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Thread: Alyssa Diane Snow - Her Story Continues

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    Alyssa Snow's Avatar

    Alyssa Dianne Snow
    Hair Color
    Platinum Blonde
    Eye Color
    Pale Blue-Green
    Empress of the Tarot Hierarchy

    View Profile

    Alyssa Diane Snow - Her Story Continues


    Name: Alyssa Diane Snow
    Age: 19 Years
    Race: Homunculus
    Hair Color: Platinum Blonde
    Eye Color: Blue-Green
    Height: 5' 6"
    Weight: 125 lbs
    Occupation: Hierarchy Operative - The Queen of Pentacles


    When out and about, Alyssa is an energetic, outgoing, social butterfly. She enjoys spending the day at the town centre, rummaging through the shops, and attending the local competitions. She has no problem talking to strangers and has a slight addiction to other people’s drama. In the most literal sense, she is like a senior in high school.

    In combat, however, the pleasantries disappear. While still wry and witty at heart, Alyssa is cold and calculating. To her, tactics are everything, and her skills and fighting style allow her a tactical advantage in most situations. She has been seen as a leader on the field and known as a force to be reckoned with on her own. To those that know her as a friend, the personality change comes as no shock. However, acquaintances can be sorely misled.

    Overall, Alyssa is a free spirit with strong determination and drive. She can easily be a close partner or a devastating enemy.


    Alyssa is young, beautiful, and supple with no fear to how others view her. Well, that may be a lie. Alyssa is an alchemically engineered clone and underwent horrifying surgeries at early youth. In fact, her incubation alone involved a direct fusion of a magical artifact into her spine. The experimental nature of the procedure was not seamless, and a horrible scar takes up the small of her back. She is self conscious about this scar.

    Even though her usual choice of attire is sensual, sometimes revealing, and colorful, she carefully selects clothing to cover her back. In the off chance she wears something more exposing, she will let down her waist length hair to conceal the atrocity beneath. Even with her closest circle of friends, she struggles to maintain this secret.

    Aside from that, Alyssa is long, lean, and full figured. Her platinum blonde hair naturally springs with a slight wave and is usually tied up in the back. Though not the most gifted in the bust and hips, she has enough to grab the attention of most wandering eyes.


    Close Combat Balistics (CQB):

    Alyssa sports a twin pair of advanced revolvers. Ever since stealing these during her escape from Alerar, she has practiced with them. Though not an expert in close combat, she has enough skill to lay down fire and eliminate most threats. Paired with acrobatics, some of her maneuvers can turn heads, disorient foes, and shock an unsuspecting opponent.


    Alyssa managed to steal an experimental prototype rifle during her escape. Though she has yet to figure out how to fire it, she has often used the weapon for its optical ability. Functioning much like a multistage monocular, this weapon has helped her to survey a battlefield or gather information from afar. It goes without doubt that the day she learns to harness its power, anything within its crosshairs will find themself on the precipice of death.

    Ribbon Dancing:

    Another piece of equipment she made off with is a coil of razor wire. This wire is about 1mm in diameter, but serrated on both ends. The wire is coiled within a contraption on her left hand. With a small weight on the end, the wire can become uncoiled for a plethora of uses. When in close quarters combat, Alyssa can spin, twist, and dance causing a flurry of serrated pain. Also used as a garrote wire, she is nimble in eliminating threats without alerting those nearby.

    Hand to Hand:

    She is moderately skilled in unarmed combat. Limited to the amount of magic she can draw from the surrounding area and store, Alyssa often must resort to melee combat. In the training facility in which she lived most of her early childhood, they taught her a style similar to Baguazhang – a very fluid, momentum based martial art. Paired with the usage of a razor wire and intense acrobatics training, Alyssa can manipulate a dire situation into an advantage. Without her wire, this style of hand to hand is limited against those with brute force or fast enough to read its arching blows.


    Alyssa speaks and writes fluent tradespeak. In her captivity, she was able to pick up bits and pieces of Drow and elvish. Though not fluent, she can speak a fair deal to get her by if need be. She cannot translate the written language however.


    Alyssa has been subjected to the elements multiple times. Through trials and tribulations, she has taught himself basic herbalism, trap making, skinning, foraging, first aid, and tracking.



