had been severed at about the direct middle so. The trees in that area had strong roots, Avus knew that from spending a lot of time with the Wood Elves. I hope they can fix the damaged tree... Avus saw that Elder Xu had attempted to move Claudius.

    Jyn assisted.

    Once that was done, Avus felt a burning sensation. He looked down at his hands and saw that they were red. Without realizing it, the psionic's power had also affected Avus directly. We have to get his power under control. It is dangerous and if left unchecked, I fear could cause a lot of problems. Avus thought to himself, and walked over towards the small group. He saw Elyssia approaching Avus.

    She motioned for him to show her his hands. "Your hands are discolored. Let me take a look at them." Elyssia said.

    He hesitated, but after a moment showed her his hands.

    "A moment's contact did all this?" Elyssia's eyes went wide for a moment. She investigated Avus's hands with concentration on her face. "Elder we may have a problem. I believe I know the herb that Elder Mobius speaks of."

    Elder Xu looked at Elyssia. "Which herb?" He asked plainly as he tended to Claudius.

    "Black Root." She frowned. "It has known properties that assist the potent energies of the mind."

    Elder Xu sighed. "Come Avus. Do you remember the root she speaks of?"

    "I do. It is deep in THEIR territory." Avus shuddered for a moment. Only they could make the insect-like beast man afraid. They were Spider Magi, and he shared similar characteristics to them.

    "Would you risk everything to seek the herb for your friend?" Xu asked.

    "I would." Though he was afraid, he knew what was being asked. He had to go DEEP into Spider Magi territory, no, into N'Jal's territory. Deep into the web where predators lurked. Where he was not the king of the jungle. Avus sighed. "I want to take him with me Elder Xu. But it is getting late now, and I would rather approach their territory in the day time."

    "You have learned much, Avus." Xu responded. "Very well. Rest here before you scout their activities on the north ridge. Find out what they want, what they are after." Xu continued. "I want you to find samples of the Black Root as well if you can find. You remember where it is, and there should be plenty there once you are past the Spider Magi."

    Avus suddenly felt a flash again. It was likely an effect of being near Claudius. The flash saw a short man, like a shadow.

    "What's wrong, Avus?" Elyssia asked.

    "...Nothing." Avus said in response, but the short man's image disturbed him. It was strangely familiar to him...something out of a dream.

  2. #12
    EXP: 125, Level: 1
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    princeben07's Avatar

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    Parallax was now fully at his feet, noticing the falling tree and Avus' red hands. He couldn't process just what happened and it was more boggling than ever.

    "Wait, wait, who are THEY? I mean, my Father mentioned of a quest, but is it THAT dangerous? Could someone enlighten me about what I'm supposed to be doing in the process? I feel a bit in the dark about all of this."

    He then thought to himself,

    "I feel nauseated. That tree seems as healthy as ever. Did my emotion trigger something for that tree to fall? And just how strong IS Avus anyways? That tree should've crushed him. Looks like I'll have to dig deeper into this quest to find out about what exactly we are getting ourselves INTO. Should I even DO this at all? Well Claudius, you said it yourself, it's for the old man. Just keep thinking that. And who is our enemy that we are to face? Or are we doing the right thing at ALL? Someone's got a pthora of elaborating to do soon, and I'm betting that Elder Xu knows the answers. I mean, it's not like I don't trust him or anything, but my Father really means alot to me. Okay, okay, just.....gather your bearings and follow along Parallax; it can't be THAT bad old chap."

    He then walked over to Avus, whicing his eyes a little. A glow of blue would suddenly envelop him, as if he was trying to focus on Avus' aura. The Glow sputtered, then suddenly stopped.

    "Why doesn't that WORK?" He exclaimed, placing his hand over his face in bitter frustration.

    "Look, I'm not trying to be a bother, but will someone please tell me what it is that we are supposed to be doing next? And who are THEY?"

