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Thread: And now for something completely different (setting up a PG-run shop and facilities)

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  1. #3
    Radical Radasanthian
    EXP: 43,239, Level: 8
    Level completed: 92%, EXP required for next level: 761
    Level completed: 92%,
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    Otto Bastum
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    210cm / 105kg
    City guard (corporal), armourer

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    That is... expensive. Something to work towards, perhaps. I had originally intended to put the store thread in the Black Market, though, so that the option is there when people go looking, and that it's right next to our competitors - but also so that we don't have to rely on constantly nagging people to buy our stuff.

    Regarding your second point: I definitely understand that we need to own what we're selling. I think that IC acquisition threads would actually be a great way to explore the wild resources, industries and economies of different areas, so these won't (all) just be straight-out spoils threads. However, I wasn't sure if we need to invest to acquire the capital stated above, or if a certain amount of infrastructure is allowed upon creation of a PG. And I would be happy to log transactions as they occur, and provide tallies on obtained and used resources. Most of the fun will be in building this thing up from the ground, I reckon, which means meeting such challenges and limitations (not to mention that pulling free stuff out of thin air would probably be frowned upon).

    I'll send you a PM in a bit about our retail options. Thanks again for your time - I know you're all about activity, and I sincerely hope this will venture will promote player/faction interaction.

    EDIT: when I say a bit, I mean after my sleep, sorry. Definitely need to catch my forty winks.
    Last edited by Otto; 02-24-14 at 09:56 AM.
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