    Alyssa is exceptionally nimble. She is capable of manipulating her body beyond the limit of the average Althanian woman. She can do several aerial flips and spins. On the ground, she can roll, dodge, backflip, and cartwheel repeatedly with precision. She has focused on training her flexibility as well, allowing herself unusual angles with her firearms and confusing maneuvers with her garrote wire. This training also includes the ability to maximize her muscle twitch response and gain an additional height to her jumping ability. (9’ High Jump, 5' Long Jump)

    Magical Conduit:

    Alyssa is a freak. During her conception in a lab, her spine was fused with a rare magical artifact. Its original properties and functions are unknown, but the experiment to fuse a living person with the artifact was a success. The result is a human being capable of acting as an energy conduit with the natural world. This allows the girl to “pull” energy from her surroundings and “store” them into specially constructed catalysts to which can be “fired” from prototype weapons known as M-class Firearms. She is even able to draw and expel energy from her own body as normal mage might use spells. The process of charging one of these specialized catalysts is dependent upon desired effect, strength and element:

    • Water/Ice (Charging):

      Alyssa can channel energy from nearby sources of water or vapor in the air. The time needed to charge one of her revolver shells is two (2) seconds per shell while drawing from a nearby body of water or five (5) seconds per shell if drawing from humid air. In a place like the deserts of Fallien or near incredible sources of heat, the time can extend all the way up to thirty seconds (30) per shell or not at all. It is possible for her to directly convert five milliliters (5ml) of water into pure energy in the same timeframe needed near a lake (see above).

      ((***LOCKED***)) The time needed to charge one of her rifle shells is one (1) hour near a body of water. If charging a round away from a body of water, the air MUST be humid and the time needed is in excess of three (3) straight hours. This round is incapable of being charged in a dry climate. It is possible for her to directly transition a single liter (1L) of water into pure energy in the same amount of time needed near a body of water (see above).

      ((UNLOCKED)) The time needed to directly charge the artifact in her spine is only ten (10) seconds per burst near a body of water, making her a force to be reckoned with near a lake, river, well, shore, or during/after a storm. In humid air, she can charge enough for one burst within ten (10) minutes. She cannot charge this in dry climates.

      Water/Ice (Firing Effect):
      • .357-M (Revolver):
        When fired, the chamber focuses the energy into a bolt of ice approximately 0.357” in diameter and 5” long. The icicle is as strong as traditional ice and the velocity of the spell is equivalent to that of a short bow (280 f/s). The maximum effective range is approximately 60 yards.

      • .50AP-M (Rifle): ((***LOCKED***))
        When fired, the high capacity round compresses and releases a hypervelocity icicle which breaks the sound barrier upon exiting the muzzle. This sound is audible from 1,000 ft away with slight delay after impact. The bolt of ice is about .5” in diameter and 12” long. The strength of which is equivalent to steel. The velocity of this spell is 2,700 f/s

      • Artifact (Raw Spell): ((UNLOCKED))
        When pulled from her reserve of spells stored within, Alyssa can cast a raw spell from the palm of her hands. This spell takes the shape of a cone of frost. Within this cone, several shards of ice form and expel with incredible force. A human sized target would be thrown several feet while experiencing frostbite on exposed skin. Impact from the many shards of ice would shred any exposed skin or hide. This cone is about five (5) feet wide at the maximum effective range of 15 feet. Impact past this point would equate to stones thrown with average human strength and slight chill.

    • Wind (Charging):

      Alyssa can charge a round with the energy inherent in the wind. This is her fall-back whenever previously stored spells go awry because of its accessibility and rapid charge speed. For a revolver shell, she can charge it in less than a second. In a dust storm, thick smoke, or fog, this time increases to 2 seconds per round. The only time this becomes a problem is in areas that are sealed off from open air such as a collapsed cave or air pockets under water. In those circumstances, she cannot charge her rounds without penalty. Doing so would create a vacuum or slight pressure differential that would cause internal bleeding, suffocation, headaches, and heart failure.

      ((***LOCKED***))The time needed to charge one of her rifle shells is 30 minutes. This cannot be charged in a dust storm, thick smoke or fog.

      ((UNLOCKED)) The time needed to charge her artifact is continual. No other charging or activations can occur during a continual draw. She can continually draw even in a dust storm, thick smoke or fog with great effort.