  3. #13
    Avus_Insectium's Avatar

    Avus Insectium
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    It was Avus who spoke. He didn't want Elder Xu to worry over such matters when there were more serious things to consider. "They are the children of one of the Thayne." Avus explained. "The Thayne are like patrons and matrons here on Althanas. They are exceedingly powerful." Avus walked over towards Claudius. He knelt down before him. "Spider Magi are the children of N'Jal." Even speaking the name of the spider Thayne repulsed Avus. He dreaded thinking that he could have any sort of connection to the Spider Magi. "I dare not speak of her here." He said. "To do so would invoke her power here, and I do not wish such a fate for my friends." Avus continued. "Listen." He did not pause as he spoke, somehow knowing Claudius would understand. "We are going on a journey to figure out what it is the Spider Magi are doing out there on the North Ridge. We will investigate, and attempt to keep from agitating them directly. We could not survive a direct assault from their numbers. If the scouting reports are indeed accurate." Avus added.

    He didn't doubt the guard's sincerity this time. Spider Magi were the one creature that Avus actively sought to avoid at all costs. He didn't want a confrontation with them or their ilk. "The root you need for the potion is deep in their territory." Avus stood up but kept watching Claudius. "I would prefer it if you would accompany me on this task." For some reason, Avus felt an urge to protect and to guide Claudius. "It is not a completely rare root, but the location is what sets it apart." Avus hoped that the explanation would be sufficient to calm the young adventurer down.

  4. #14
    EXP: 125, Level: 1
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    Level completed: 7%,
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    princeben07's Avatar

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    "Hmmm, I can understand this then. These Spider Magi have me a bit intrigued actually. Very well then; we can set off for this in a few days. I am quite sure we would need to gather supplies before we head out then, is that correct? Where can I go hunting? I might LOOK tall and thin, but I have a prowess for hunting for food with such ease that it gets boring at times if I am NOT in the hunt." He repsonded, patting Avus on the shoulder, smiling some. Was The Parallax crazed? Spider Magi could poison and kill their enemies without effort. Why was Parallax un-nerved by this simple mention of these creatures? He turned to Elder Xu and nodded, as he spake out, "Spider Magi eh? Well, if it doesn't matter to many, they certainly won't see me. Once I finish learning how to use these abilities that my father CLAIMS that I have, I am sure to make a worthy opponent to these things. But, until then, I'm going hunting. I'lol take my leave for now Elder..excuse me.."

    Parallax seemed pretty confident that they would finish the investigation, grab the roots and get the hell out of there before "They" would try to give chase and possibly kill them BOTH.
    "Demise Is a Terminal Disease."

    "Basking IN the Summer Sun, I greeted the Sea Birds; but then, I entered the Demon's Den."

  5. #15
    Avus_Insectium's Avatar

    Avus Insectium
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    Avus kept his eyes locked on Parallax.

    "Where do you think you're going by yourself?" Avus asked and took his place by Parallax's side. "You'll need a guide around here, if I am not mistaken and know this part of the forest extremely well." Avus said. "If you're hungry, I know of a good place we can hunt some game at." Avus took a look at Elder Xu and Jyn. The two were conversing on their own about matters that did not concern Avus. He then looked back at Parallax. "Come." Avus said. "I will teach you how to properly hunt and gather food around here so you don't starve to death." Avus was attempting to tell a joke, though he knew that the words chosen were likely a bit harsh.

    Avus took the lead and made it a point to provide the point guard to their expedition into Ruild. Avus was not good at small talk, but Parallax was. He was hoping that Parallax could engage Avus in some sort of a meaningful talk on their way to the area he knew about it. It was a place filled with ample hunting grounds. The North Ridge could wait until after he had taught Parallax basic survival skills. Avus flexed as he walked, stretching his muscles out from the earlier event. He'd lifted a heavy tree, and that proved to be more tiring than Avus had initially realized. He sighed. He was rusty, he needed to train more.

    Avus walked towards the edge of the village hoping that Parallax would follow him. "This way, Parallax." Avus had just the proper game in mind, it's meat was known to be succulent and nutritious. They weren't very difficult to hunt either. Avus waited for a response from Parallax.

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