Tankita slowly opened up what many would consider her 'eyes' after her abrupt nap and found herself face to face with a person she never thought she would see again. A tall woman stood before the war machine with long blonde hair, hazel brown eyes, a red and white striped tank top and black pants. The woman craned her head top the side at the tank as if she attempted to gauge just what the large mass of steel was. After a few careful blinks, she shrugged her shoulders and walked off.

Tankita knew what the girl had to have thought because she would have thought the same thing; the large fixture was some sort of strange testament to Pode in this cursed forest, and would in no way harm her. The machine started to follow this woman, her treads a loud rumble upon the ground as she approached. The woman once known as Tamara Bananas turned her head to see the metallic monster come closer, and let out a shrill scream that could pierce the heavens.

"No!" Tankita tried to shout into the mind of the girl, "Wait! don't go that way! Tamara!" Her pleas were to no avail, and the woman darted off into the darkness of the forest, where the growls and grumbles of the creatures within soon fell silent. The innocent girl knew not what she headed into, but the death trap she would become knew all too well now the dangers of Lindqualme.

And so, Tankita Bananas followed her former self into both the unknown and the too well known.