      Firing Effect:
      • .357-M (Revolver):
        When fired, the chamber focuses the energy into a concussive blast of air. This is equivalent to a strong punch from an average man. The maximum effective range is two feet (2’) after which the blast of air is too dissipated to do any meaningful damage. This is designed to work in tandem with her martial arts to extend her maximum threat range.

      • .50AP-M (Rifle): ((***LOCKED***))
        When fired, the high capacity round compresses and releases a massive blast of wind. The recoil of which would repel Alyssa several feet backwards with a rooted stance. The force of the wind fires with such intensity that the opposing drafts shear against one another creating destructive pockets of vacuum that could sheer a two by four in half. The blast radius of this round expands in a conical shape from the muzzle to an effective distance of 30 yards. The power of this shot could easily decimate a single room home or blast a sizable hole in a solid stone wall. Impact with living flesh would be devastating. Chance of survival is slim.

      • Artifact (Raw Spell): ((UNLOCKED))
        When channeled through the artifact fused with her spine, Alyssa can manifest a localized vacuum around her hands. This effectively turns her arms into wind scythes capable of rending flesh and leather as easily has honed steel and against iron, it is capable of leaving 1/4 “ gouges into the surface.

    • Earth (Charging):

      Alyssa can charge a round with the energy from the earth at her feet or stone around her. Since this material is nearly always available, she is never without resource. Unfortunately, out of all the elements, earth is the least lethal. Given its placid state, high density, and low state of energy, earth magic has limited applications. For her pistols, she can charge a round in 15 seconds. Again, even though the material is always available, it is difficult to draw energy from. The only exception being soil charged with magical energy (Red Forest) or soil rich in raw minerals (crystals, ore, marshlands etc). Under those conditions, she may draw a capacity charge in under 5 seconds. She is unable to charge a round at sea.

      ((***LOCKED***))The time needed to charge one of her rifle shells is roughly 16 hours. Considering the amount of time needed, she rarely stocks earth energy. This time has to be continual, and is exceptionally draining. This time may be cut in half in energy rich soils or mineral rich caverns/quarries. She is unable to charge a round at sea.

      Earth is the one energy that has a passive effect and is always active. Unfortunately, it only effects high density magical crystals or ores. So long as she is in direct presence of an earth element, her artifact will passively resonate energy from it. Only at sea has she found it useless.

      Firing Effect:
      • .357-M (Revolver):
        When fired, the energies are released invisibly in a linear path. These energies are harmless and will pass through all materials except those of an earth affinity. Once it penetrates back into an earth element, the generic effect is a column of earth with jut forward with a great amount of speed. Alyssa typically uses this by firing into the ground at her feet to propel herself exponentially higher into the air. This can also be used to help traverse cliff sides, provide support in collapsing tunnels, as a crude battering ram, and occasionally to catch an enemy off guard. In soft or moist soils, this round will only surge the earth upward then re-settle similar to how a bubble would rise to the surface of water before popping. This can also create a propelling effect, but with diminished returns. Unlike traditional rock or earth, soft soil will not maintain its form after the initial effect. In mineral or crystal rich environments, occasionally a spire of raw ore or translucent crystal will jut from the earth instead.

      • .50AP-M (Rifle): ((***LOCKED***))
        When fired, the high capacity round projects a similarly invisible bolt. Again, this will pass through all materials except those of an earth affinity. Once penetrated into the target, absolute chaos ensues. The earth will shake, roll, split, harden, soften, and several spires will rise and fall within a 50 yard diameter for 10 straight seconds. At its apex, large numbers of stone/earth pillars will jut from the ground and remain. The devastation will crush buildings if caught within. If on foot on flat plains, one might be able to survive if quick witted, fast acting, and well-balanced. However, if projected into a mountainside, this will most certainly cause a rock-slide, mudslide, or avalanche depending on the weather. If fired into a coastline or sea fault, it is even capable of sending walls of water up the coastline. If fired into an area of exceptionally high mineral content, the final result of the round will produce an ornate, spiked structure of beautiful (and deadly) crystal/ore. Alyssa would never fire this round within close proximity of herself unless she was certain she would be able to survive its effects.

