“With pleasure General,” Ioder said with a hint of distain. He wasn’t sure if they were trying to make him feel a fool but between the Drow and Talen they did the job. With a brilliant flash of radiant light a beautiful pair of white feathered wings erupted from his back. His bright wings contrasted the red hues of the brush. The mismatched group of comrades didn’t seem to be very impressed by his flashy show, either they didn’t car or had seen things far cooler than him before. Ioder launched himself up into the air with his powerful wings and grabbed hold of Harold’s staff. “Hold on!” he yelled as with a powerful flap of his wings they two took off.

After setting Harold down on the other side of the little river the seraphim did not decent back to the ground. Instead he continued to hover for a moment waiting for Talen to cross over with the Drow woman. As they did Ioder signaled to them, “Im going on. I need to take care of some business ahead.” With those being his last words to the group Ioder took flight once more breaking up through the canopy of trees. The sun was warm on his face as he rose higher and higher up into the clouds above.

Ive been Dqed. My most sincere apologies to you Mage Hunter.