      • Artifact (Raw Spell):
        This is always active. So long as Alyssa is in the presence of an earth element, she can freely manipulate her ammunition crystals through will. This helps her expedite the reload process in high speed, limited space, and/or high risk combat. This ability also allows her to constantly collect and maintain close possession of any expended crystals ejected from her weapons. So long as this is active, Alyssa does not need the use of hands to move her ammunition crystals or any similarly small crystals. The maximum number of free-floating gems she can manipulate is 22, no longer than 5" and wider than three quarters of an inch. This ability is useless on the sea (unless at the sea bottom), or exceptionally high in the air (500'+ off the ground).



    • Cloth-only armor in various outfits. Her favorite is a kimono-influenced dress and combat boots.


    • Two M-Class Spell Revolvers with six (6) round cylinders. Incapable of firing powder based projectiles and of being modified to do so. Each cylinder accepts one .357-M Catalyst crystal. Upon firing, these crystals discharge all stored energy into the effects listed in the abilities section. These weapons cannot be sold, traded, or even used by another person without Alyssa’s special traits.
    • One M-Class Ballistic Spell Rifle. Bolt action, three (3) round magazine. Incapable of firing powder based projectiles and of being modified to do so. Comes with only one, spring-powered magazine. Each magazine holds three (3) .50AP-M Catalyst Crystals. Upon firing, these crystals discharge all stored energy into the effects listed in the abilities section. These crystals are then ejected for cool-down at approximately 175*F. This weapon cannot be sold, traded, or even used by another person without Alyssa’s special traits.


    • (18) .357-M Catalyst Crystals (rechargeable & must quest for additional crystals)
    • (2) Spring Release 6-Round Speed-Load Clips
    • (3) .50AP-M Catalyst Crystals (rechargeable & must quest for additional crystals)
    • Personal Journal
    • Infused Artifact:
      ((UNLOCKED)) Up to 1 Ice/Water Charges


    The nation of Alerar has been in a constant struggle for superiority against their sister lands of Raiaera for centuries. In a world dominated by the powers of the Eternal Tap and those who could master it to cast magic, Alerar has researched alternate ways to harness power. Through the power of alchemy, steam, science, and hodgepodge magicks, the nation has made strides in technological advancements. They created engines, artificial light, steam powered carriages, and even the ability to soar the skies in might air ships. These marvels their citizens now use from day to day were not always intended to be so constructive.

    Alerar has struggled to develop powerful weapons to gain the upper hand against those which would exile them. The airships were intended to be a naval sky fleet, but have yet to develop enough to sustain the damages of combat. The artificial lighting was originally designed to harness electricity and light in the form of destructive beams. Even the steam powered carriages had a purpose to replace horses in battle and create mobile bunkers. All of these designs fell short and were re-purposed, but Alerar’s government has remained vigilant.

    Approximately three decades ago, a meeting of the guilds formed to discuss the next step towards supremacy against their oppressors. They agreed that the Raiaeran might stems from the mystical powers drawn from the Eternal Tap and harnessed as magic. Cut off from such pure sources of energy, Alerar would never be able to match their abilities in combat. Then, under the suggestion of the Thieves Guild, a notion to “steal” magic was presented. The notion triggered a boisterous roar of laughter except from one group, the Alchemists Guild. They rebutted that their research rumored of an artifact capable of strange effects over the energies of the Tap. This gained the interest of the Alerar government and a portion of their funds were financed to delve deeper into this rumor.

    Unfortunately, the Alchemists Guild did not share the fact said artifact was written to have been lost when Fallien met its downfall. Somewhere where beautiful flowers and forests once were, this artifact was either buried or destroyed. Regardless, they decided to utilize their funding to chase their dream. The Guild financed several ventures to Fallien in search this artifact and for five years, they only turned up dead leads. With their funding running dry, the Guild knew they would inevitably have to abandon their hopes.

    Outlook was bleak until one day, one of their teams reported strange readings from their experiments in the forbidden fields of glass. Tensions rose within the Guild, for these fields were sacred to the Fallien government. If they were discovered, an international incident would occur and surely, war would be next to follow. Science, however, waits for no man and does not waver in the face of fear. The guild suppressed all mention of their findings to the Alerar government to avoid complete shutdown of funding. In their next pinnacle, the Alchemist’s Guild denied any progress in their research. Their funding was pulled.

    Desperation and curiosity stirred within their members and the Guild took it upon them to seek private funding. Several interested parties from unsavory venues caught wind of their actions and took immediate interest. Without drawing attention, the Alchemist’s Guild renewed their illegal excavation in Fallien. Though there were several close calls, the excavation began to produce tangible results. Deep under the glass fields, diggers discovered another type of glass. These fragments were small and uncommon but in experiments, they yielded the potential to store energy. The only downfall was the stored energy would leak gradually over time. Regardless, while the excavation continued, the Alchemists Guild continued to collect these specimens for testing. They were convinced these shards would prove useful.

    While the excavations continued, alchemists discovered that they could refine the shards into a purer crystalline substance. This substance had an even greater ability to store energy. Unfortunately, they still experienced a bleed off which eliminated the ability to be of practical use. Further testing revealed that if the refined crystals were geometrically engineered to specific cuts, the energy would be able to reach a specific level and remain stable. This was great news. This however, had one major drawback; when the charged crystal suffered a sharp impact, they would violently discharge all the energy stored within. This discovery was accidental, and eliminated three talented scientists when a charged shard fell to the floor.

    While recovering from their losses and redirecting unneeded attention from government officials, the Guild finally unearthed an unusual object fitting the description of the ancient texts.With the artifact in hand, Alerar pulled out of Fallien and successfully avoided international conflict.

    Back at Ettermire, the Alchemist’s Guild began extensive research on the artifact. Immediately, they discovered tha—/-**-/**////------…---*//--*..-*-*.//*-*-…-*/**-…-*/.*/*-/*-/..-*.-*/.-*/#.-*.31-*.13qd.*-*.ad.-*234.5-123.a.adfa2#%$- Magic transfer -…-*/.*/*-/*-/..-*.-*/.-*/#.-*.31-*.13 vortex technologies cause an influx of Adf1983cv—23481*--* df78 ac(ESF&g02neqf1-32411dqd/-**-/**////------ critical mass caused an explosion. Several people died. *//--*..-*-*.//*-*-…-*/**-…-*/.*/*-/*-/..-*.-*/.-*/#.-*.31-*.13qd.*-*.ad.-*234.5-83cv—23481*--* df78 ac(ESF&g02neqf1-32411dqda/-**-/**////------…---*//--*..-*-*.//*-*-…- needed to be fused with a living organism. Unfortunately, all living trials had failed into grotesque mutations of their original form. In each incident, the artifact completely consumed its host…**-/**////------…---*//--*..-*-*.//*-*-…-*/**-…83c Graph the object directly with a growing fetus. v—23481*--* df78 ac(ESF&g02neqf1-32411dqda -*/.*/*-/*-/..-*.-*/.-*/#.-*. Experiment was successful! The artifact graphed without destroying the host body. Several surgeries will be needed to *-*.//*-*-…-*/**9anJG=--=_+----**/*==2134)))))=))==90Fg898/*q)*709q4kjch She began training with modified constructs designed to “fire” the catalyst crystals. )))))=))==90Fg898/*q)*709q4kjch___+___+__)(+32154hg(126afsdg _())_(+++_()-0912_+_--34/-)(G8sa2389(*#$ subject has shown the ability to draw magic from her surroundings. Further testing is needed. **-…-*/.*/*-/*-/..-*.-34/-)(G8sa2389)))))=))==90Fg898 is stable so long as critical limits are not met. Rejection of artifact becomes critical when --*/.*/*-/*-/..-*.-*/.-*/#.-*.31-709q4kjch___+___+__)(+32154hg(126afsdg _())_(+++_()- Phase 3 began with the development of a long range weapon. Subject will begin on her 18th Birthday.
    --..-//.--.. THE SUBJECT HAS ESCAPED.

    --- Day 13:

    It’s been almost two weeks now, but I think I shook their trail. They were relentless. I was chased into the nearby wilds and forced to lay low for far too long. Even though it was hell, the free food and water beats trying to catch those furry things that run up trees. Have you ever tried catching one of those things?! They’re fast! Cute too, but food is food. It was gross compared to some of the things they served me in that dungeon. I’ve taken a liking to some of the leafy stuff the other animals eat. It’s bland but with some berries and bark shavings, it’s not too bad.

    Anyway, now that they’ve given up on finding me here, I was able to sneak into Ettermire again. Luckily, I was able to pick up some things in town. Seems people are rather nice to a cute girl in tattered rags. It wasn’t much, but I was able to score some clothes, this journal, and a few tools that should help me survive out there. It’s sad that I can’t stay. There is so much life and noise in town! I I walked past this place called a pub and it was so alive! Yelling, screaming, people punching each other! Oh I really hope there are more places like that out here…

    Well, only one way to find out!

    --- Day 37:

    It’s been over a moon cycle, and a lot has happened. Good and bad… I finally got comfortable in the wilds when the search parties came back. They were more vigorous this time. Deer, elk, bear, if it moved, they shot it. They don’t want me back in chains anymore, they want me dead… I couldn’t stay around there anymore. I had to hitch a ride out of town. I was fortunate enough that a band of men took me in. They said they were going to Archen but wouldn’t state why. One of them really creeped me out; he wore this scarf all the time – even when it was warm. He didn’t talk much, but his serpentine green eyes… I can still feel like they are watching me. Worst off, he seemed to be the leader of their little group.

    At first, everything was fine. The others were a little grabby, but when he was around, they backed off. I tried to be nice since they were giving me a free ride. It was a few days of this before I got suspicious. They made another stop in a small farm village and for some reason; we made camp just outside of town. That night, I saw smoke and heard distant yelling coming from town. I tried not to think too much of it until the next morning there were two more girls in the carriage. One of them had a cut on her forehead, and both looked like they were thrown around in the dirt. They poor things never spoke. They never made eye contact and the jumped any time someone made a loud noise.

    It took a little time, but the one with the cut finally let me tend to her gash. The men watched me the entire time, almost like they were concerned I would do something. Then I figured it out. The bruises around her neck, the blood on her skirt, and the fear in her eyes… They raped her. These men weren't as generous as I originally had thought, and the creepy one knew I had figured something out. When we made a stop at a small spring, I went to refill my canteen and wash my hair when he showed up. It was just him. The others must have been at the cart.

    I remember him asking me if I knew what they were. I told him they were bandits. Like a freak, he only smiled at me. Then he explained he was some head of a large group of killers and we were going to be sold as sex slaves in Knife’s Edge. I was scared. I didn’t know what he was going to do, but he just stood there. It was when the other two, things got bad. They came at me, I… I panicked. I don’t know how or when, but when I came to… they were dead. The guns I stole from the labs were in my hands. I remember them being warm. I also remember him… He laughed. He said I did good, and like it was some kind of dream, he vanished into his own shadow.
    I killed people…
    Sure they were bad, but I killed them. I've never killed a person before.
    Sorry, I’m so sorry… I…

    --- Day 53:

    Me, Daire, and Clarissa made it to Archen on our own. That green eyed demon never came back and no one ever came looking for us. After that experience I realized the world was far more cruel than I gave it credit for. I thought the lab was hell, and once I got out I would know what it was like to be happy and free. Like those people in the pub, I thought life was about laughing, joking, falling in love, but it wasn’t. Life was cruel.

    Once we got in town, I made sure Daire and Clarissa get to the authorities. Daire and I get really close during our trip. I was sad to see her go, but she had been away from home long enough. I wonder what it is like to have a family. I mean, the dark elves and dwarves were the closest thing I had to parents, but they told me I wasn’t a normal child. I wasn’t grown from love. I was born from curiosity.

    Anyway, I was able to settle into some local work. No one here would be looking for a teenage girl as some kind of run-away experiment. My jobs were oddities: sometimes hunting local predators from farms, sometimes hunting down a thief or two. Either way, the jobs were easy, and they put coin in my pockets. I still couldn’t afford a place to live, but I finally had a decent meal and some fresh clothes.

    I hope there is more to living than this.

    --- Day 126:

    I met someone. Her name is Leona Stevvains. She met me after finishing a job to hunt down a group of people from cult of righteous pain or whatever. The objective was to infiltrate one of their underground information chains and cut off their communication venue. I had to work with two others. There was a man in his late fifties with a huge sword and breath that could get you drunk alone. The other one was a kid about my age who decided to take a big job to prove his family he was a man. They were two people that should have never been brought together. Even if it was to save a cat from a tree, they’d find a way to butt heads, get in a scuffle, and somehow maim the cat in the process. It was awful.

    There was a part in the mission where we nearly lost our cover. In fact, if it weren’t for me, we’d all be dead. With a little misdirection and a few zips of my wire, I had eliminated the problem and gave us enough time to escape. While they looked for the ones responsible, we used the search teams to sneak deeper into their ranks. By this point, they learned to listen when I spoke and did as they were told. It was rough, but they were paramount in helping me cut them off from the main group. From there, we diverged on the survivors and left without a scratch. After we reported back for the reward, it was back to the bickering and I was out of there.

    Leona grabbed me just as I left. How she knew I just finished that job and that I would be there at that moment, I have no idea. At first, I thought she was with the cult, but she quickly convinced me otherwise. See, Leona is part of a group called the Tarot Hierarchy. It was complicated for me to understand, but essentially they are looking to bring back the age of magic and search for new things regarding an Ethereal Tap. I don’t really care for most of that, but it did get me thinking. Maybe I could find out what they really did to be back at the lab. Maybe it could be reversed and I could be normal again. Maybe I could stop having this terrible ache in my back at night. Then, she told me I’d have a place of my own to sleep, eat, and drink -A place to call my own – and all I had to do was the same thing I already did. Take jobs, report back, and get paid.

    Needless to say, I became a part of her group. She called me a Minor Arcana, a one of pentacles. I’m not sure what that meant, but I didn’t have to worry about where to sleep anymore.

    --- Day 287:

    I was promoted to one of the tens today! Leona is impressed with how much I have developed. Even Oliver has taken a shining to me. I guess all this hard work has paid off. I finally feel like I have a purpose. I don’t feel afraid anymore and today, I finally got to go to a pub! It was amazing. After a hard month of running operations for the Hierarchy, being around a group of loud, laughing, and flirtatious people is a blast!

    Y’know, if this keeps up, I might make it to one of the Major Arcana. I would just LOVE to work with Oliver and Leona one day.

    --- Day 324:

    They let me lead a group of the lesser pentacles on a mission last week. We had to go to Fallien to investigate an anomaly at one of the fields of glass. Apparently, it was discovered that a dig site had once been there. Leona explained that the politics around Fallien are quite sensitive. She said that where we would be operating was sacred land. She put me in charge to make sure the minors didn’t slip up and cause a problem or break anything important. It was a boring job, and we had a few skirmishes with rogue harpies, but nothing out of the ordinary. What we found out was confidential, so writing it here may be a problem.

    Oh well, it stays on me all the time anyway. :P

    What we found was that the dig site was set up by someone from the mainlands. Some of the tools we dug up were elven. That meant either Raieara or Alerar – maybe Corone or some of those Scara Brae pirates. Either way, we found a few letters that had been snagged in some bush a few miles off. The sun had bleached the hell out of the words but it was clearly in elvish. I did remember the Alchemists speaking elvish, but I couldn’t read the damn thing. None of the other minors had an inkling to what it read either, but based on how crisp some of the remaining text was, it was unlikely an uneducated group was responsible.

    Anyway, we collected a few samples of soil and a few other interesting objects (with the approval of Fallien) and returned them to Leona for analysis. When I handed her our findings, she gave me a dead stare. She asked me how I felt. It didn’t make sense as to why. She was usually too busy tending to everything else she does. I told her I was fine, a little sore, but fine. I remember her just nodding, then turning around without a word. I assumed that meant I was dismissed, but as I was about to leave, she stopped me. What came next, I will never forget.

    “Alyssa,” she said, “You’ve caught the eye of The Three. You’ve been promoted to Queen of Pentacles. Congratulations.”

    It was very matter of fact, but I felt like she was proud of me. It was what I imagine a mother would say to her child after a job well done. It felt good. I felt good.

    It’s been a long journey and I know it’s just begun, but I feel happy. This is what freedom is like. This is what living is all about.

    --- Day 348:

    I received a note from Leona early this morning. She wants to meet me at the pub I like to frequent. She said my attendance was mandatory and I should bring all my gear. It’s unlike her to be so vague. I wonder what is going to happen. Oh my Thaynes… Is this the trials for the Major Arcana?!

  2. #2
    Wide eyed & bushy tailed
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    Remedy Blue

    Hey, can you link to where you received the guns?

  3. #3
    EXP: 12,177, Level: 4
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    Alyssa Dianne Snow
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    Approved in original profile here.

  4. #4
    Wide eyed & bushy tailed
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    Remedy Blue

    Is the idea that the bullets count as the number of times she can 'cast' her spells? (Apart from the direct use of her artifact?)

  5. #5
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    Alyssa Dianne Snow
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    Yes, that's the general idea. The guns are just elaborate and flashy versions of a spell wand (Specializing in close to medium engagements) and spell staff (Specializing in long range to unique scenario engagements). She is also able to charge rounds on the fly or at rest, dependent on environmental conditions and elements present. She doesn't (cannot) draw energies from the Tap as most mages would. Further developments will reveal why this is and how the relic, ammunition, and her body are able to do this.

    Her artifact is also limited to a set number of charges at any given point in time which may or may not increase as she levels (dependent on element, strength of spell, and availability of resources).

    The different modes each element can be "fired" is supposed to reflect what she can do in that "elemental school of magic". Each element will only have three "forms" and will not change over level growth (except for minor increases or decreases to certain performance data). Aside from spells stored in the artifact (typically continuous or passive), she must physically switch weapons to change the different form of spell within that school of magic. Considering the time it would take to switch from revolver to heavy long-rifle in the heat of combat, this proves as a disadvantage in comparison to traditional casters and she rarely will be seen carrying both into combat.

    At any given point, she can only have 12 spells loaded to her pistols (with 6 reserve) and 3+1 loaded into her rifle (which she has not learned to charge yet). Crystals are rechargeable per the charging guidelines above.

    More crystals (or charges) can ONLY be acquired through a quest which she must obtain more materials from the protected fields of glass in Fallien (or skilled exceptionally Alchemist), then professionally cut (by an exceptionally skilled Jeweler) to the geometry needed to successfully contain a full charge of energy until released by the Aleran engineered weapons (fancy wands) or "M-Class Firearms". Keep in mind that the geometry of the pistol round is less complex than that of the larger rifle round. The cutting charges can be done in the bazaar via the crafting guidelines and are subject to masterwork modifiers or amounts deemed appropriate by Althanas Staff (Lye excluded) per round.

    If you would like to set a firm price to craft each round from raw material acquired via quest, please let me know so I could maintain consistency in pricing moving forward.

  6. #6
    Wide eyed & bushy tailed
    EXP: 59,008, Level: 10
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    Remedy Blue

    If you would like to set a firm price to craft each round from raw material acquired via quest, please let me know so I could maintain consistency in pricing moving forward.
    When an ability and item cross over so much, it becomes part of that ability and defined by the level cap rather than being able to purchase or craft for it. I'm more for you being able to add more as you level up.

    At the moment this looks too strong. The real issue is the unlocked blasts from the artifact. Being able to cast Water/Ice Raw spell every ten seconds is too strong. Even if you could only do it twice a thread you'd be pushing the acceptable level given your large number of small versions.

  7. #7
    EXP: 12,177, Level: 4
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    Alyssa Dianne Snow
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    Okay. I reduced the artifact ability to once per ten seconds near large bodies of water and ten minutes (I wouldn't expect most fights to last longer than that here) in a humid environment. Dry places like Fallien, hot summer days in the midlands, and most indoor settings (with or without flames/fires) would be too arid to pull enough moisture for the spell.

  8. #8
    Wide eyed & bushy tailed
    EXP: 59,008, Level: 10
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    Remedy Blue

    If you can lock the second part of the ability to manipulate the crystals:

    She can only move these as fast or as strong as her own two arms. If in a dire straight, she potentially could use this ability to puncture a foe with the point of her crystals. This would be ill advised at the risk of losing her precious ammunition. The maximum number of free-floating gems she can manipulate is 35, no longer than 3" and wider than a half inch.
    So she can use the ability to load, just not stab someone with the crystals.

    We'll be good to go.

  9. #9
    EXP: 12,177, Level: 4
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    Alyssa Dianne Snow
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    Edited. They are unable to be used offensively.

  10. #10
    Wide eyed & bushy tailed
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